R is for Roleplay

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(A teacher Negan x student you oneshot)

You walked through the halls of your old high school, a smile on your face as you took in the rows of lockers and classrooms, the last students dwindling out the doors to start their summer vacations. Today was the last day of classes, and in a few days there would be graduation. It had been eight years since you had walked these halls as a student, but not much had changed. Well, except for the fact that you were definitely older and wiser...and bolder.

It was this boldness that caused you to turn a corner and head down a particular hallway, your heels clacking on the tiles and your short, black skirt swinging back and forth as you walked. A white, button-down shirt completed the outfit, and your hair flowed freely around your shoulders. You had wanted to project a "sexy schoolgirl" persona, without it being overly obvious to anyone else you walked past. Thankfully, the halls were empty, but when you arrived at your destination, you found the door cracked open and the lights on.

There he was, sitting at his desk and grading finals, the whiteboard behind him full of numbers and equations. He had on thick, black-framed glasses that gave him a sexy, scholarly look. His once-dark beard was now sprinkled with salt, and you could see that the lines were a little longer and deeper around his eyes. But he was still sexy as hell, maybe even more so now. His hazel eyes lifted from the papers in front of him, and you saw surprise widen them when he saw you standing there. Brows furrowing in confusion, it took a few seconds before recognition lit up his face.

"Well, I'll be damned," he drawled, standing up from the desk. He was tall and muscular, just how you remembered. And his deep, raspy voice was just as arousing now as it had been eight years ago. You felt a shiver go down your spine when his eyes scanned quickly up and down your body as you stepped further into the room.

"Hey, Mr. Negan," you said with a tentative smile.

He came around the desk and leaned against its front, reaching up to pull the glasses slowly off his face and lay them on the desk. You stopped a few feet in front of him, hand on cocked hip and legs crossed in a demure yet, you hoped, sexy pose. He asked how you had been, and you satisfied his curiosity by chatting with him about college, what you had studied, and what you were doing now. You discussed how you were back in town to watch your sister graduate high school, and thought that you would stop by tonight, to see if your favorite teacher was still here.

He smirked at this, taunting, "Oh, come on. Favorite teacher? As I clearly recall, math was not your best subject."

A grin curled your lips at the fact that he remembered just how much you had struggled through his class. Licking your lips slowly, you teased, "Well, it's not because I wasn't any good at it. More so that I was always getting...distracted."

"Distracted?" he questioned, arching a brow in curiosity. "By what?"

Twirling a strand of hair around your finger, you looked at him innocently, and said, "Why, by you, of course."

He stared at you silently for a few seconds before saying, "Me? How the fuck was I a distraction?"

You almost laughed at his response. Even when you had been a student, he had always had a filthy mouth. It didn't matter how many parents called in complaining, Mr. Negan didn't give a fuckity fuck. He had made it clear that if his students couldn't handle his foul language, then that was too fucking bad. You had loved it then, and you loved it even more now.

Deciding to lay your cards out on the table, you took a deep breath and honestly replied, "You were a distraction, because I spent more class time fantasizing about you, than I did listening to your lectures."

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