Chapter Eleven

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Previously -
Before anyone could say anything, Chloe's heart monitor started beeping...
Now -

No one could move as the nurses ran into save Chloe. Max stood there and watched. He looked at Charlotte. "You should go."


"Just go. I'll text you when she's okay," Max said. He said nothing more. He went over to Chloe's bedside and sat down.

Charlotte didn't leave. She wasn't leaving until she knew Chloe was going to be okay. "You can't boss me around anymore Max, I'm not a pupil at Waterloo Road. I'm staying until I know Chloe is okay."

Max ignored her. He held Chloe's hand.

With Aubree.

Aubree had made herself an appointment for an abortion. She didn't want the baby. She was too scared. She didn't want to be like her mum who got pregnant at sixteen.

Richard had agreed with what Aubree wanted.  He wanted her to be happy and he had said that he would wait as long as possible for her to be ready to have their baby. He loved her.

Two Days Later.

Max noticed it first. Chloe's hand had moved. "Chloe?"

Her eyes had opened. She looked confused about everything. The nurse came in and examined her. Chloe sat up. "What is it with jealous ex's wanting to stab me?" She mumbled.

"You're irresistible and they were all jealous," Max said. He was going to do whatever he could do to make sure Chloe was okay. She was his whole world.

Chloe smiled and she saw Charlotte. "Hi."

"Hey, are you okay?" Charlotte asked. She knew things were tense between them after the whole Taitlyn situation.

With Aubree.

Aubree needed her mum to wake up. She couldn't go to the appointment alone. She didn't want her Gran to go with her.

Aubree played with her breakfast. She got a text from Charlotte-

Your mum has woken up -Cx

Aubree didn't need to read anymore and she ran out the house. She saw her mums car so she ran over to her house and grabbed her keys.

Aubree knew she couldn't drive but she remembered her dad and how he drived. Aubree climbed into the car and she started the engine.

Aubree arrived at the Hospital. She had managed to make it there without any interference. She parked the car and ran inside. "Where's my mum?"

"What's your mums name sweetie?" The receptionist asked.

"Chloe Tyler."

The receptionist told Aubree where Chloe's room was. Aubree thanked her and she went there as quick as she could.

With Chlax and Charlotte.

Things were tense. The door opened and Aubree ran in. "Aubree?"

Aubree ran over to her mum and she sobbed into her arms. "How did you get here Aubree?" Max asked.

Aubree looked up. "I-I drove mum's car. I got the text from Charlotte and I wanted to see her," she mumbled.

Max was fuming. "You're fifteen! You shouldn't be driving!"

"Calm down Max. There's no harm done," Chloe said. She was in shock that Aubree had managed to drive a Range Rover. "Bee is fine aren't you darling?"


Chloe held her daughter close to her. "C-Can we talk in private please?" Aubree asked. She was going to tell her mum about the appointment for her abortion.

Max and Charlotte had gone outside. Chloe looked at Aubree. "Is this about the abortion?" Chloe asked. Aubree nodded. "Bee, I'll make you the appointment today darling."

"I've made the appointment. I-I want you to be with me. Please," Aubree mumbled.

"You want me there then I'll be there for you 100% baby girl."

"Thank you mummy. I'm so glad you're better."

Chloe kissed her daughters head. "I promise that I'll be there for you darling. No matter what," Chloe said.

Four Days Later.

Chloe had been discharged from hospital. Aubree's appointment was that day and so Chloe had asked Charlotte to bring her down.

Aubree and Charlotte arrived. Aubree ran straight to Chloe. "Wow baby, I got you."

"Daddy's at home with my sisters. Madison has a cold and Grace and Scarlett are both sleeping," Aubree mumbled.

"Okay darling."

Chloe and Charlotte were waiting with Aubree in the clinic. Aubree was shaking. "Bee, you don't have to do this you know," Chloe said.

"I want to. I don't want a baby."

Chloe nodded and she held her daughter's hand.

"Aubree-Leigh Tyler."

Aubree looked up. She gripped onto her mums hand. "Can my mum come in with me?" Aubree asked.


The procedure had been done. Aubree was in agony. Chloe helped her walk over to Charlotte. "Bee?"

"She's in agony. I'm gonna get her home and get her a hot bath," Chloe said.

Charlotte had gone in Chloe's car which would be easier for getting Aubree home. Chloe helped Aubree into the back seat. "Bee, lie down honey."

Max knew about the abortion. He and Chloe weren't keeping any secrets from each other anymore.

While Isla and Emily were upstairs and the youngest three were sleeping, Max waited for Chloe and Aubree to come back.

Eventually, Chloe's car pulled up onto the drive. He walked out to them. Chloe got out and she opened the door. "How is she?" Max asked.

"She's in agony. Can you carry her in?"

Max nodded and he took his daughter from the car before carrying her inside. "Thanks for today Charl, I'll text you later," Chloe said.

"No worries. Hope she's going to be okay."

A Few Hours Later.

Aubree lay on the sofa with Grace. She had been in pain for the last few hours. "Bee, come and have some dinner darling," Chloe said.

Max came in to get Grace so Chloe could help Aubree get to the table. Isla noticed something was wrong with her sister. "Is Aubree okay?" She asked.

"Period pains," Chloe lied. She knew Isla had a tendency to gossip and she didn't want the school finding out about Aubree's abortion.

"I'm only twelve so I won't start just yet," Isla said.

Chloe rolled her eyes and she noticed Max looked annoyed. "Less of that talk and eat."

Aubree had gone to bed so Max and Chloe took the others up to bed. "Early night?" Chloe asked.

"Why not."

Chloe grinned and she pulled Max through to the bedroom. Instead of having sex, they cuddled before they fell asleep.

A/N - there'll be a few updates today for different stories!
Tell me what you thought of this update!

Stay Strong! 💖💞💜

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