G is for Give or Take

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Is Negan more of a giver in the bedroom, or a taker? Well, it's safe for you to say that he is most certainly, and without a doubt, the former. While Negan might take lots of things from other people, such as the supplies from other communities or the dignities and lives of those who cross him, there is one thing that he absolutely loves to give. And that thing is orgasms.

Sometimes, you swear that it's a challenge for him to see how many times and how many ways he can make you come, on any given day. Whether it's from a day-long marathon of hot sex in his big bed, or him grabbing you at random times throughout the day, Negan is always looking for new ways to give you an orgasm. For example, there was the time when you were walking down the hall towards commissary, minding your own business. You had turned a corner, and barely had time to register that Negan was turning the corner in the opposite direction, before he grabbed your arm and pulled you into the nearby broom closet. There, he proceeded to pull down your pants, drop to his knees, and cause your screams to echo through the small space as he ate your pussy like his life depended on it. When you had come all over his lips and tongue, absolutely soaking him in your release, he had stood up and smirked arrogantly, as if he knew that he had just tilted your world on its axis. He had then calmly left the broom closet and continued on his way, as if nothing had even happened.

And then, there were the instances when he didn't even care about privacy. Like the time when he had been conversing with his top Saviors, all of them sitting around a large table, like a rag tag version of a corporate meeting. You had brought them refreshments, like Negan had requested, but as you were about to leave, he had beckoned you over to him. You had gasped in surprise when he grabbed you by the waist and pulled you to sit on his knee. Your face had turned red as his hand slid under the hem of your shirt, his leather-coated thumb rubbing tantalizing circles on your stomach, while he continued to discuss numbers and strategies with his men. They had all pointedly not looked at you, instead nodding and listening intently to Negan, as if you weren't even there. The table was high enough that you were concealed from the waist down, but that didn't stop you from freezing in shock when Negan unbuttoned your jeans with one hand, then lowered the zipper. Looking up at his profile, you were almost annoyed with how calm and collected he looked, his gaze fixed on his men as he continued to talk about some topic. You had no clue what they were discussing at that point, because it was then that Negan's leather-coated fingers dipped into your jeans, under your panties, and parted your slit.

Within minutes, he had two fingers knuckle-deep inside you, his thumb rubbing your clit. It had taken all of your concentration and restraint to keep a semi-neutral face, wiggling your hips below the table and breathing heavily. You had let out a few quiet moans and whimpers, not loud enough for any of the Saviors to hear, but loud enough that the curl of Negan's lips let you know that he had heard. And when you couldn't take it anymore, when his magical fingers drove you over the edge of an orgasm, you had clenched your teeth and dug your nails into the leather of his sleeve. Releasing a gasp and a slightly louder moan, the Savior closest to you to had glanced curiously in your direction, before quickly glancing away to refocus on Negan. When you had finished, and finally felt able to move without toppling off Negan's lap and onto the floor, you had re-buttoned your pants and stood up. Wobbling to the door on shaky legs, you had barely made it back to your room before collapsing on the bed and staring dazedly up at the ceiling.

And the best part was, Negan didn't seem to mind when you got off and he didn't. Most men you had known would expect you to return the favor as soon as possible, giving some lame-ass comment about "blue balls" or how "unfair" it was for you to have an orgasm without them. But not Negan. No, he seemed to thrive on getting you off, even if it meant his own dick never left his pants. So long as he had you writhing and whining and begging for the type of heavenly pleasure that only he could provide, he was happy. And when he did finally decide that it was his turn to take...when he finally let himself relax, sit back, and allow you to give him pleasure, it felt as if you had just been gifted the keys to the city. And lord...did you ever enjoy when you got to show him that turnabout was fair play.

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