Chapter Five

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Max was in New York on a trip. Chloe hadn't gone as she hated being on a plane for too long. Aubree had gone on a school trip to Cardiff and the other kids apart from Emily were staying with Chloe.

That morning, Chloe woke and she had massive pains in her stomach. She hoped that she wasn't in labour but it was too soon. Emily came in. "Mummy, are you okay?"
"Ow. I'll be fine munchkin."

Emily walked downstairs and dialled 999. She explained what was happening and that her mum couldn't get up. An ambulance was coming.
The ambulance came and got Chloe. Emily went with her. Emily contacted Charlotte and Tom.

Taitlyn and her siblings were staying with Eddie and Rachel along with Aubree's siblings. Eddie knew Taitlyn was pregnant. Taitlyn was writing a letter to Mike. He was coming home this week. She was under a lot of stress due to exams. She felt a pain in her stomach. Her water broke.
"Grandad!" Taitlyn screamed.

Eddie walked in. He saw what was happening. "Rach! Get an ambulance."
Rachel dialled 999. An ambulance would be there soon.

Chloe's pain had subsided. That was due to the morphine. "Will my mummy be okay?" Emily asked.
"She will be."
"Emmy, go and text daddy. He's back later on today and he'll worry."

Emily left to contact Max.

The ambulance arrived and took Taitlyn. Eddie came with her. Lillie was in tears.
"It's okay sweetie," Rachel said.

Rachel had rang Mike. He was just landed in London. He was on his way to Manchester hospital.

Chloe was taken in. Emily came in with Max. Max ran over to her.
"Baby it's okay," Max said to Chloe.
"I'm scared Max," Chloe sobbed.
Max held her hand. "Don't be sweetheart. I'll get you out of here soon."
"Excuse me?"
Max looked over at the doctor. "Don't take this personally but my wife isn't being treated on the NHS. I've a private Hospital who can take her."

Max had walked out. Chloe gave a fake cheery smile. "For the record, I'm happy to stay."
"Good because you're my patient and your treatment will commence. Is there a chance you could be pregnant?"
"I am pregnant but this is different," Chloe said.
"Okay, I'm going to take you for a CT scan."
Charlotte was panicking about Chloe. She got to hospital as Mike ran in. He was in army uniform with his kit bag over his shoulder. Tom was busy talking to Max.

Charlotte ran to Mike. Charlotte grabbed his arm.
"Mike, why are you here? Taitlyn is at her grandad's," Charlotte said.
"She's here. Eddie rang me," Mike said.
"She's in labour."

Charlotte had no idea her daughter was even pregnant.

Chloe came back from the CT scan. The pain had gotten worse. She couldn't handle it. "We're going to have to operate."
"She's pregnant though."
Emily looked scared. "Either we let your wife continue the pregnancy risking her life and the baby's OR we operate. Get the baby out now where there'll be a chance the baby will survive. That way, we're also helping your wife."

Max didn't know what to do. He didn't want to lose Chloe or his baby. "Daddy?"
"Operate. Save them both."
Max didn't know weather or not he made the right choice. He had to hope he did.

The Daughter Of Rachel Mason - Book FiveWhere stories live. Discover now