Chapter Twenty

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Max had planned a Holiday for himself and Chloe in St Barths. They were having a few days alone and then Tom and Charlotte were joining them.

It was the night before Chloe and Max were due to fly out. Due to Rosie being two months, she was staying with Tom and Charlotte until they flew out then she was going to Eddie and Rachel's. "You excited?" Chloe asked.
"Three weeks alone with my gorgeous wife in a beautiful country. Of course," Max said.

They were waiting for Charlotte to come and pick up Rosie. Eddie had collected the other kids earlier.
"Sorry I'm late," Charlotte mumbled.
"You look exhausted," Max said. Chloe handed over Rosie.
"Taitlyn and Mike aren't talking," Charlotte said.
"Why?" Chloe and Max both asked.
Charlotte sighed and strapped Rosie in. "She told me not to tell you two because you didn't want to be involved."
Chloe felt awful as Charlotte drove off.

Chloe and Max cuddled together before they left.
"Can we see Taitlyn before we go? I need to know what's happened," Chloe said. Max reluctantly agreed. On their way to the airport they stopped at Taitlyn and Mike's house. Chloe noticed the doors were locked. Max knocked on the door and Taitlyn looked out before opening it.
"What's wrong?"
"Mike and I have split up."
"Tails. Why?"
Taitlyn shrugged. "He only wanted me for sex."

Chloe helped Taitlyn calm down. Max went to wait in the car. "Look, Max and I have to go now but I'll call you when we land."
"Have fun."
"I will."

Max had hired a private jet again. "I swear you get off on these jets," Chloe mused.
"I do. I get to have sex with you without anyone listening," Max said.
Max and Chloe made out on the jet. Chloe straddled him and kissed him harder.
"Let's do it now," Chloe said. Max smirked and began to undress her.

Taitlyn held Luke tightly. She loved him so much, but he looked a lot like Mike. She began to cry. She knew she was heavily pregnant, but her stomach wasn't showing.

Mike was staying at the Clarkson's house. He sat with them and Tom asked him what exactly he said. Mike didn't want to say, but knew he had to. He didn't mean any of it. He was scared his friends wouldn't approve of Taitlyn. He wanted to see his son again.

Max pulled away from Chloe and smirked. "It won't be long until we're in paradise," Chloe said as she put on a white lace playsuit.
"I know."
Chloe grinnned and got her sunglasses. She went to look out the window.

Eventually, the plane had landed. Max sorted their luggage out while Chloe sat in the car. "Let's go to the Hotel have a bit of us time and then go to the beach," Chloe suggested. 
Max nodded. They got to the hotel and Chloe laid in bed. Max smiled and laid beside her.
"Hi gorgeous," Max said. Chloe smiled and kissed him.

Mike told Tom everything. Charlotte held him back as he dived for Mike.
"He hurt my baby girl!" Tom yelled.
"You hurt her!" Charlotte said. "You're both as bad as each other. I hope you two apologise and fix this mess."
Charlotte walked off. Tom and Mike looked at each other. They knew that they needed to see Taitlyn.

Chloe and Max left their Hotel room. They walked down to the beach. "Isn't it lovely?"
"Not as lovely as you," Max said. He and Chloe were standing by the sea. He had his arms around Chloe and she was cuddled into him. "We should renew our wedding vows."
Max nodded. "Why not? It would be lovely," he said.
"I'd love to!"

They were still sitting on the beach. "Think my Rosie is okay?"
"Of course. She's our daughter just like the others," Max said.
Max smirked. He held Chloe close. He'd never let her go. She was his.

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