Chapter Fifty-Five

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That day at Waterloo Road, there was a fundraiser to raise money for British Heart Foundation. It was Chloe's suggestion as a final way to remember Eddie.

At Chloe's insistance, there was a funfair happening on the school field. Max wasn't happy about it but Chloe quickly persuaded him otherwise. He wanted to make Chloe happy. She was his everything.
Aubree pushed Emily over. Emily was eating cotton candy.
"Hey baby girl," Chloe said. Emily grinned.
"Hey mummy. Bee helped me walk to the bathroom this morning," she said.
"Wow! I'm gonna have to get you something for being so brave!" Chloe said. Emily giggled.

Max came over with Poppy. Poppy was clapping her hands and squealing. Chloe could tell Max's ears were hurting with it. Chloe took Poppy from him. Max handed Chloe her dummy.
"My gorgeous little princess is now seven months old and bloody beautiful," Chloe said.
"Let her give you earache then."

Chloe and Max were standing in the office watching as the fair was being set up. "I must have been mad to agree to this," Max mumbled.
"It's for Eddie. Something he would be proud of me for," Chloe whispered.
Max smiled. "I know honey."
Chloe kissed him passionately. Max kissed back. They heard Poppy squealing again. They pulled away. When they did Poppy stopped squealing.
"You cheeky little madam," Max said. He lifted her up. She pulled at his ear.
"Ow!" Max said. Chloe laughed.

Charlotte came in with Emily.
"This one wanted to see her parents," Charlotte said.
"What's wrong honey?" Chloe asked.
"Can I say something for grandad?" Emily asked. Chloe and Charlotte smiled widely.
"Of course princess," Chloe said.
Emily grinned. "Thanks."

Chloe cuddled with Max while Poppy slept in her pushchair. "She's beautiful."
"Yeah. Like her mother."

Chloe went for a walk around the school. She saw the funfair and the pupils and smiled. She loved working at Waterloo Road.

Once the majority of the pupils were outside, Max began his speech."This is in memory of Eddie Lawson. Every penny made here today goes to the British Heart Foundation," Max said. Chloe held Emily tightly.
"I want to try to walk up," Emily said. Chloe nodded.
"Now, we have three speeches: Mrs Tyler, Miss Lawson and Emily Tyler," Max announced.

Chloe and Charlotte took Emily's hands as they went up to the stage. Everyone applauded them. Max held Emily as Chloe and Charlotte gave her speeches.

"As you all know, we lost our father Eddie. He was everything a dad should be. Kind, supportive, loving. But he loved all his grandkids. Especially his Bee and Tails. They were his first two granddaughters and they gave him trouble growing up but he always loved them," Chloe said.
"Yeah. We know that this won't bring him back but the money we're raising today can help someone else with a heart problem. Unfortunately, Eddie's heart problem was diagnosed too late. He may be gone but not forgotten," Charlotte said.

Emily slowly walked over to the microphone and she got nervous. She saw her mum going into the building for the toilet. She looked at Max.
Max went over and held Emily's hand. Charlotte held Emily too to make sure she was stable enough.
"I-I love my grandad. When I was younger I was apparently a quiet baby. But when I was with grandad I always refused to sleep. I still did as I grew up because I wanted to spend so much time with him that sleep didn't matter-"
Suddenly an explosion happened.

Adam had poured petrol over the corridor Chloe was on. He set it alight. Adam went over to Chloe as she was trapped. Her wrapped his hands around her throat. Chloe tried to push him off even though her legs were trapped.
Max watched as the school went up in flames. "Daddy! Mummy's in there!" Emily yelled.
Max paled.

Chloe could feel herself going weak. She knew Adam would have ended up killing her. "I'm going to enjoy watching you die," Adam spat.

Aubree ran over. "Dad! Isla and Scarlett are stuck!" She yelled. She was shaking.
"Go get Tom. I'm going to get mummy," Max said. Aubree nodded.

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