S is for Spanking

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You walked over to where Negan sat on the edge of the bed, patting his knee. His face was stern, but his eyes twinkled with an underlying mirth. He knew that you were going to enjoy this just as much as he was.

Laying your naked body face-down and sideways across his lap, you shivered at the feel of Negan's rough jeans against your breasts and stomach, and the cool slide of his leather jacket against your side.

"Now, I want you to fucking count each one. You miss a number, and we start the whole fucking way back at zero. Understood?"

You squeezed your thighs together in excitement, nodding and saying, "Yes, sir."

You heard the smirk in his voice when he replied, "Good girl."

There were a few long seconds of silence, in which Negan built the anticipation. Right when you were wondering just what he was waiting for...it happened.

His bare hand came down, swift and hard, on your left ass cheek, the sharp pain causing you to bite your lip to keep from crying out. "One," you said, trying hard as possible to maintain a calm and poised tone.

Negan chuckled above you. "Trying to play tough tonight, doll? We'll see how fucking long that lasts."

And with that, his palm came down again, on the same exact spot. Smack! You muffled a moan with your fist as the sting faded into a dull burn that caused arousal to flood your pussy. "Two," you stated, a slight tremor entering your voice.

He gave you no time to recover before his hand came down again, this time on your right ass cheek. You were unable to contain the soft cry of pleasure and pain, rasping out a hoarse, "Three."

"That's it, princess. Let me fucking hear you," he growled.

Smack! Smack! Smack!

The next three spanks came quickly, one right after the other, causing you to cry out louder with each one. You could barely speak from the sensations, but were able to blubber out a weak count of four, five, and six.

Your pussy was throbbing in time with your sore ass, and you realized that it was quite possible you were going to come, just from Negan's hand spanking your ass. In fact, there was a good chance that he already had a wet spot on his jeans from where your cunt was pressed into him.

His fingers massaged your ass roughly, causing a groan to fall from your lips. He then lifted his hand, and you barely had time to process before he brought it back down, this time in the crease between your ass and thigh.

"Fuck," you cried hoarsely, your body twitching on his lap.

Negan froze, his gruff voice commanding, "The fuck did you just say?"

"Seven!" you choked out. "I'm sorry, Sir. I meant to say seven!"

Negan contemplated you silently before responding, "That's what I fucking thought you said."

You gave a small sigh of relief that he wasn't starting over, but that relief was short-lived when he brought his hand down again, this time even harder than before, as if he was putting his whole arm into it. You yelled out at the sensation, more pain than pleasure. However, your pussy didn't seem to notice, as it throbbed more insistently, begging for release. "Eight," you whimpered softly.

You waited for the next smack, expecting the last two to be just as hard. What you weren't expecting was for Negan to demand, "Spread your fucking legs."

It took a few seconds for his order to process in your brain. And when it did, you shuddered at the implications, before slowly separating your shaky thighs, the insides of which were now sticky and wet with your arousal.

When you had parted them wide enough for his liking, Negan ran a hand down the crack of your ass, his fingers dipping down into your pussy, making you tremble and mewl with pleasure.

"Christ, you're fucking soaked. You fucking love this, don't you? You naughty fucking little girl."

All you could do was moan, since coherent speech was beyond you at that point.

Removing his fingers, now coated with your arousal, Negan lifted his hand up and brought it back down...this time smacking directly on your pussy.

You gave a sharp cry and jerked in his lap, an explosion of pain and pleasure rocketing through your body at the hit. Your nails dug into his denim-covered thighs as you panted with the effort needed to not come. It took all of your remaining functional brain cells to whisper, "Nine."

You knew what was coming next. Knew that with his next smack, he was going to hurtle you up and over the edge. And he knew it too. His voice was deep and raspy with lust as he growled, "You fucking ready for the last one, princess?"

"Yes, sir! Please!" you begged, trying to spread your legs even further without losing your balance and falling off his lap.

He left you like that for what felt like forever, making you writhe and whimper as you waited for that last smack. Nothing else mattered in the entire world except Negan's hand, and that it connected with your drenched pussy.


You let out a scream as your vision went white and your body shattered. The waves of pleasure rolling through you were so strong that they were painful, and coupled with your sore and throbbing ass and pulsing pussy, the sensations were overwhelming. The mixture of pleasure and pain took you under and utterly destroyed you, as you shuddered and shook and came all over Negan's lap.

When you had calmed down a bit, Negan fisted a hand in your hair and jerked your head back, causing you to stare up and back at him as he leaned over you.

"Don't you think you fucking forgot to say something, doll?"

It took a few seconds for his words to penetrate the haze of pleasure you were still floating in, but when they did, you felt a dreamy smile curl your lips.

"Ten," you purred, turning onto your back and stretching seductively in his lap, gasping when your sore ass rubbed against his rough jeans.

"Good girl," was his pleased reply.

ABCs of NeganDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora