Chapter Twenty Four

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Chloe and Max were focusing on their relationship and their kids. They both knew that they needed to make things work. They were a family and nothing else mattered.

The girls had been trying to make Jayden feel apart of the family but all he wanted was his parents. Scarlett was slowly recovering from her cancer relapse. She wasn't 100% better but she was better than what she was.

Chloe was determined to stay out of everyone else's drama. She didn't want to be involved in nothing that wasn't to do with her family. She had come close to quitting working at Waterloo Road.
Chloe and Max arrived at work. They put the kids to primary school and to crèche.
"Inspection this morning," Max mumbled.
"You'll do great babe," Chloe said. Max and Chloe made out passionately in the office when the door knocked. They pulled away and Tom came in with the inspector.
"Max, this is Jack Venner. He's the inspector," Tom said.

Taitlyn put the kids in the crèche. Mike kissed her before he went to teach. Aubree went over to Taitlyn.
"Hey," she said.
"Hey Bee."

Chloe and Max were talking. Chloe was ignoring the fact that there were rows going on all around her. She didn't care. "You okay?"
Max kissed her passionately. "I know you want to quit but you can't."
"Why? I'm sick of the school drama. Its bloody annoying."
"I'd miss you."
"Yeah right."

Chloe went for a walk around the school. She was ignoring everyone. She bumped into Jack. Jack dropped his stuff.
"I'm so sorry," Chloe said. She helped Jack pick up his stuff and began to talk to him. Max watched them and thought Chloe liked him. He stormed off.

Jack bumped into Taitlyn after talking to Chloe.
"I'm the inspector. Call me Jack," he said. Taitlyn smiled.
"I'm Taitlyn. This month is my GCSE's," Taitlyn said. Jack smiled.

Chloe saw Aubree and walked over to her. "You alright sweetie?"
"I want to go home," Aubree said.
"Me too honey. We'll stick it out together. Like we always do. Mummy and Bee."
Aubree grinned and kissed her Mum's cheek. "Love you."
"Love you too my little trouble maker."

Aubree went to see her dad. "Daddy, I wanna go home," she mumbled.
"Tough. Wait until 3:15."
"What's wrong with you?" Aubree asked.
"Your mother with that inspector!" Max spat. Chloe walked in.
"I'm not cheating with him," Chloe said. Max scoffed and walked towards the staff room. Chloe and Aubree ran after him.

Jack and Taitlyn were talking in the classroom.
"I'm a full time mum now. I need to leave school," Taitlyn said.
"Stay after your GCSEs. Do your a levels," Jack told her. Taitlyn smiled and nodded. Jack and Taitlyn began to make out when the door opened.
Chloe saw what was happening. Instead of saying anything, she walked off. She wasn't getting involved.

Max looked at Taitlyn. "Are you insane?! He's older than me," he spat.
"Don't say anything! Please."
Max scoffed. "One good reason why?"
"No one will understand."

Chloe sat in the office. She went onto Max's laptop and looked over the school accounts. She was staying out of everyone's drama.
Max slapped Taitlyn and walked out. Aubree couldn't believe what her dad did.

Taitlyn sat stunned. She pushed Jack away and ran to find Mike. He was in the PE cupboard. He was wearing a hat since his hair was still growing slowly.
"Tails what's wrong?" Mike asked. Taitlyn admitted everything to him. Mike held her tightly. He couldn't believe Max hit her.

Chloe grabbed her car keys. She was going to get her kids and go home. She wanted to be with her youngest kids. Max would be able to bring the others home.

Aubree saw her mum. "Wait!"
"What Bee?"
Aubree sighed. "Can I come with you? This place is doing my head in."
"Come on. We'll ignore everything and everyone," Chloe said.

Mike went looking for Max. Max looked at him.
"I take it Taitlyn told you about her session with Jack?" Max spat.
"No but she told me what you did to her!"
"I didn't mean it."
"I quit," Mike spat. He went to the crèche and grabbed the kids. He took Taitlyn with him.

Max went home with the other kids.
"Chloe?" Max called.
"Living room," she called. Jayden was sitting on her lap. "What's wrong?"
Max sighed. "I think we might need a holiday."
Chloe smiled. "Why?"
"Bloody Waterloo Road. Its too stressful," Max said as he picked his son up. "What do you think? You and I go on Holiday again."
"What about the kids?"
Max smiled. "Eddie can have them," he said.
"Where we gonna go?"
"Blackpool. Brighton. Your choice."

Taitlyn went over to see Chloe. "Coco, can we talk?"
"Sure. What's wrong?" Chloe asked as she fed Rosie. She was seven months old.
"I'm sorry for what you saw. Please don't tell Mike."
"I won't."
Taitlyn hugged Chloe and went inside with her. "Where's Max?" Taitlyn asked.
"He's putting Rosie down for bedtime. She goes earlier than the others," Chloe told her. She gave Jayden his dummy. "Go find Bee."

Jayden had gone to find Aubree. He adored his big sister. Taitlyn and Chloe were sitting in the kitchen. "Everything alright?" Chloe asked.
"As well as it can be," Taitlyn said.
Chloe smiled and kissed her niece's head. "Max and I are going away for the weekend."

Taitlyn had gone home when Charlotte came to pick her up. Chloe and Max went up to bed. "This weekend away. How soon can it happen?" Chloe asked as Max undressed.
"As soon as possible babe."
Chloe nodded and sighed. "It'll be nice. Just you and I for the weekend."

A couple of hours later, Chloe woke to check on Rosie. She found her sitting up in her cot. "Hi baby girl."
Chloe picked up her daughter and held her close. "Mummy loves you and your brother and sisters lots!"
Chloe couldn't help but shake the feeling that something bad was going to happen. She just didn't know what.

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