P is for Pain

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Obviously, Negan isn't shy about doling out pain in a nonsexual way, as shown by his hot iron punishments and the way he uses Lucille to beat the holy hell out of anyone who dares to cross him. And while he might not be quite as brutal in the bedroom, Negan isn't averse to incorporating a little pain into sex, if his partner is willing.

He loves seeing your ass all red and glowing from his palm. Or the small bruises on your flesh from his fingers and teeth. He'll even utilize Lucille from time to time, if you're willing; running the sharp barbs down your soft flesh and leaving red scratches behind. It's not necessarily giving pain that gets him off, so much as the idea that he's leaving marks that he can view later. Marks that let him, and everyone else, know that you are completely his.

Negan isn't the type of man who can dole out pain, yet refuse to receive it. In fact, he loves making you lose control during sex, to the point where you go wild and mark him in return. He's proudly worn scratches on his shoulders and chest, from where your nails dug in during the throes of your pleasure. And he's sported his own bite marks and hickies along his neck, which are typically covered by his scarf and so hidden from the others. But you know that they're there, that underneath that well-polished façade, his body is marked as yours just as much as your body is marked as his. And on any given day, it's a guarantee that either one or both of you will carry the visible reminder of the other's passion from the night before.

The sharp bite of pain and the sweet throb of pleasure have become intertwined when the two of you are together, and sometimes it's impossible to distinguish one from the other. But there is one thing that is for certain: pain has never felt so desirable, nor so satisfying, as it does when you're giving and receiving it with Negan. 

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