2:35 am

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You get out of the shop and see two taxis waiting for you. "When we get to the hospital... I am going to ask if it is okay to have this tattoos on my butt..." muttered Chad. 

You get in a taxi with Joji and Ian. "You guys are so goals!" shouted Ian in a sarcasm voice. You giggle. Joji reaches over you to pinch Ian. "Ow!" shouted Ian. "You are suppose to be a good bodyguard!" Ian shouted into your face. 

You shrug. "You are the worst..." whispered Ian as he looked out the window. You pinch him arm, "Take that back!" you order. Ian laughs, "Not in a million years!" You roll your eyes. 

"Am I the worst?" you ask Joji. Joji's eyes widen, "Do you want to live or die? Is the really question." corrected Ian. "I mean... You are the best...." lied Joji. You roll your eyes, "SO dead..." laughed Ian. 

You look straight forward to see the streets. "Been a while since I have walked this streets." You whisper. "For god sake you live here!" shouted Ian. "But... I have only been to the cafe, book shop and my apartment." you inform. "You are depressing..." whispered Ian. "I try." you wink. 

The taxi stops in front of the hospital, "I will meet you guys inside." informed Joji as he ran inside.

"What happened to him?" you ask. "Remember, HIS dad is in there... Dying." explains Ian. "right...Sorry.." you whisper and wait with Ian til Chad, Jane, Katt and Max arrive. 

"Where is Joji?" asked Max as he got out of the car. "Do I have to explain to everyone that in this hospital is HIS dad who is dying!" repeated Ian. "Right...." whispered Max. 

Everyone walks into the hospital. "How may I help you?" asked a nurse. "Carson Miller?" asked Ian. "Are you family?" asked the nurse. "No..." answers Max. "Then you should leave." added the nurse. You jaw drops to the floor. 

"Excuse me?" asked Chad with attitude. "The hospital is filled with germs. You kids should be at home. Where you are far away from people who can get you sick." explains the nurse. "He is dying in there! We are not leaving! Until we know he is stable!" shouted Ian. 

The nurse looks at the computer, "He is stable." she informs. You hear the people behind you laugh. "Ridiculous..." whispered one of the people. Ian's hands form into fist. 

"Want to keep saying shit! Than say it to our faces!" shouted Ian as he turned to face the people behind you. You smile a little. "This side of you makes you look hot." You smile. Ian blushes, "Thanks..." 

Joji comes out of a room, "He is stable... Ian, get everyone out of here." ordered Joji. Ian's red face goes pale. "Joji... I just want to see him..." whispered Ian. "Tomorrow... Right now is not the time." added Joji. 

"Why not right now? Is he not stable?!" shouted Ian. "He is not breathing right!" shouted Joji with tears coming out of his eyes and getting a red face. 

You frown, "What do you mean?" you ask. "12 breathes per minute... But he is only breathing 8 per minute." informed Joji. 

You face Max, Chad and Ian to see them in tears with red faces. "We aren't his sons... But at least let us three go in there with his real son. His real son needs us more than ever." begged Ian.

The nurse sigh, "Fine... Only you three... You three young ladies should go home." ordered the nurse. 

You look at Katt, "I can't leave him..." you whisper. "We will go, you stay in the waiting room..." suggested Katt. "Thanks..." you smile. 

Ian, Max and Chad go through the doors to see Carson. You sit in the corner of the waiting room. You cough a few times so you deiced to grab a mask to cover your month and nose. 

You wait an hour until Joji comes out, "That mask makes you look hot." laughed Joji. "Why are you in a good mood?" you ask. You grab a mask from your backpack. "I got two in case you came out. Human beings can easily get sick." You inform. 

"Thanks mom." laughs Joji as he takes the mask and outs it on. "He is doing better..." added Joji. "That's good..." you smile. 

"I am surprise that Ian even yelled at that nurse." laughed Joji. "He was mad..." you whisper. "You should go home." suggested Joji. 

"And leave you here? No way." you frown. "You can get sick!" explains Joji. "I would rather get sick than leave you alone when you really need me and your friends!" you explain. "You can't always make me happy!" shouts Joji. "At least I can try!" you shout back. 

"We have broken up once... Want to break up again?" asked Joji. "Fine! Just know  I am not leaving!" you shout. 

"Leave...Now!" hissed Joji. "I can and I won't!" you shout. You lean back onto your chair. "You can't always make everyone happy..." whispered Joji. "I can try." you repeat. 

"Stop trying... Do what is best for you and go home." ordered Joji as he got up and threw the mask in a trash bin and walked back into the back doors. 

You look at your phone to read, 11:30. "I really need sleep..." you whisper. "No... Joji needs me." you remember. You put the phone away and look at the T.V. 

Soon Ian and Max come out. "Still here princess?" asked Ian. "Of course..." you smile, soon three coughs escape from your mouth.

"Already sick?" laughed Max. You look at your shoes, "No..." you try to lie. "Anyways... Want a taxi?" asked Ian. "No..." you say in a serious tone. 

"You are sick... Just do the best thing for yourself which is getting out of here." ordered Ian. "He needs me as much as he needs you three." you inform. 

"Wow... Harsh much?" asked Max. "Not really." you answer. Ian takes your backpack, "I will give this away to a a random person! Unless you leave." warmed Ian. "Do it." you dare. 

Ian turns around to face a women and her 4 year old kid. "Want a backpack?" asked Ian. "Is it... Free?" asked the women. "Of course!" shouted Max. The women takes the backpack. 

"Lost everything!" shouted Ian. You take out your phone and wallet from your back pocket, "I dared you." you smirk. "We tried..." muttered Ian as he walked with Max back to the back doors. 

You check your phone to read, 2:35. "God... How am I still alive?" you laugh. 

Joji X Reader-- Boy Next DoorOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora