Chapter 19

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Picture: Ariel and Ryder (dating)

Denis's pov:

I was told that Luna was missing, so I went to Cameron's house as soon as I could, where the other guys were with some people I didn't know, I just smiled awkwardly at them, and went to talk to James about where she could be. Apparently there was no news from the police, so that wasn't any help to us at all.

Thinking about where she could be taken, I wad searching on my phone places where people are kidnapped are most likely to be taken. One place was abandoned ware houses.

So I shouted to the guys, "ANY ABANDONED WARE HOUSES AROUND?"

Jeremy looked confused at first and then got what I was getting at, the other turned around and looked me, thinking.

Sam said "There's one about an hour away from here, so we could always go to that and check round it, if she's not there, there's another one about an hour and half away, if not there then there's no other abandoned ware houses, there's a derelict hospital though on the way back from the ware houses, and possibly the woods??? I heard that there's a few houses in the woods."

Nodding we told the police officers what we thought, so they said to be careful and they would send out an alert for people to look out for Luna. I was worried like hell, because I really liked her, she was a great friend and I knew Jeremy wouldn't know what to do without her, as he had to go back to America in a few weeks, before his band goes on tour. Our band wouldn't be on tour for another few months.

Hurriedly, Ariel, Ryder, Kye, Lottie and Toby jumped into Kye's car. James, Brandi, Haley, Cameron and Sam jumped into Cameron's car. Me, Ben, Ciara, Bex (Ben's older sister if you didn't know) and Ben's mum Sarah jumped into Ben's car and Hannah (James sister) jumped into her car with Phoebe the dog. The 3 cars drove to the first ware house we were going to be checking. I was looking out the window, keeping my eye out for any sign of Luna. Ben' mum Sarah, was comforting me and Bex, because we were both really worried. Bex looked at me sigh and put her arms around me hugging me in the car.

Getting out of the car and walking to the abandoned building, we pushed the door and it opened. I sighed and we silently walked in, trying not to make a noise. I didn't want anything happening to us as well as Luna. I internally groaned, because this was going to be harder than I thought. We decided to go in groups of at least 3.

●Bex, Ben, Ciara
●Hannah, Sarah, Toby
●Kye, Ryder, Ariel and me (Denis)
●Lottie, James, Brandi
●Cameron, Haley, Sam and Phoebe the dog

Us 4 disappeared to the top floor, because there was about 8 floors, so we were doing the top 2 the others were doing the rest. We were all meeting back at the bottom together in about an hour.

Trailing around the top floor, being extremely quiet, there wasn't much, there was a chair with some rope around it and a whip, there also looked to be a little light bulb, but nothing else no human, we moved onto the next room and it was really cold, no window. And very dim lighting. I sighed softly, Ariel looks at me, and took Ryders hand, Kye looked around, looking freaked out, I smiled slightly at him, he smiled back.

Finishing looking around all the rooms on the top floor, we went to the next floor we had to look around, checking the time we only had half an hour, that would be enough to look around the floor. We went into one room, and it looked like a nursery or play room, with a yellow colour to the walls, with pink and blue stripey walls, there was a crib, a high chair, and a toy box full of toys, a little kitchen, a little dining table for children, and a dolly house with old fashioned dolls. It was quiet magnificent if I must say, but it was also slightly un-nerving. But there was no sign of human life. We finished walking around the floor, and headed down the steps to the bottom floor, everyone else was there.

We all agreed there was no sign of Luna, so we went to the next building, which yet again there was no sign of her which was weird. So we went to the derelict hospital.

It honestly looked so creepy, I didn't feel like going in there, but I knew I had to if I was going to search for Luna

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It honestly looked so creepy, I didn't feel like going in there, but I knew I had to if I was going to search for Luna. We all decided to go as one big group. We walked into the hospital, I tool a deep breath and shudder, before entering.

Cameron's pov:
We've been looking for at least 4 hours in the buildings before going to the hospital, where Denis took a deep breath and shuddered before entering. I had Phoebe on her lead and my arm around Haleys waist, she smiled softly at me and said "Luna will be ok, she's a strong girl."

I took a deep breath and nodded. Knowing haley was right, I headed off to one of the rooms and we had a look round, there was no one, so we went into one of the wards, it was empty the beds were rotting, the floor was dingy, it was cold as hell. We searched all through the hospital, before we decided to leave it, we honestly searched every where. It was around 10pm when we reached home. I ended up having everyone stay for the night, even though there wasn't many places to sleep.

So in the spare rooms was: James and Brandi, and Sarah, Bex, and Hannah, who didn't mind sharing. The others slept on the sofas or on bean bags I had somewhat found.

The next morning, I got out of bed, washed, dressed and went to get some breakfast for everyone. When there was a letter saying:

Dear Cameron, Haley, friends and family of Luna Liddell.

Just letting you know, but she is all well and safe in my hands, that is of bow, until I decide what to do with her. Did I mention I've been stalking her for a while now? Well I'm her ex Peter. I never wanted her to leave me, but she did, and she moved on quickly, yes I did some terrible stuff in that relationship, yes maybe it wasn't right of me to do it, but she deserved it. Now I've finally got her. If you want her back, all you have to do, is give me £100000 by the end of next week, so you have 12 days. If not she's dead. My number is (phone number) text me when you have the money and I will get someone to come with me and bring your precious friend and sister to you, and if you have the money I'll give her to you, if not then I'll kill her in front of you.

Thanks for reading. From Peter.

I groaned and everyone who was awake read the letter. Eventually everyone had read it and they was all looking at one another. I finished breakfast and then disappeared to show the police.

They read it and looked at me saying "We'll give you the money so on Friday next week, you text him telling him where to meet, and then we can come and hide and arrest him."

I nodded that sounded like a great plan. So I went home, I told them all about it and they nodded. Clearly agreeing with the plan of action.

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