Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Aubree hadn't gone home in two weeks. She was feeling guilty for what had happened between her and Tom. She didn't want anyone to find out as she knew Mark would hate her.

That morning, Aubree saw a text from her mum -
'Come back Bee. Tell me what happened - Mummy x'

Instead of replying, Aubree turned her phone off and went to get some breakfast. She went downstairs and saw her dad standing there. "Hello Aubree."
Immediately, Aubree turned and ran back upstairs. She locked herself in the bathroom. She broke down crying. "Aubree! Open the door!" Max yelled.
"Go away!" Aubree screamed. "Gran shouldn't have called you!"
"Tough! She did," Max said. 
"No!" Aubree screamed. Max knew something was wrong with Aubree.
"Please open up Bee. Your mum and I miss you. We're worried. You don't have to tell us what happened, just come back," Max said. Aubree stood up and opened the door. Max seen how upset Aubree was. He held her close. She cried into him.

When Aubree calm down, Max had managed to persuade her to pack her bags and come home. She did it and Max drove her home. He talked about Chloe and the kids. But he never once asked her to tell him what happened.
"When you want to talk then I'm here," Max said.
Max sighed. "Something is bugging you and I wanna know," he said.

Chloe hadn't spoken to Tom or Charlotte since she had been raped. She felt dirty and all she wanted was to cuddle up in bed with a hot chocolate and her kids.

The front door opened and Max came in with Aubree. "Mum?"
"Up here."
Aubree ran to Chloe. Chloe was lying in bed with Isla. Aubree ran to her and Chloe held her tightly. Aubree sobbed. Chloe looked at Max. Max shrugged. Chloe nodded.
"Isla, go help daddy with Bee's stuff," Chloe said. Isla nodded and left with Max. Max closed the door behind them.
"Right missy, are you okay?" Chloe asked. Aubree shook her head.
"What's wrong? Talk to me."
"You'll hate me.
Chloe held Aubree close to her. "I'd never hate you sweetie. I love you too much."
"Don't keep asking me to tell because I'll go and I won't come back," Aubree sobbed.

Max walked in. "Baby, I'll be at the school if you need me."
"I might bring Aubs in later."
"Alright gorgeous," Max said. He kissed his two girls before leaving.

Aubree asked Chloe to go into school. Chloe agreed and got ready. They went into school when it was lunchtime. Taitlyn ran to Aubree and hugged her.
"I've missed you so much," Taitlyn whispered.
"Missed you too," Aubree mumbled. Tom walked down the corridor and Aubree ran off. Taitlyn ran after her.

Chloe ran upstairs to Max. Max held her when she broke down crying.
"I think it was Tom who raped me," Chloe admitted.
"Why do you think it was him?" Max asked.
"I remember the way he felt. Like the way he moaned."
Max nodded. "Right well I'll contact someone and see what we can do."

Charlotte saw Aubree and knew Chloe was in school. She went to the office. "Hey chick."
"Charlotte. Where's Tom?"
"I haven't seen him since Chloe had that breakdown," Charlotte said.
"The police are coming in," Max said. Charlotte looked at Chloe and knew what her husband did. She began to cry.
"I'm so sorry," Charlotte said. Chloe opened her arms for Charlotte. The two girls held each other.

Aubree and Taitlyn were in the girls changing rooms.
"You okay?" Taitlyn asked. Aubree nodded. "What happened?"
"You'll hate me."
"I won't."
Aubree sighed. "Your dad and I had sex."
"I'm sorry," was all Aubree said before she walked out.

Chloe cried into Max as he diallled the police. "It'll be fine baby."
"No it won't. He didn't use a condom," Chloe sobbed. She looked at Max. "I don't want a baby if its his."
Max tried to calm her down. It wasn't working. Taitlyn ran in.
"Chloe, Max, you need to help me find Aubree," Taitlyn said.
"Why?" Chloe asked.
"She had sex with my dad," Taitlyn said. Chloe and Max ran with Taitlyn to find her.

Aubree was sitting in the library when Tom went in. He smiled at Aubree. He unzipped his trousers and pulled down the front of his boxers. He took out his private. He went over to Aubree.
"Miss this?" Tom said. Aubree was scared. She wanted to leave but she couldn't.
Tom smirked over at Aubree. He kissed her on the lips. "I love you Aubree. Your mum is jealous."
Tom nodded. "She had a gorgeous daughter and she's jealous," Tom said.

Max walked into the library. "Get away from her. I know what you did."
"Thanks a lot Taitlyn!"
"We had to know Bee. Why didn't you tell me?" Chloe said.
Tom turned around and Chloe seen Tom had his private out. Max seen too. Aubree grabbed it.
"Maybe I want to be with him," Aubree said. Taitlyn could tell she was scared.
"Please Bee," she said.

Tom smirked at Max. Max dived for him and punched him. Aubree ran to Chloe. Chloe held her. Taitlyn tried to go near Aubree but she wouldn't let her. Taitlyn walked out.
"This isn't her fault," Chloe said as she held Aubree close.
"I-I know. I'm ashamed of what I did," Aubree said.
Chloe looked at Max. "Leave him! He's not worth it."

Aubree went to the office with Chloe. Max was going to talk with the police. "Chloe. What happened?" Charlotte asked.
Charlotte didn't have time to brace herself for Aubree's launch into her arms. "I'm so sorry auntie Charlotte. Don't hate me," Aubree sobbed.
"It's not you that I hate," Charlotte said. Aubree cuddled into Charlotte as they sat on the sofa. Chloe cuddled with them too.
"Tails needs to see you too," Chloe said to Aubree. Aubree nodded.

Tom was arrested and taken to custody. Max went back to see his girls. He seen Taitlyn crying in the middle of the corridor.
"She doesn't mean it," Max said.
"She does."
Max sighed. "Tom has damaged her badly. She'll not be the same for a while," Max said.

Aubree had fallen asleep on Charlotte. "Maybe I should take Aubree away for a bit."
"Honey. You can't keep taking her away when something bad happens."
"I'm keeping her safe," Chloe said.
"No. Taitlyn needs her. Taitlyn will think she's running away because of what she did," Charlotte said. Chloe nodded. Charlotte held Aubree.
"I need you two to help me through the divorce," Charlotte said. Chloe couldn't believe it.

Max held Taitlyn as she cried.
"I didn't mean to tell. I wanted her to be safe. I can't believe my daddy did this," Taitlyn whispered.
"It's going to be okay," Max said.
"I-I'm pregnant again and I'm so scared," Taitlyn sobbed. Max carried her to the office as she was crying so much she probably couldn't walk.
Chloe and Aubree were looking online. "Can we go to Brean?"
"Yeah babes."
"Chloe! I said don't go," Charlotte said. She didn't want to lose Chloe.
"Its for family. I'm not going away again," Chloe said.

Aubree went to text Mark. She missed him so much. She sent a text and got a reply -
'I'm in London babe. C u soon - Mx'

Chloe looked at Max. "What do I do if I'm pregnant with Tom's kid?"
"You love it. We raise it as our own," Max said. Chloe nodded and kissed Max. She smiled.

Charlotte held Taitlyn as she cried.
"It's not Mike's baby," Taitlyn sobbed.
"Who's is it?"
"The inspector."

Tom was having to go to court. The police informed everyone. Charlotte went to see him with the divorce papers.

Chloe went to see the kids in the creche. She smiled as they went over to her. "You're mummy's superstars aren't you."
"Mummy,my ribs hurt," Scarlett said.
"Come here babe."
Scarlett cuddled into her mummy.

Max watched as Aubree slept. He knew that everything had changed for her and he didn't know if she could stay strong.

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