Chapter Nine

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Chloe hadn't woken up yet. Max was getting worried in case she wouldn't. He didn't want to lose his wife. Aubree had been told she was totally fine. She hd been given crutches in case she needed them.

Max sat by Chloe's bedside. He had Madison in his arms feeding her.
Chloe woke and saw Max. Madison pushed the bottle away with her small hands. Max looked up and saw Chloe woken up.

Max called in a doctor. He smiled widely.
"Chloe are you okay?" Max asked as the doctor checked her. He was shocked that she woke up. He didn't know this would happen this soon. He was scared of losing her.
"I'm fine. What happened?" She asked.
"A drunk driver crashed into the school. You were in your car and you were shoved into the school."
Chloe nodded. "Where are the kids?"
"With Eddie."
"How's Bee?"
Max said nothing. "Max, where's Aubree?" She asked.
"She's okay."

Aubree was having a hard time adjusting. She hated it so much. She missed her mum. Eddie came out to her with Charlotte. "Bee sweetie?"
"Leave me alone!" Aubree screamed. "I'm going to see Taitlyn."
"I'll bring her over," Eddie said. Charlotte said nothing.
"No you'll take me to her," Aubree said. Eddie sighed but nodded.

Eddie took Aubree to see Taitlyn. Tom made her move out. Taitlyn was so lonely. Luke was crying. The doorbell rang and Taitlyn answered it with Luke in her arms. Aubree was there with her crutches. Taitlyn let Aubree in. She waved at Eddie as he drove off.

Chloe held Madison. Madison looked confused. "Is Bee okay though?"
"She's fine. Struggling."
"I need to see her."
Max took Madison and put her in the carseat. "Chloe, you need to get better," Max said.

Aubree said nothing. She hadn't spoken since she arrived."Come on Bee, talk."
"I want my mum," she mumbled.
"We'll go and visit her later," Taitlyn said. Aubree nodded and cuddled into Taitlyn. Taitlyn set Luke on the floor. He was playing with his toys. Aubree grabbed Taitlyn's face and kissed her. Taitlyn kissed back.

Chloe was allowed to go home. Max took her home and called Eddie to get the kids over.
"Aubree is at Taitlyn's house," Max said.
"What do you mean Taitlyn's house?" Chloe asked.
"Tom made her move out," Max mumbled.
"What do you mean? Made her move out?"
"He kicked her out and said she wasn't allowed back. I'm the head at Waterloo Road so I managed to keep her in the school."
Chloe was fuming. "What's Charlotte said?"
"She doesn't know what to think."

Chloe had Grace, Madison and Scarlett next to her. She wanted to see her eldest. She text her -
"Bee, come home sweetie. Bring Tails -Mummyxx"
Aubree knew she made Taitlyn confused but she knew that Taitlyn kissed back.
"I'm sorry," Aubree mumbled.
"It's fine. We are both upset. These things happen," Taitlyn said. They hugged. Aubree got the text and showed Taitlyn. She smiled and got Luke ready.
"Mike's coming home soon isn't he?" Aubree said.
"Yeah. He's quitting due to PTSD," Taitlyn said. Aubree smiled. Aubree held Luke in her car seat while Taitlyn pushed her to Chloe's house.
Max saw Aubree and went out to meet her. "Is mummy here?"
"She's in the house."
Taitlyn pushed her inside. "Mum!"
"Hey sweetie."

Taitlyn cuddled up with Chloe and Aubree. "Listen sweetie. Why don't you and Luke come and stay here, you can bunk up with Aubree," Chloe said.
"Would that be okay?"
"Sure. We don't want you anywhere else. Max told me about your parents," Chloe told her.
"Thank you so much auntie Coco."

Chloe got her phone and text Tom -
"You're a jerk. Stay away from Taitlyn!" - C"
Chloe turned her phone off. Luke giggled and crawled to Chloe. Chloe lifted him up and held him.
"Maybe Madison and Luke will get married," Aubree said. Max laughed.

Tom got the text and sighed when he saw it. Charlotte wasn't talking to him. His kids weren't talking to him either.
"Can I come over? - T"
He knew the reply would be no.
"No! - C"

Chloe made dinner with Max. "You my handsome man are getting the best sex ever," Chloe said as she peeled potatos.
Chloe nodded. "Yeah. You deserve it for being so freaking hot. You're not that bad in bed anyways," Chloe told him.
"All I have to do is close the kitchen door and then you can show me," Max said. Chloe giggled and nodded. Max closed the door.

Tom ignored Chloe's request. He arrived outside and walked in. Emily saw him and knocked on the kitchen door.

Tom went into the living room. Aubree noticed Taitlyn shaking.
"Mummy!" Aubree screamed. Chloe and Max were talking to Emily. They ran into the living room.
"Leave Tom," Max said.
"Why take her in? She's a disgrace!" Tom spat.
"You're a prat Tom! We took her in because of how horrid you've been to her!" Chloe yelled.
"She deserved it!" Tom yelled back.

With all the shouting going on, nobody had realised that Madison had turned blue...

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