V is for Volume

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Does Negan make sounds during sex? Oh, yes, does he ever! Negan is a loud, expressive man in general, so it should come as no surprise that those traits also extend to fucking. For a man who demands control and dominance in all situations, he sure doesn't care about controlling his verbal reactions during sex.

Of course, there are the more common sounds he makes. The groans and moans he releases when you stroke hands over his body, or grind up against him eagerly. The way he'll snarl and growl like a wild animal when you're sucking his cock, curling up his lips and gritting his teeth with pleasure. There's the quiet grunts he lets out with each deep thrust inside you, when he's close to blowing his load. And then there's that other noise, the one that makes your pussy clench just thinking about it. It's the one where Negan lets out a loud, hoarse shout of release. It's rare to get Negan into such a spiral of pleasure as to elicit this sound, but when you do, it feels as though you've won the sexual lottery.

But, you've learned over the months that there is a less common sound that you can elicit from Negan, if you play your cards just right.

That noise is his laugh...which might not sound like a very sexy noise to some, but with Negan, this is more of a turn on than one might think. Although Negan enjoys laughing in general, it's usually in a more sadistic way, such as while he's doling out a punishment or delivering blows from Lucille. And sometimes he'll laugh in response to his own sarcastic jokes, bellowing loudly with his head thrown back, as if an actor in a dramatic play. These laughs are more energetic and have a purpose; they serve to both intimidate and throw others off balance. But those aren't the type of laugh you're talking about. There's another laugh, one that's more soft and intimate, that Negan utters when the two of you are alone. Negan is a serious man when it comes to sex, and loves to focus on driving you insane with pleasure. So when you're able to finally make him relax, turning the sexual mood from serious and intense into light and playful, that's when this laugh comes out. It's a sound that signifies that his tough exterior has dropped, and he's finally allowing himself to go with the flow and have a good time, without worrying about how he appears to others.

For example, there was that one time when you snuck into the office connected to his bedroom, while he was out showering. You had noticed that his leather jacket was draped over his desk chair...and inspiration struck. Stripping down, so that you were wearing nothing but the jacket, you waited for him to return. You leaned against the front of his desk seductively, the front of the jacket zipped up just enough to keep your nipples from showing, while the end reached down to barely cover your ass. Negan had opened the door in just a towel, frozen in wide-eyed surprise at the vision in front of him. After tracing his eyes up and down your form, he had moved towards you with a primal, driven look on his face. However, you had turned and darted away from him, putting the desk between the two of you, a playful smirk on your face. He released one of his low growls, causing shivers to dart up your spine, before he lunged around the desk. The game of cat and mouse didn't last long, but he still gave a gleeful cry of victory when he was finally able to snag an arm around your waist and pull you close, his towel falling to the floor in the process and revealing his beautiful erection. And then it happened. He let out that laugh, the one that was full of pure happiness and glee, the one that crinkled his eyes and made him look like a joyful, young boy...and made you giggle in return. You had squealed when he then picked you up and threw you over his shoulder before walking across the office and into the bedroom, where he proceeded to thoroughly enjoy his prized catch.

Yes, Negan likes to make a lot of different noises during sex, and he has no qualms about volume or frequency. But when you can make him drop his emotional walls and genuinely laugh during sex...well, to you, that's the sexiest noise he can make.

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