Chapter Three

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Chloe woke at 5am in order to head to London. Max had agreed to go along with the kids. Chloe grinned knowing she would have his support. Chloe was excited for the music video as Fall Out Boy were her guilty pleasure.

Chloe and Max woke at around 4am. "Baby, do I have to be up this early?" Chloe asked.
"Well its your day Chloe. Stay asleep if you want to," Max said.

The kids were staying with Eddie and Rachel. Aubree had thrown a strop and said she wanted to go. Aubree had been grounded until after Emily's birthday. "Chloe! We're here."
"Great! Kids are ready."

Once the kids had gone, Chloe and Max began sorting the car out for their trip to London. "I wanna go to the London eye," Chloe stated in the car.
Chloe nodded. "Yeah. I'd love to know what the view is like from up high."
Max smiled. "Maybe I'll take you up there."
Chloe grinned and she leaned over to kiss him. "You're literally amazing!"
Charlotte and Tom met Chloe and Max at the airport.
"You two ready?" Chloe asked. Charlotte giggled and nodded.

They got on to the plane and cuddled together. Charlotte and Tom cuddled. Chloe and Max cuddled. They were not going together as they had booked it separately. It was a holiday for the couples.
Chloe looked at Max and text him.
"Bathroom. 10 minutes - Cxx"
Max smirked and nodded.

Charlotte had hoped that she and Chloe would be able to have a shopping trip together.

Chloe was waiting for Max. Eventually, he turned up. "What are you planning?" Max asked.
"On having you in here," Chloe said. She locked the door and kissed him hard. Max kissed back.

Charlotte cuddled into Tom and Tom held her.
"I love you Tom," Charlotte said. Tom smiled.
"I love you too baby," he said. They kissed passionately.
Chloe and Max came back. Charlotte noticed Chloe's hair. "Wow Chloe."
"In the bathrooms?"
Chloe winked and sat with Max.

Charlotte saw how Chloe was rubbing her stomach. "Are you okay?" Charlotte asked.
"Y-Yeah. Stomach ache."

Charlotte knew she was lying. She didn't push her further so she read a magazine.

The plane landed and they went to the hotel. Chloe and Max were in a room beside Charlotte and Tom. Chloe went in and sighed.
"We need to tell them," Chloe said. Max nodded.
"Not yet."
"This is the last baby we're having. I'm getting sterralise."
"It will be another baby girl."
"I know."

Charlotte looked at Tom. "Did you see the way Chloe was rubbing her stomach?" She asked him.
"Yeah. You can't tell her about what happened," Tom said.
"I know. They sterilised me Tom because I miscarried again," Charlotte said. She started to cry. Tom held her.

Max and Chloe were making out passionately. Max was rubbing her bump.
"I love you too much," Max said. Chloe giggled.
"I love you too."
They kissed heatedly. "How about we name our baby Madison?" Chloe asked.

Charlotte wanted to see Chloe. She knocked on the Hotel room door. Max answered in his boxers. "Wow! Too much."
"Come in."

Charlotte walked in and saw Chloe's bump. "You're pregnant?"
"Congrats. Why are you and Max in underwear?" Charlotte asked.
"Max was helping me."
"With what?"
Chloe grinned. Charlotte smiled and rolled her eyes.
"I need to talk to you," she said. Chloe nodded and Max put on clothes before going to see Tom.

The girls sat down.
"I've been sterilised. Last week I had a miscarriage and they sterilised me because I had too many miscarriages," Charlotte said. Chloe was shocked. She couldn't believe it.
"Sweetie I'm sorry."
"Its fine. Tom and I are adopting twins. We've spoken to someone about it."
Chloe smiled. "That's great."
"Yeah. Boy or girl?"
"Max and I think a baby girl. We have five of them."

Max and Tom were talking. "So, another kid then."
"Yeah. Chloe's adamant its the last one."
Tom laughed. "You should use condoms."
"We do. They break a lot."

Chloe was texting to see how the kids were. Charlotte was looking at Chloe's baby scan. "I think you'll be having a girl."
"Me too! We've got a name for her."
"What's that?"
Chloe smiled. "Madison."
Charlotte and Chloe cuddled. They were talking about the kids.
"I love them so much," Chloe said.
"Me too. I can't wait to see the younger ones grown up," Charlotte said.

Max and Tom were drinking beer.
"Where you taking Charlotte?" Max asked.
"Dinner and then back here for some love," Tom said.
Max laughed. "Chloe doesn't know this but I'm taking her to the London eye tonight."
"She deserves it."

Chloe was texting Aubree who was acting up because of the love bite situation. Chloe had told Aubree once she had behaved long enough to go somewhere then Chloe would take her.

Max returned to the Hotel room. He walked over to Chloe and gave her a blindfold. "Get that on."
"Do it."
Chloe smirked thinking it was something sexual. She put it on as Charlotte left.

Tom and Charlotte got ready for dinner. Tom kissed Charlotte's neck as he zipped up her dress.
"You're so beautiful," Tom said.
"I'm not," Charlotte mumbled. Tom brought Charlotte to London to try to cheer her up. She had been down since the hospital removed Charlotte's womb.
"You are. Let's go out tonight and have some fun," Tom said. Charlotte sat on the bed. Tom had a feeling Charlotte would breakdown. She nodded and Tom held her hand as they walked to the taxi.

Chloe and Max were heading to the London Eye. Chloe suddenly got a text message from Isla -

"Aubree's ran off - Ixx"

"Aubree's gone missing

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