H is for Handjob

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Watching the passing trees fly by out the driver's side window, before turning your head to look over at Negan. He and the Saviors had just completed a successful supply run, and the big van was packed with all sorts of goodies for The Sanctuary. While the rest of the men had crammed into the pickup truck and led the way back to the compound, you and Negan had decided to follow behind in the supply van. The truck of men was chugging along in front of you, and you could clearly see some of them laughing and high fiving through the back window. Everyone was in good spirits from the load of useful supplies that had been found on the run.

Well, everyone but Negan. He still had a serious expression on his face, and hadn't said much except, "Well fucking done," as the supplies were all loaded into the van.

You and Negan had started fucking just a few weeks ago; you had tried to resist the gruff, powerful man, but he had broken down your resolve. Although, to be fair, it didn't take too much cajoling on his part, what with that voice and those eyes and that beautiful fucking body of his. However, you had made it clear that you were not going to become one of his wives, and also that you weren't going to give up your spot as one of his Saviors. You were damned adept at your job, and were proud as hell to be his only female Savior. He had agreed, saying you were too valuable to just throw in lingerie and allow to waste away on a couch with his other wives. So here you were, alone in a van with him after a successful supply run, yet not celebrating. But you were about to change that.

Keeping your face turned forward, watching the road and the truck of men ahead, you slid your left hand along the seat and towards Negan. Your fingers trailed up over his hip and landed on his crotch. You saw Negan glance over in your peripheral vision, his rough voice asking, "What the fuck do you think you're doing?"

Knowing that he wasn't actually mad, you smirked and taunted, "Just wait and see."

Turning your head in order to see what you were doing, you unbuckled his belt with one hand, which wasn't the easiest of feats. However, you didn't want to lean over too far, or else anyone in the truck ahead could look back and notice that something was off. Once you had finally completed your goal, you lowered the zipper on his jeans, pleased to find that he wasn't wearing any underwear.

He gave a hiss when you pulled his already hardening dick out of his pants, before hoarsely saying, "Fucking hell, doll."

When he looked over and met your gaze, you gave a big smile and winked at him playfully, before giving his dick a squeeze. Removing your hand, you spit into the palm, then reached back over, grabbing his cock and stroking him slowly. Negan gave a small groan and you saw his hands tighten slightly on the steering wheel.

"Sweetheart, you keep that up, and we're going to need a real fucking good excuse for why we end up turned over in a fucking ditch."

Giving a laugh, you purred, "Guess you better keep your focus on the road then, Sir."

Your hand picked up its pace, sliding up and down his thick flesh, your finger swiping over the sensitive slit at the top with every upward stroke. When sweat started to break out on Negan's temples, and he was gritting his teeth while periodically moaning, you knew that it wouldn't take long for him to reach his peak. You were limited in what you could do for him while trying to maintain your upright posture and not being obvious to the others but....

"Fuck it," you growled, leaning over and adding your right hand to the mix, at this point not giving a shit if anyone in the truck suspected what was happening. You used your second hand to cup Negan's balls and roll them between your fingers, while your left hand picked up the pace even more, giving a twist with every downward stroke, which you knew drove Negan crazy. His cock was red and pulsing, with pre-come pooling at the tip. You smeared it with your thumb, causing him to give what sounded suspiciously like a whine. His eyes were fixed on the road ahead, and his knuckles were white from his death-grip on the wheel. You saw a drop of sweat slid down his cheek and into his beard, and wished you could hop across the console and lick it off, could taste his tan, muscular flesh beneath your tongue.

Negan's hips started to jerk up off the seat with every stroke, and his voice was even deeper and more raspy than usual when he said, "If you don't stop, I'm going to-"

"Do it," you ordered, not caring if it came out more a demand than a request.

Negan obviously didn't mind either, because with your words, he gave a deep growl and started to come. You felt the van jerk slightly, as he struggled to maintain control over his driving while simultaneously giving up control of his cock to you. And Negan giving up control was a beautiful sight to behold. You watched in awe as thick ropes of cum spurted from his cock to land on his jeans and your hand. His hips canted and his face turned red as he snarled and moaned his way through the orgasm. You continued to stroke him through it, until he had no more to give; until he twitched away from the suddenly overwhelming sensations of your hands with a groan.

Releasing him, you sat back upright in your seat, glad to see that none of the men in the truck were paying you or Negan any attention. He looked over at you, and you held his gaze while lifting your hand to your mouth and licking off the streaks of cum on your fingers. He groaned and turned his attention back to the road before growling, "Jesus fuck, doll. You're going to be the death of me."

Smiling happily, you replied, "Don't go dying on me yet. That was only a preview of what I hope to do to you when we get back to The Sanctuary."

A devious smirk curled his lips at your words. You couldn't help but laugh when Negan honked the van's horn and yelled out the open window at the truck, "Hurry the fuck up! I got a celebratory fucking to get home to!"

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