Interview: HeartbrokenDevils

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Hey guys! We are reviewing the entries for the Writing Contest that we put up recently, so don't fret. It's coming. Most of us should be getting out of school soon so we'll be much more active for the summer. And guess what? TODAY IS MY BIRTHDAY


1. What is your name? (optional)

My full name is Coraelina Esmerelda Rochelle Lerizk, but you can call me Raelin.

2. How would you describe yourself? (in three sentences or more)

On wattpad, I'm very sassy and crazy, but in real life I'm a socially anxious potato. I also tend to forget a lot of things like my own birthday, LOL. And I'm addicted to eating pumpkin seeds.

3. Have you ever been to a foreign country? Anywhere other than the one you would call home? If so, what are some interesting things you saw there?

I've been to New Zealand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Australia and I've always wanted to visit America (I live in Hong Kong). Some of the interesting things I've seen are lion/dragon dances, monkeys breaking into my house in Malaysia, and a wild boar that escaped into the mall once.

4. What inspires you to write? A person, a place? Anything!

My inspiration for writing mainly comes from music, like Pierce the Veil, Broadway Karkat, Sleeping with Sirens and My Chemical Romance.

5. How old were you when you took an interest in writing?

I think I was 4....?

6. Why did you choose your current username? Does it represent you? Does it have a story behind it?

It started when people began to call me Satan because of the music I like and and for the name of an OC I used to use.

7. What is the first story you wrote that you can remember? Is it on Wattpad?

The first story I ever wrote when I was 6 was about Bluestar becoming a rapping caterpillar when ThunderClan perished in a flood. And no, it's not on wattpad XD

8. Do you prefer to write a story in pencil on paper first? Or do you use a computer?

I prefer paper and pencil. It feels more realistic for me.

9. How did you find Wattpad, and what about it was the reason you decided to stay once you found it?

I actually can't remember. It was about two years ago, I think? But I decided to stay because I feel much more accepted here

10. What is your favorite book on Wattpad, why is it your favorite, and would you suggest this book to others?

My personal favourite is Boy in My Class (Gerard Way X Reader) because it's just so heartbreaking, luring and the ending is bittersweet and not a typical happy ending.If you like to cry your eyes out then you should read this book.

11. Who is your favorite author on Wattpad and why?

My favourite author is @potatoyoghurt because her fan fictions are so wittily thought out and unique. And she writes a ton of fan fiction so I never run out of things to read

12. How did you find out about Warriors, and what made you stick to the series?

I found a manga in a bookstore when I was four but my mum didn't let me read it until I was 6 because she thought I couldn't read at that age. I started reading it from Into the Woods with Sasha.

13. What is your favorite scene from any of the books, and why is it your favorite?

The scene when Scourge kills Tigerstar because I really hate Tigerstar due to the fact he reminds me of Donald Trump

14. What inspired you to write Warriors fanfiction(s)?

The fun part of creating OCs

15. How many people do you know in person who also have read Warriors?

About 17. I know there's a lot more people though in my school that read it because it was a really popular book series for us in 5th grade.

16. Who is your favorite Warriors character from a FanFiction here on Wattpad?

I'm sorry I don't have one on wattpad. But from this fan fiction on instagram I read my favourite character is Goldsand from @goldsandstories.

17. What tips would you like to give to any aspiring authors?

Please don't make your character a power player or a mary sue like Dovewing (sorry Dovewing)

18. What would you say is the most important when writing a story?

The plot line because I've read a lot of fan fictions with crazy, unstable plot lines that make no sense.

19. Tell us about any of your Warriors fanfiction(s), what it is about, and why we should read it.

I only have one warrior cat fan fiction that I've only finished the first chapter of. It's about a rogue named Curse who accidentally killed a two leg when she was young and is constantly hunted by her psycho mother. It has a bit of a unique plot line and if you're into plot twists you should read it.

20. Is there anything you'd like to say to your friends, fans and readers? Any shout-outs to specific Wattpad members?

To my non-existent fans, thank you all for being here. And a shoutout to my best friend in real life, Damian

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