Chapter Fifty - Four

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Chloe could tell that Emily was struggling with being temporarily paralyzed. She hated that her daughter was going through all that.

That morning Chloe woke and went to take her painkillers for her broken ankle. It was agony but she realised Emily was going through much worse.

Chloe walked into Emily's downstairs bedroom. Aubree was lying with her. "Morning my lovely ladies."
"Morning mum," Aubree mumbled. She was sleepy.
Emily still said nothing. She hadn't spoken much since the accident and her suicide attempt. It was heartbreaking for Chloe to see. She hated to think of anyone going through pain.

Chloe went to see Max. "Emmy's struggling and she hasn't spoken," Chloe mumbled.
"It's to be expected," replied Max.
Chloe was in bits. "Max, she's only young and she's gone through abuse and now she's paralyzed. I just want my happy little girl back," she sobbed.
"She will be," Max said. Chloe sobbed. Max walked off. Aubree came downstairs carrying Emily.
"Sweetie that's too much for you," Chloe said. She helped Aubree with Emily.

Chloe pushed Emily into the kitchen.
"What do you want for breakfast honey?" Chloe asked. Emily said nothing.
"She'll have cereal, toast and bacon mummy. It's what she always has," Aubree said. Chloe smiled and nodded.

Chloe gave Emily her breakfast. She watched as Emily ate it slowly. "Emmy, what shall we do today?" Chloe asked.
Chloe sighed. "Come on, we'll go to the park or go and see auntie Karen? She'll want to see you."
"I said no!"

Chloe watched as Emily wheeled herself out. Max walked in. "Go and spend the day with someone other than Emily. You're not doing too good," Max said.
Chloe got up and slapped him. Aubree tried not to smirk.
"Emmy!" Aubree called. She ran out after her.

Aubree and Emily sat with together. Aubree held her hand and tried talking to her. She wasn't listening.

Chloe walked out on Max. She seen Aubree and Emily sitting outside together. "Is she alright?"
"Not talking," Aubree mumbled. She looked at her mum. "Will she be okay?"

Chloe sat in her and decided to go somewhere. She needed to see someone other than Emily suffering. Chloe went for a walk. She seen the park and remembered when Emily was younger. She seen Taitlyn with Luke. She held Luke close.
"Hey Tails," she said. Taitlyn smiled.
"You okay?" Taitlyn asked. Chloe shook her head.

Taitlyn and Chloe sat down. Luke was falling asleep on Taitlyn.
"How is he?" Chloe asked.
"Could be better. But don't worry about us. What's happening at home?" Taitlyn asked.
"Emmy's struggling."
"Oh. I'm so sorry. Will she be okay?" Taitlyn asked.
Chloe nodded. "She'll be fine."

Emily was sitting in bed. She looked up as Scarlett walked in. "Hi Emmy."
Scarlett wiped her eyes. "Where mummy? I got to talk to her," Scarlett said.

Chloe returned home and saw Scarlett crying. "Babes, what's wrong? Where's daddy?"
"Gone work," Scarlett mumbled.
Chloe lifted Scarlett. She took her to Scarlett's room. She held Scarlett tightly. She began crying. Chloe tried to calm her down.
"What's wrong?" Chloe asked gently.
"My teacher is being mean to me. Me no want to go back to school," Scarlett sobbed.

Chloe didn't want all this. Her girls didn't deserve it and neither did Jayden. Chloe rocked Scarlett gently. She heard a loud thump. Chloe carried Scarlett and ran to Emily's room. Emily was on the floor. She had tried to get into her wheelchair.
"Emmy. No sweetie," Chloe said. She sat Scarlett on the bed. "Come here."
"I'm fine!"
Chloe sighed and helped Emily up. "Honey, let me help you."
"No! You're the reason I'm in this chair! Insisting I go on your school trip!" Emily screamed.

Chloe felt her heart shatter into a million pieces. She picked up Emily and laid her in bed. Chloe went downstairs with Scarlett. "I no going school no more."
"Fine!" Chloe yelled. Aubree came in. Scarlett ran to her.
"Sweetie, go upstairs," Aubree said. Scarlett nodded.

Aubree sat with her mum. Chloe sobbed into Aubree.
"Shh mummy," Aubree said.
"I've been a horrid mum," Chloe sobbed.
"No you haven't. You've been amazing. Emily's just struggling. Scarlett is young and needy," Aubree said. She got her makeup bag out of her handbag and redid her mum's makeup. Chloe smiled.

Aubree left to see her friends. She wanted some time to be a normal teenager.

Scarlett came downstairs. "Mummy?"
"Hey baby girl. I'm so sorry," Chloe said. She held her arms out for Scarlett who ran over to her. "You don't like your school do you?"
Scarlett shook her head. "No mummy. It's horrid," she said.

Max returned and saw Chloe and Scarlett crying. He immediately thought the cancer had come back. "What's happened?"
"She's been getting bullied by a teacher at nursery," Chloe mumbled.
Max began to yell at them angrily. Chloe and Scarlett were shaking. They went upstairs.

Chloe got all the kids into Emily's room and locked the door. She was terrified of Max.

Chloe held all the kids as tight as she could. Emily was scared but Chloe held her hand.
"It's okay sweetie."

Chloe decided to go and speak to Max. "Stay in here," Chloe told them. She left the bedroom and went downstairs. "M-Max?"
Chloe flinched. "I-I only found about Scarlett being bullied today. I didn't know," she mumbled.
Chloe was in bits. "Max, please. This isn't anyone's fault but the scumbag teacher who's been bullying our little girl. She doesn't deserve it. Not after what she's been through."

Max realised that he had been treating Chloe horribly recently and he knew it needed to stop. He loved her. "I love you, Chloe. You're everything to me. You and our children," Max said.
"It doesn't feel like it," Chloe mumbled. She was still scared as she knew Max could lash out at anytime.
Max pulled Chloe towards him and he felt her flinch. "I'm not going to hurt you. I promise."
Max held her close. "What happened to us Chloe? We were happy once," he said.
"I-I know."
Max and Chloe sat together on the sofa. Chloe was cuddled into him like she used to. "We will get back to how we were Chloe. I promise you," Max said.
"I believe you."

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