B is for Body Part

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B is for Body Part

If you were to ask Negan what his favorite body part on you is, he'd probably smirk and give some vulgar response, such as "your fucking tits" or "that wet, fucking pussy". But, if he were being honest, he would say that he has multiple favorite parts, and they're not the ones you would immediately assume.

First off, he loves your lips. He can tell a lot about a woman by looking at those, and yours are some of the most expressive lips he's ever met. How they tighten into a thin line when he makes some asshole comment, and then part to tell him in no uncertain terms that you don't appreciate said comment. How they curve upwards into a flirtatious smirk when you invite him into your bed. How the bottom one quivers in pleasure when his fingers rub your clit with just the right amount of pressure, and then when they release a grateful cry as you reach your peak. The way they wrap tightly around his cock, giving him so much pleasure that he feels as though you're sucking his soul out through his dick and leading him straight to heaven. And during the times when he's overcome with anger about some compound-related issue, when he feels as if he might explode...those lips will lightly press against his cheek, bringing him back to the present...bringing him back to you.

Secondly, he loves your neck. The tiny, delicate bones covered in soft, sensitive flesh that he just loves to mark with his hands and teeth, to show everyone that you're his. He knows about that spot, right where your neck meets your shoulder. The spot, that when he nips it, causes a full-body shudder. He loves when your neck is adorned with the pretty gold chain he got you, the delicate metal glimmering around the soft skin before trailing down and reaching towards the top of your cleavage, as if showing him the way. He also loves when your neck is adorned with his fingers, and you let him have complete control. When he gets to decide if this part of you is allowed to draw air...and when it isn't.

Last, but not least, he loves your fingers. It might seem silly, and he would use Lucille to beat the holy fuck out of anyone if they knew, but your fingers both mesmerize and arouse him. And not just when they're engaged in sexual acts, such as wrapping around his cock, grabbing his ass, or rubbing your own clit (although god damn, does he love all of those things). But it's more than that. It's the way your fingers look when holding a book, the graceful digits delicately turning each page. How you lay the tip of one gently in the groove above your lips when deep in thought. The way they lay against the side of his cheek in comfort, the tips running teasingly through his beard before you use those gorgeous lips to kiss him. And when they grab onto his shoulders tightly as he brings you pleasure, before trailing down through the hair on his chest, the nail scraping deliciously against his flesh and leaving marks. How your fingers intertwine perfectly with his own, when the two of you are alone. He especially enjoys the way that your one finger sparkles with the tiny gold band he gave you, when he asked you to be his one and only wife. When he admitted that the others were no longer needed, and that you, with your lips and neck and fingers, were more than enough woman for him.

Negan has a lot of favorite body parts, but when it comes to you, those are his favorites. Yes...those are the parts that he loves the most.

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