Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Chloe needed to know that Max loved her. She had been feeling that he didn't love her because of what Tom did. She didn't know how to test Max's love for her.

That morning, Chloe sat in bed with Rosie. She had a restless night so she slept with her parents. "Rosie is mummy's baby girl. She's not daddy's baby girl because daddy probably doesn't love mummy anymore."
Chloe smiled. Rosie was a slow developer. Chloe and Max were planning on taking her to a doctor.
Chloe kissed Rosie's head. They had an appointment for that morning. Chloe let Rosie play with her toys.
"You're cute," Chloe said. Rosie giggled as she played.

Chloe tried to think of a way to test Max's love for her. The only way she could think of was to put some bait in the way - another woman.
Rosie tried to stand up but she slipped. "Ow."
"You're alright sweetie."
Chloe smiled as she tried to think of a woman who she could use.

Max saw Chloe playing with Rosie. He sighed when he saw the distant look in her eyes. "Her appointment is in half an hour."
Max kissed Rosie's head and Chloe. "Go and get ready baby."
Chloe got herself and Rosie ready. She went to the car and strapped her in. Rosie giggled in the back seat.

Max drove them to the doctors. Rosie wanted to play on the horse in the waiting room. Chloe smiled and took her over to it. She sat her on it and held her hands as Rosie rocked on it. She giggled.

Aubree was on the phone to someone. She needed something and this person was the only way to do it.

Eventually Aubree went to meet the person. They gave her what she needed - cocaine.

"Rosie Tyler?"
Chloe picked up Rosie and handed her to Max. Rosie pulled Max's hair. "Baba!"
"Good girl."

While in the doctors, Chloe held Rosie close to her. "Rosie has a disorder where she develops at a slower pace than most one year old girls. Its not uncommon."
"Will she eventually pick up?" Chloe asked.
"Yes, when she hits puberty," the doctor said. Chloe and Max nodded. They took Rosie out.

Max held Chloe tightly.
"She's going to be okay," Max said. Chloe smiled and held him.
"Yeah. Our little Rosie."

Chloe and Max drove home. They stopped and bought Rosie a new teddy for going to the doctors. Rosie giggled and held it.
"T-Teddy," Rosie said. Chloe and Max smiled at her as she sat in her booster seat in the back of the car.

*Four Weeks Later*
Chloe was still trying to find a way for Max to prove his love. She didn't know what to do.

Aubree had been buying cocaine for the last four weeks and she was becoming addicted. She couldn't go a day with a fix. She knew she needed help.

Chloe and Max arrived with the kids at school. Aubree walked off so no one saw her eyes. "Is she alright?"
"I don't know. I'm not a mind reader," Max said.
Chloe sighed. She had hired another assistant for a week to help with Max. Chloe was in the crèche minding Rosie and helping with her development.

The girl was blonde, skinny and booby. Chloe knew exactly what she was doing. She went to the office. Rosie wanted a hug from Max before she left.
"Someone wanted a hug," Chloe said. Max smiled and hugged Rosie. The girl walked in. Max looked over and then looked away. He wasn't interested.
Chloe smiled slightly. "Baby girl, daddy has to work now."
Rosie shook her head. "No."
"Come on."
Max smirked. "Leave her with me. She'll be fine."
"Are you sure?"
Max nodded and kissed Chloe. "Remember baby, I love you."
"Love you too."
Chloe went out and watched as Max ignored the girl. She sighed and went to the crèche.

Luke toddled over to her. Chloe smiled.
"Hey Luke!" Chloe said.
"Coco!" he said. Chloe smiled and held him. He pointed to his colouring book. Chloe took him over to it and they began to colour in together.

Aubree was off her head. She wasn't aware of what she was doing. "I'm Aubree and I can do anything!"

Chloe went to check on her daughter. She couldn't see Aubree anywhere. "Charlotte, have you seen Bee?"
"No. Why?"
Chloe smiled. "No reason. Do you know anyone who might know where she is?"
"Not off the top of my head," Charlotte said.
Aubree was on the roof. Chloe went outside to see where her daughter was. She seen her daughter on the roof.

Chloe grabbed Charlotte's hand and they ran up to the roof.
"Look mummy! I'm going to fly," Aubree said. Chloe was shocked. She didn't know what to do.
"Aubree! Get down."
"I-I can't!"
Chloe took a step towards Aubree. "Right sweetie. You're going to look at me so I can look in your eyes and then I'm going to find out what's wrong with you."
Aubree nodded. She turned to look at her mum. Chloe could tell her daughter was on drugs. "Sweetie, what have you taken?"

Max saw the assistant looking at him. He ignored her however.

Chloe and Charlotte were trying to get Aubree to open up. "Baby, tell mummy what's wrong."
"You'll hate me. Daddy will hate me."
"No I won't," Chloe said calmly.
"I'm pregnant."

Max was holding Rosie. Rosie was playing with his tie. She then grabbed a pen and began to draw on blank pieces of paper. Max smiled.
"You're a good girl," Max said. He smoothed down Rosie's hair.
"D-Dad...a," Rosie said. "M-Me....ove...ou."
Max smiled and kissed her cheek. Chloe came in with Aubree.
"Max, we need to talk to you."
"About what?"
Chloe took a deep breath. "Aubree's pregnant. Its Tom's baby."
Max was shocked. He looked at his daughter. "Are you sure?"
"Yes daddy."

Max was unable to believe his daughter was pregnant. Aubree didn't want to believe that her child was going to be Taitlyn's half-sibling. "Taitlyn is going to hate me."
"She won't."
Aubree looked at her parents. "Don't hate me. Please."
"We don't," Chloe and Max both said. Aubree smiled. Rosie crawled over to her. Aubree held her tightly.

Charlotte went to find Taitlyn. She had to tell her. She seen Taitlyn in the crèche with Mike.
"Hey," Charlotte said. Taitlyn smiled.
"Hey mummy," Taitlyn said.
"Can I talk to you?"

Charlotte took Taitlyn to her classroom.
"Aubree is pregnant with Tom's baby... with daddy's baby," Charlotte said. Taitlyn's world fell apart. She hated her dad. She still loved Aubree. She would never hate Aubree.
"Do Chloe and Max know?"
"Yeah sweetie. Look, I've told Aubree that you won't judge her."
"I won't mum."

Aubree was cuddled up with her mum. "You might be against my decision but I'm giving my baby up for adoption when its been born," Aubree said.
Aubree shook her head. "I know it sounds horrible but I can't have this baby knowing that Taitlyn's dad is the father. It's basically auntie Charlotte's step-child."
Chloe nodded and kissed Aubree's head. "Well sweetie. Whatever you want then your dad and I will support you. Right Max?"
"Thank you but I'm naming my baby before he or she goes. Arielle for a girl and Liam for a boy."
"Let's try and get off the drugs - for the little one," Chloe said. Aubree nodded.
"You'll need to have the baby checked Bee," Max said.
"Why?" Aubree asked.
Max sighed. "Cause you took drugs with the baby in you."
Aubree nodded and Chloe took her to hospital.
"Rosie and I will catch you up," Max said. He began to pack up his stuff. Chloe took the other kids with her. Max was bringing Rosie. When he finished packing up, he grabbed Rosie, Rosie's stuff from the crèche and then his stuff before going to the car.

Taitlyn heard about Aubree going to get the baby checked. She told her mum that she would be home late for dinner. Taitlyn took her kids and Mike to the hospital.

Aubree was shaking as Chloe drove her to A&E. "Do you hate me because I'm giving away my baby?"
"No sweetie. What you're doing is so amazing but believe me darling, when you have to hand the baby over, it will hurt like hell," Chloe said.

"Aubree-Leigh Tyler?"
"Isla? Can you wait here while I go with Aubree? Your dad will be coming soon."
Isla nodded and hugged her mum and big sister before they went inside.

Aubree was shaking. Chloe held Aubree's hand. The baby was tested.
"She's fine," the midwife said. She printed off a little image of the baby scan.
"It's a girl?" Aubree asked. The midwife smiled and nodded.
"My little Arielle," Aubree mumbled as she held the picture.

Chloe knew Aubree would want her little girl. Max hugged Aubree. Aubree showed Max the scan.
"It's a girl daddy," Aubree said.
Max smiled. Aubree grinned. "Tomorrow, I'm going to call an adoption agency and set everything up."
Chloe nodded. "Aubs, you can keep her."
"No. Giving her up is probably the only selfless thing I've ever done."
Chloe nodded and she went with Aubree to the bathrooms.

They took Aubree home and Max was going to get some dinner. Aubree smiled slightly when she saw Charlotte pulling up. "Aunty Charly!" Isla said as she opened the door. Charlotte smiled and hugged Isla. Taitlyn came in with Mike and her kids. She got to the hospital too late to see Aubree.

Taitlyn went in with her kids. Aubree smiled when she seen Taitlyn.
"I thought you didn't want to see me," Aubree said.
"We got to the hospital just as you had left," Taitlyn said. She sat beside Aubree and her kids crawled on to Aubree's lap. "You're having my half sibling," Taitlyn said.
"I'm not. I'm giving her up for adoption. My parents are sorting it for me."
Taitlyn was shocked. "Aubree! Are you sure?"
"Yes I'm sure. Taitlyn, my baby needs better than me. She'll go to someone who really loves her."

Chloe was sorting out plates for dinner. She had called Max and asked him to get extra for Charlotte and the kids as well as Mike. "Is she sure about the adoption?"
Chloe nodded. "Yeah. I'm helping her sort it tomorrow," Chloe said.
"Tom's baby. Does he know?"
"We're getting a divorce," Charlotte announced. Chloe was shocked. Suddenly, Charlotte got a phone call. She burst out crying when it finished.
"What's happened?" Chloe asked.
"Tom's been put in a mental hospital."

Taitlyn was talking to Aubree as Chloe's kids played with Taitlyn's. Mike played with them.
"I would have helped you," Taitlyn said.
"I know. But I'm an ex-druggie. Who will want me to have kids?"
"Clearly your little girl does!"
Aubree sighed. "Taitlyn, its for the best. I can't give a baby anything."
Taitlyn nodded. "Well I'm going to support you Aubree."
"Thank you."

Max came back with takeaway. "Where's Bee?"
"With Taitlyn."
Max nodded. "Some friends of mine have been trying for a child for so long.  I've contacted them and they're willing to meet with Aubree to discuss adopting her baby."
"A family friend? Max, that means she'll be seeing the baby."
"They're moving to America in the next year."
"Oh," Chloe said. Max looked and seen Charlotte in tears. Rosie was trying to comfort her.
"What's happened?" Max asked.
"Tom's been put in a mental hospital. We don't know for how long. He's not well. Turns out whatever condition he has is the reason he had sex with me and Aubree. And the reason he became obsessed with me," Chloe mumbled. Max sighed. He got down on his knees beside Charlotte.
"It's going to be okay," he said.
"I made him worse by asking for a divorce. He asked me why did I need one. He couldn't remember what he did!" Charlotte sobbed. Chloe lifted Rosie as Max hugged Charlotte.

Chloe set out the takeaway and Rosie was clapping her hands in her highchair. Max was taking Charlotte outside to calm her down. Chloe kept listening to the conversation and feeling her heart break for Charlotte. Everyone went in for dinner.
"Where's mummy?" Taitlyn asked Chloe.
"She's outside with Uncle Max," Chloe said. Taitlyn nodded. Taitlyn was hiding something. "You alright?"
Taitlyn nodded. She smiled and sat down at the table. "Is Bee alright?"
Chloe nodded and Max came in with Charlotte.

Chloe wasn't in the mood for eating. Instead, she helped Rosie eat. Max had finished. "Eat. I'll feed her."
"Are you sure?"
Max fed Rosie. Chloe ate and kept looking at Taitlyn.
"Taitlyn, help Auntie Coco with the dishes," Chloe said. Taitlyn nodded.

Chloe and Taitlyn went to the kitchen with all the dishes. Chloe closed the kitchen door.
"Right what's going on?" Chloe asked.
"I put my daddy there."
"No you didn't."
"Yes I did!" Taitlyn yelled. Chloe sat her down. Taitlyn sighed. "Daddy was living with us. I know we shouldn't have taken him in but he wasn't well. I could see that. We worked out what he had and tried to help him but none of it was working. Mike called for them to take him and help him before we left to go to the school."
"Tails why didn't you tell any of us?"
"We couldn't! Now mummy will hate me. I tried my best Coco."
"I know you did sweetie."
Chloe held Taitlyn as she cried.
"Daddy's coming out of there soon. Tomorrow hopefully."
"Why?" Chloe asked.
Taitlyn took a deep breath. "I'm becoming his carer until he gets better."
"What about school?"
"I'm quitting school."
Charlotte had walked in. "You're not quitting school. You're only fifteen so you're not quitting school!"
"No! End of discussion Taitlyn Hannah Clarkson!"

Chloe sighed. "Look, don't quit school. Your education is important."
Chloe nodded. "Yes. Look, I'll speak with Eddie and see if he'll have Tom for a bit."
"Thank you Coco."

Max tried to get Rosie to sleep. She was giggling in her cot. "Go to sleep."
"Pee- a- boo!"
"Peek a boo. Now go to sleep," Max said.
Rosie held on to Max's finger as she drifted off to sleep. Chloe smiled.
"Hey," she said.
"Hey gorgeous."
"She's sleeping?"
"Yeah, while cutting off the blood in my finger."
Chloe giggled and kissed Max.

Taitlyn went to the hospital. Visiting times were over but she explained that she was taking Tom out. They let her in. Tom smiled at Taitlyn.
"Hey baby girl. I knew you'd come back," Tom said.
"I did Daddy. I told you I would," Taitlyn said. Tom smiled and held Taitlyn's hand. "Let's go daddy."
"Where are we going?"
"Back to my house," Taitlyn said. Tom smiled. He nodded. Taitlyn packed up his stuff.

Taitlyn took him back to her house. Tom smiled when he went in. Mike came out.
"The kids are in bed," Mike said. Taitlyn nodded.
"Don't tell them I'm not coming back tomorrow. Just tell them I'm going away for a bit," Taitlyn whispered.
"I'll join you all in a few days. I'll hand in my notice," Mike whispered. Taitlyn nodded. "The kids are all packed up anyway. I packed your bags too. I packed some stuff for Tom too."
Taitlyn kissed him. "We'll get married when we leave."

Tom was sitting making things out of paper.
"I learnt this," Tom said. Taitlyn realised he was now getting a new obsession.
"That's lovely daddy," Taitlyn said as she lifted a paper swan. Tom smiled at her.

Chloe and Max went to bed. Grace had somehow gotten into their bed without them knowing. "Leave her. She looks cosy."
Both Chloe and Max realised that everything was going to change for Aubree and they both knew she wouldn't handle the change. It would damage her.

A/N - The adoption storyline I'm including will start in this book and will continue on in the Aubree series.

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