X is for X-Rated

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(Gyno!Negan x Patient!Reader oneshot, so this is AU and not set in the Walking Dead universe).

X is for X-Rated

You sat on the edge of the examination table, your clothes in a pile on the chair across the room. Hands held the edges of the scratchy medical gown closed over your chest, as you waited a little impatiently for the doctor to enter and get this over with so that you could get a clean bill of health, another year of birth control, and mark this appointment off your to-do list.

At first, you had been upset when you called to make the appointment and learned that your usual gynecologist had left this hospital, but the receptionist had assured you that her replacement was well-qualified and liked by his patients. You had been hesitant about having a male gynecologist, but decided that it would be too much hassle to search around for someone else. So, you had made the appointment for your yearly pap smear and exam, and now, three weeks later, here you were.

Right as you were starting to get annoyed with waiting, footsteps stopped outside the door and a soft knock sounded before it opened.

Holy Fucking Shit!

That was your first thought when the beautiful specimen of a man stepped into the room. He was tall, with broad shoulders and long limbs. His dark hair was pushed back off his face, he was sporting a neatly trimmed salt-and-pepper beard, and when his gaze met yours, you saw that his eyes were a brilliant shade of hazel. His perfectly shaped lips curved upwards into a grin before parting to showcase straight, white teeth. You were unable to breathe as you stared at him in awe. The man even had god damn dimples, for crying out loud!

"Hello there. I'm Dr. Negan," he greeted, his voice deep and rich like melted chocolate. You stared up at him for a few long seconds before your brain finally took in the white coat he was wearing and the chart he was holding in one hand. Your chart.

Fucking hell, HE'S the new gyno?!

You took a few deep breaths in an effort to calm yourself while Dr. Negan walked over to the desk beside the examination table and sat down on the low stool, opening your chart and looking through it. He asked you a couple questions about your sexual history, and it was all you could do not to blush while answering. You stared at his profile while he made notes in the chart, taking in his features and the little wrinkles around his eyes and mouth that signaled he was probably somewhere in his 40s. This wasn't helpful, since you had a secret weakness for hot older men, and Dr. Negan was one of the sexiest men you had ever seen, regardless of age. When he stood up and asked you to lay back on the table for the breast exam, you briefly considered bolting off the table and making a run for it. You quickly scolded yourself for such a thought, convinced that you should have more control over your hormones than this.

This idea was proven false when he parted the front of your gown and exposed your breasts. Your nipples hardened instantly, and you told yourself it was due to the chilly air in the room, and had nothing to do with the outrageously attractive man standing beside you. Maybe if you just focused on the ceiling tiles and thought about something else you could get through this and...

You jerked when his warm, latex-covered hand touched your left breast. He started rubbing in a circular pattern around your breast, starting at the outside and moving in ever smaller circles towards your nipple. When the side of his hand brushed over the sensitive nub, you couldn't help the small gasp of surprise as a jolt of pleasure shot through you. Glancing over at Dr. Negan, hoping that he hadn't noticed, you saw that he was looking at your face with brows furrowed, as if deep in thought. It only lasted a second before he jerked his gaze away and walked around to the other side of the examination table so that he could repeat the procedure on your right breast.

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