Draw My Life

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You wake up and see that you missed a call from Robert.

You call back right away. "What happened?!" you asked with a little panic.

"(Y/N) I just need you to come down to the store..." whispered Robert.

You get a little worried and don't even brother to change clothes. You have sweatpants and a simply shirt. All you get is your phone and some cash and run out the door. 

You arrive at the store to see Robert on the floor smiling with tears in his eyes, "What happened?" you asked.

"I am selling the store..." whispered Robert.

"But this is all you have! What I have... What we have!" you shout with a panic getting in your chest.

Robert stood and and put a hand on your shoulder, "I know... Here." Robert gave you a envelope. "Keep that and... Use it on something good. Also take as many books as you want." smiled Robert as he walked away to the back room.

You stand there with the envelop. You feel tears sliding off your cheek. That's when the flashbacks came. 

Flashbacks-- You were just 20 and about to leave college when you got an email saying

"Hello, my name is Robert. I heard you would like to work. I have a small bookstore in New York if you would like to work." 

You laugh, "In a bookstore?! Are you kidding me?" you laugh. You erase the email.

Now you are in your parents house hearing them argue. You just listen to music to not hear them anymore. You get another email saying

"My bookstore is not much. But I heard about you and I would love it if you come work here."

You look at the computer and back at your door, you smile to yourself and reply.

"I don't have much money. I could never go to New York." you send it and wait. That's when he sends another.

"I could give you the money to come to New York. I also have seen a cheap apartment that you could rent." You read.

You get up and start to pack. "This life... I am leaving it behind... Leaving my parents behind." you whisper as you throw every last of your clothes inside. 

You arrive at New York to see a guy in his mid-40's with his wife along side of him. They are holding your name on the poster. You run up to them, "Hey, my name is (Y/N)." you smile as you shake their hands.

"My name is Robert." smiles the man.

"My name is Sara." smiles the women. The lady takes your hand and drags you along to their car. 

You guys arrive at the bookstore. You see beautiful books along each shelve. "This is beautiful..." you whisper.

"Not as much as you." smiles Sara.

You hug her. "This will be a better life." you think. 

Back to the present-- "But than Sara died... And me and Robert couldn't keep up..." you whisper. You walk along the store and choose five books. 

-If I Stay   -Of Mice and Men   -A Good Marriage    -It      -The Lovely Bones

When you get out of the store you text Joji, "Let's start with the video." you send it to him and walk to the cafe.

You get two coffees and treats. You walk out to see Joji in front of the store.

Him and Robert are talking then Joji goes inside. You get curious and walk to one of the windows and look into it.

Joji X Reader-- Boy Next DoorUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum