Chapter 11

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Luna's pov:

I woke up the next morning, with my side aching like mad, all of a sudden I remembered the fall and everything and looked at my side, just as I suspected a massive bruise was forming. I grumbled and got out of my bunk, then went and took a shower. It really hurt to wash that side, but I managed it.

I checked my phone when I was all dressed and ready. I had a message from someone.

From: Unknown number

Keep watching your back.

I frowned and flipped it off, thinking it was a wrong number. I just left it, wondering what it meant by keep watching your back. I went over to Jeremy at breakfast, I smiled at him, and he said "Something bothering you?" I shook my head, and Trixx just laughs and says "Liar, tell us." So I told them, and Ash being Ash went and told my brother and his band. I groaned knowing that I was going to probably get told to be with one of them all the time.

I went and watched New years day on stage, and then went to watch Motionless In White, Nikki went with me, and then he took me to go over to them, so we could all chat. But I knew one band I wanted to see, which was Blood On The Dance Floor. So I went and watched them, and met them and everything.

I met up with Robby and Damon. We went around Warped Tour together, and had the time of our life. They invited me out that night, so I accepted, not knowing what we was going to be doing.

----------- That night --------------

I was out with Robby and Damon, Damon said "Let's go to the park or something." I nodded and so we went to the nearest park, and sat on the swings, we just talked for hours, someone came over and said "Why are you emo fags here?" I looked at them and said "We have every right to be and who said you could call us emo fags?" He smirked and said "Well considering you supposedly have every right to be here, then I have right to call you what I want." I rolled my eyes and snarled "You're just trying to start a fight, but your messing with the wrong person." He laughs so loudly and turns around saying "What are you gonna do? Nothing, cos your a little pussy, and you couldn't fight to save your own life, go fucking cry to your mummy and slit your emo wrists."

Them words, was what made me mad, I got up and walked over to him, grabbing his throat and saying "I'll fucking fight you right now." He smiles slightly and nods. I let go and he throws the first punch, hitting me in the shoulder. I laughed at his weak attempt and smacked him hard in the jaw, sending him stumbling, he regained balance, coming at me, shoving me backwards on to my back. I was about the get up, when he came and kicked me in the ribs, but I hooked my foot around the back of his leg, and pulled it, so he came crashing down. I got up and kicked his face, so he managed to get up and punch me in the stomach knocking the wind out of me. I gasped and fully went for him, shoving him to the ground, I sat on him and kept throwing punches, til he was unconscious, and his friends had to take him away.

Damon and Robby, had to walk me back to the bus, because I was more than likely ready to hit anyone who said anything nasty or gave me a shitty look.

I arrived back at the bus and Sam looked at me and said "Bloody hell you look like shit." I rolled my eyes and went to clean myself up. Cameron to the bathroom and asked "What happened?" So I told him everything, he sighs, and said "Just leave people, their assholes and need to piss off." I nodded, and went to my bunk, listening to my music, before falling into a deep sleep.

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