Chapter Fifty-Six

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Things were extremely tense between Chloe and Max since Aubree had gone. Chloe blamed herself for not being more attentive and it seemed that Max blamed her too but he wouldn't admit it.
That morning, Chloe woke and felt Max rubbing her thigh. "Why are you being loving to me now? Yesterday you couldn't bare touching me," Chloe mumbled.
"I'm sorry baby. I'll be more attentive to your needs," Max said. He began kissing her and she kissed back. She wanted him. "We've got 30 minutes before Poppy wakes for a feed," Max told her.

Max began to make love to Chloe. She loved it but Max wasn't putting his fullself into it. "Max stop."
Chloe sighed. "It's clear you don't want this anymore. Just go and get ready for whatever it is you've gotta do," she mumbled.

Chloe went downstairs to make her kids breakfast. She saw Scarlett sitting on the sofa playing with her dolls. "What you doing gorgeous girl?" She asked.
Scarlett wiped her tears away. "Magining that these dollies are me and Bee. That my Bee is still here," Scarlett sobbed.
Chloe was crying again. "Sweetie, Aubree will come back when she's ready to," she told her.
Chloe shook her head. "Not now baby. She doesn't feel ready to come back yet."

Max had gone to sort the school out. It needed a lot of repair since the explosion.

Chloe looked at her kids. Jayden was sitting doing some colouring while Isla and Emily were upstairs. Chloe picked up Poppy and held her close. "You're so gorgeous baby and mummy loves you so much," she whispered to the sleeping eight month old. "I'm going to miss you so much," Chloe sobbed.

Max was sorting the new building out. He knew he had been distant from Chloe but he missed his daughter. Aubree was the one daughter that made him fall in love with Chloe. Becoming a father made him a better person.

Chris came over. "Look, I'm sorry for how I treated Chloe. It was wrong and shouldn't have happened," Chris said.

"I know. Luckily for you, Chloe has a very forgiving personality," Max said. He didn't look at Chris as he wanted to punch him. "Your new role here is purely Science. I've got someone in mind for deputy head."

Chris smirked. "Let me guess. Chloe."

"Obviously. The pupils relate to Chloe. She gets them," Max said. He wanted to make Chloe happy.

Two Days Later

Chloe had shut herself off from everyone. She wanted her little girl back and would do anything to get her back.

Emily had been quiet the last few days and no one knew why. Isla knew why and so did Emily. Isla walked into Emily's bedroom. "You haven't said anything have you?" Isla asked.
"N-No. I don't get why you're being mean to me Isla. I haven't done anything," Emily mumbled. She looked at her sister. "Please stop it."
Isla grabbed Emily's arm and squeezed it tightly. "Ow!"
"I'm being mean cause you're daddy's girl and you always grassing on me! I'm just making sure you don't say anything," Isla spat.

Chloe walked in when she heard Emily yelling. "What the hell are you doing?" Chloe asked. She saw Emily crying. "Isla?"
"She said Aubree wasn't ever coming back!" Isla lied.
Chloe looked at Emily. "Did you say that?"
"No! Isla's been mean to me for the last few days," Emily said.
Chloe immediately knew Isla had been lying. Isla inheritied Max's ability to lie. "Why have you been mean to Emily?" Chloe asked.
"I haven't!"

Chloe went downstairs with Emily. "Emmy, what's Isla been doing?" Chloe asked. She knew Isla had been scaring Emily a lot lately.
"I-I can't say. Isla will hurt me more," Emily said. She was terrified of her big sister. "I want to see daddy."

Max got Chloe's text about Emily and told Chris he was leaving to sort it. When he arrived home, Isla was sitting on the sofa. She looked miserable. "What's happened?" Max asked.
"Walked in on Isla hurting Emily," replied Chloe.
Max looked at Isla. "Why did you do that?" He asked.
"Cause I did!"
Max rolled his eyes. "You're grounded until further notice," Max told her.

Isla went upstairs. Emily stayed with her parents but she was cuddled into Max. "Why is Isla being mean to me?" Emily asked.
"She's missing Aubree sweetie but she'll be alright soon," Chloe told her.

Isla was annoyed at Emily. She went into her bedroom and smashed her ipad. "You little bitch," Isla mumbled. She tipped water over Emily's bed.

Emily went up to bed and saw her bedroom trashed. She began crying and ran into her parents bedroom. She hid under the duvet and cried. She hated being alive.

Chloe came up to bring Poppy to bed. She laid her youngest in the cot and heard sobbing. "Emmy. I know that's you," Chloe said. She watched as Emily came from under the duvet. "What happened?"
"G-Go and look in my bedroom," Emily sobbed. She looked at Chloe. "Isla trashed my bedroom."

Chloe walked into Emily's bedroom and saw what Isla had done. "Isla Grace Tyler! Get here now!"
Isla walked in. "What?"
Chloe glared at Isla. "Why have you done this to your little sister?" She asked her. She was fuming.
Isla shrugged. She looked at Chloe. "Emily has been saying Aubree won't be coming back! Aubree will come back," Isla yelled.
"I-I never said that. I want my big sisters back," Emily mumbled.

One Week Later.
Emily had been quiet a lot since Isla had been horrid to her. Isla had been acting eratically. Chloe or Max didn't know why.

Chloe and Max were sitting in bed with Poppy. She was asleep. "Isn't she amazing?" Chloe asked.
"She's gorgeous," Max replied. He put Poppy's blanket over her to keep her warm.

The school was still being rebuilt. It would take a few months before complete. Max was getting bored at staying home 24/7.  Max carried Poppy downstairs and placed her on the playmat. Isla's foot was tapping on the floor. "What's wrong with you?"
Max wasn't convinced. Isla was distant and agitated a lot.

Chloe had packed up her stuff. She was going to America and didn't know when she was coming back. She felt bad but it needed to be done. Nothing was the same.

Chloe had explained to Rachel that she was leaving. She had grown close to her mum since Eddie had died but there was still tension there. "Why America though Chloe? It's too far," Rachel said.
"Because mum, everything has changed. Max and I aren't happy," Chloe explained. She looked at her. "I just need you to make sure my girls and Jayden are alright."
Rachel nodded. "I can do that."
"Thank you."

Chloe went home and saw Max. "We need to talk," Chloe said. She was crying.
"What's wrong?" He asked.
Chloe wiped her eyes. "I-I'm moving to America," she blurted out.
Max got annoyed. "Why?"
"It's not working out. You know that."

The Next Morning
Chloe had put all her stuff in her car. She had explained to the kids why she was leaving. None of them wanted her to leave. She was in bits as she hugged them all.

Charlotte came over with her kids and said goodbye. "I'm going to miss you so much," Charlotte said.
"I'll miss you too," Chloe sobbed. Max had slept in the spare bedroom the night before.

Max came out and saw Chloe hugging everyone. He didn't want her to leave. He loved her but he hadn't been treating her very nicely lately.

Max grabbed Chloe as she was about to get into her car. "You can't leave."
Chloe looked at Max. "I have to. It's not working out between us. You know that," she said. The tears were rolling down her cheeks.
Max sighed. "Look, we can make it work. I promise."
Chloe shook her head. "We can't Max. We've been kidding ourselves for too long," she said.

After Chloe said goodbye to the kids, she turned to Max. "Chloe, you can't leave. I love you still," Max said.
Chloe was in bits. "I'm sorry," she mumbled. She looked at Max. She got in the taxi and it drove away. "I'll always love you."

A/N - It's over.

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