They reached the school in twenty minutes, and Jace pulled over in front of the main gate. He got out of the car with Eryn and took her luggage out of the bunk, placing it on the ground.

"Have fun and be safe, alright? Call me if you need to," Jace said, ruffling Eryn's hair.

"I will," Eryn said, slinging her Kanken backpack over her shoulders. "Don't get into any trouble with Dad while I'm not around. You won't have backup." Eryn smirked.

Jace flicked her forehead, making her wince. "Go on now. I'll see you next week."

Eryn nodded and turned to the main gate, glancing around for N. Her eyes caught a familiar figure and she waved meekly. N waved back, nodding towards the entrance of the school.

Eryn gave Jace a quick hug, releasing him before he could hug her back. "Love you," she said, walking briskly over to where N was waiting.

N looked up for a moment, making eye contact with Jace.

Take care of her, Jace mouthed to N. He nodded, mouthing back 'Don't worry'.

* * *

=Eryn's POV=

"Thanks," I muttered after much hesitation as N and I started walking into the school.


"I mean, for waiting for me outside," I said. I never liked walking by myself, I felt like it would give others the impression that I was pathetically lonely.

"Oh, no problem," N said, smiling. He had hand-pull luggage and a backpack, like me. He was wearing a black leather jacket with a simple grey shirt underneath, paired with a pair of dark blue long pants.

"The boys went in first," N told me. "You should get to know them more. They're really nice."

I sighed softly, not wanting to let him hear me. "Yeah, I should..."

I felt like having a single close friend was enough, and better than having a group. A larger circle of friends would just increase the chance of having one of them stab you in the back, so why risk that?

I checked the time ㅡ it was 7am, so we were quite early.

N led me to a quiet area of the back of the school. I didn't really know where we were exactly, but the place was pretty desolate. I saw the other boys from his clique, some leaning against the wall, the others sitting on the ground. I spotted their luggage and bags lying beside them. I instantly tensed up.

"Oh! N, you're here!" one of them ㅡ Hongbin, if I remember correctly ㅡ exclaimed, before turning to me, waving almost excitedly. "Hey, Eryn!"

I smiled, nodding my head slightly. "Hey."

The rest of guys greeted me kindly, saying hi, and I greeted them back. I felt something off. I looked at them, counting a total of four boys, five including N. No, that's not right, there's supposed to be six in their group.

"Where's Hyuk?" N asked suddenly. I guess he sensed it before me.

"He went to the toilet not too long ago," Ravi told him.

"I need the toilet too," I mumbled softly to N. "Can I leave my things here?"

N nodded immediately. "Of course, go ahead. We'll wait here for you."

I smiled gratefully, placing my bags beside his, only holding my wallet and phone in hand.

"Thanks, I'll come back quickly," I said and walked towards the direction of the washroom. More like where I thought the washroom was.

"Eryn! The toilet's that way!" N called out, pointing to somewhere further to my right. I felt my face flush in embarrassment and I quickly scuttered away. What was I doing!?

I found the toilet quickly since there were signs around, and quickly did my business. I washed my hands and walked out, drying my hands on my jeans.

On my way back, suddenly, I knocked into something ㅡ or someone ㅡ and stumbled backwards. Lucky for me, I didn't fall. I looked up and came face-to-face with Hyuk. I instinctively took a few steps backwards.

"S-sorry," I apologized.

"It's alright, I was the one who wasn't looking," Hyuk said, monotone. I couldn't make out if he was expecting me to insist that I was the one who bumped into him or was he genuinely being nice. Anyway, I didn't really apologize mainly because of this incident ㅡ it was more of for the one that happened last Friday.

"I meant, sorry for what happened last Friday," I told him. I felt an urge to look up at him but my neck didn't lift my head up. I did feel sorry for venting my anger at him, but I knew he owed me an apology all the same for doing what he did.

I heard him sigh. "Are you still mad?" he asked, pausing for a moment before adding, "..At me."

That was when I actually did look up. "Huh?"

"You were so pissed the other day,"  he said.

"Oh.. No," I said, unsure of how to string my words into a sentence. "I'm not mad...

To be entirely honest, I could still feel my blood boil at the thought of how my teacher called my out in front of the whole class when I was about to unfold the crushed paper. I felt so embarrassed then, but I didn't want to put the blame on Hyuk entirely. He feels bad enough, I could tell.

"Let's head back. You're coming with us, right? N said he was gonna wait for you at the gate, and knowing him, he would've brought you to where the other boys are," Hyuk said. I nodded and quietly followed him back to wherever the rest were.

"Oh, and by the way," he suddenly said when we were a distance away from where the boys were. We could see them, they could see us, but we were far enough for them to not be able to hear us.

Hyuk stopped walking, and naturally, so did I.


He turned to face me, his body towering over my small build.

"I won't apologize for what I did, because apologizing means I'm not going to do it again, and I'm sure I won't be able to do that," he said, giving me a hinting smirk and running over to where the boys were.



My chapters are much longer ever since I came back from exams, they're now like close to 2000 words but they used to be 1000 or less. Hope the chapters are good!

I think this book would be a N - Hyuk - Ken ff since it's starting to be like that, but the other members would definitely play a part.

I also may start removing A/N sections unless there's anything important. :)

Do keep reading my book! I'm most satisfied with the plot and flow of this book compared to my other books and I hope you guys would like it too :))

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