D is for Dirty Talk

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Does Negan enjoy dirty talk? Oh lord, now there's an interesting topic.

First off, let's discuss the fact that no matter what words come out of that man's mouth, they will always sound dirty. If there was ever a voice made with sinful intentions in mind, it's Negan's. That low, sandpaper-over-gravel drawl of his caused goosebumps anytime he focused it in your direction, even if it were to say something as simple as, "Hey, doll." You were pretty sure that Negan could read you the telephone book, and you'd orgasm from his voice alone before he even got halfway through the As.

It didn't take long for Negan to realize how much his voice affected you. And it was extra obvious the first time he fucked you.

He had started off by kissing you until you were panting and begging him to do more. And when he gave the whispered command in your ear, "Take off your fucking clothes for me," the moan you had let out in reply had been so needy that he looked at you in surprise, before curling his lips up into a devil's smirk. It was then that he knew...his voice made you wet. And from that point forward, he made sure to use that knowledge to his advantage.

His best lines came when he was balls deep inside you, his cock providing you with the kind of nirvana you had only dreamt about before the apocalypse. He would lean down and whisper in your ear something like, "You're so fucking tight around my goddamn dick, doll. Jesus fuck!" Or when you were on top, riding him as if he were a racing stallion and you were on the home stretch to the finish line, he would say something like, "That's it, baby girl. Make yourself come. Come all over this big, fat dick!" Those lines were always guaranteed to get you off in record time, and he knew it. There was nothing Negan wouldn't say, no dirty word or phrase that was exempt from his vocabulary. Not when his end goal was to drive you out of your mind with pleasure.

And then there was the first time he convinced you to try anal. You had been skeptical, even though it was something that he had mentioned a few times in the past. But, god damn, how were you supposed to deny him when he thrust his fingers in your pussy, his teeth nipping at your throat, as he used that voice of the devil to ask if he could, "Please stick it in your ass, doll?" Your head was nodding in agreement before your brain even fully processed whether this was a good idea. And, at first, you really thought it had been a mistake. His dick was so thick, that even after he had prepared you as best he could with his fingers and tongue, you were convinced that there was no way in hell that monster cock was going to fit in your ass. However, you should've known not to doubt the power of Negan's voice.

His purred encouragement caused shivers to run up and down your spine, and you were helpless to deny him when he ordered, "Relax. Just fucking relax and let me in, doll. Yes, just like that. Take my fucking cock. Christ, yes." He gave a deep groan of ecstasy when he was finally balls deep inside you. "Good girl. You're my good little fucking girl, aren't ya?"

His thrusts picked up the pace, causing you to gasp for breath at the sensations. It was almost too much, but his voice kept you captivated, the filthy words tumbling out of his mouth as he snarled, "Now milk my fucking dick with that ass, girl. Do it...just like that. Yeah, that's fucking perfect. Look at that tight little ass...your pussy and ass are mine now, aren't they?" When all you did was moan in response, he grabbed a fistful of your hair and pulled your head back sharply. "Fucking answer me, doll. Tell me if this ass and pussy are mine." When you whimpered an affirmative, he chuckled, "Fucking right, they are. Fucking god damn right."

Needless to say, you were coming all over him within minutes, his voice full of vulgar praises and filthy commands. With anyone else you would've felt embarrassed by the things he said...and the things you were willing to say in return. But with Negan, there were no limits to his vulgarity, whether inside or outside the bedroom. He was so unashamed in his language, that you quickly found yourself not only enjoying it, but thriving off of it. It didn't take long before you were willing to do just about anything he asked for the reward of him calling you his "fucking good little girl."

Yes, Negan enjoyed dirty talk...he enjoyed it because he knew that his voice made you come harder and faster than you ever had before. It wasn't every man who could make a woman cream her panties just from the sound of his voice. And, well, who was he to deny utilizing a God-given talent such as that? And who were you to resist?

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