Chapter Four

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Max looked at Chloe. "What do you mean gone missing?" He asked.

"I mean, she's not with my mum! Isla text me and she told me that Aubree has gone missing!"

Max groaned. "She's exactly like you."

Chloe rolled her eyes. "Thanks babe."

With Aubree.

Aubree didn't know where she was.  She was scared and wanted to go home. She wanted her mum and dad. Her phone rang. It was her dad -

Max - Aubree! Where the hell are you?
Aubree - Daddy, I don't know. I-I'm scared
Max - Describe what you can see.
Aubree - I don't know daddy. I've never been here before.
Max - Alright, your mum and I will be back soon. Stay calm.
Aubree -  Okay daddy.

Aubree hung up and she felt scared so badly. All she wanted was her parents.

With Chloe and Max.

Chloe was worrying about Aubree. She had contacted The manager of Fall out boy and told them that she couldn't do the video that day as she had problems with her daughter.

"She didn't say where she was. All she said was that she was scared," Max said.

Chloe felt her heart breaking. "We should never have come to London. There's something bothering Aubree and I'm her mum. I need to know."

With Charlotte.
Chloe had told Charlotte that she and Max were going back to Rochdale. Charlotte wanted to go back too after finding out Aubree had gone missing.

Tom wasn't happy that his trip had been cut short because of Aubree and he had said that he would be talking to Aubree.

With Aubree.

Aubree was walking. She didn't know where she was going. All she could do was hope her parents found her soon. She was so scared.

Suddenly, someone stood in front of Aubree. "Hello Aubree-Leigh."

"W-Who are you?" Aubree asked.

"Your real father."

Chloe and Max.

After driving for a while, Chloe and Max arrived back in Rochdale. They went straight to Rachel's house. No one knew Chloe was pregnant. She wanted to keep it that way.

The minute they were in the house, Grace toddled over to them. "Muma, Bee gone."

Chloe picked her up and held her close. "What happened?" Chloe asked.

Eddie looked over at Chloe and Max. "Rach and Aubree got into a row. Aubree said she wishes she had never been born and that she was ending everything."

Chloe paled. She knew how vulnerable Aubree got. Chloe looked at Rachel. "You've had them for a few hours and you make her want to hurt herself? What kind of Grandmother does that?"

"Chloe, she was giving me attitude. I wasn't going to stand there and take it."

Chloe scoffed. "She's fifteen years old! She's already scared! She doesn't know where she is!" Chloe yelled. She suddenly got a text -

I'm with my real dad. Why did you lie to me? - A

Chloe was shocked. "Her real dad?"

With Aubree.

Aubree couldn't believe that her parents had lied to her. "Why weren't you in my life?" Aubree asked.

"I tried to be. Chloe and Rachel didn't want that. I wanted to be a father to you."

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