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You walk up to see some texts on your phone. "I can't wait! In three days! Remember!" you read a text from Jane. You smile and put the phone down. You sit on the edge of your bed. You stand up and walk to the closet. You grab a hoodie, you look down at your sweat pants and shrug. "I don't feel like myself today..." you whisper and close the closet door. 

You put on the hoodie and grab a backpack. "I feel sick..." you grab your head. You ignore the pain and grab your phone and some cash. You walk out of your apartment to see Joji. 

"You look bad..." whispered Joji. "Wow... Thanks..." you muttered and lock your door. "Are you sick?" asked Joji. "I have a headache and feel like throwing up..." you explain. "Go back inside!" ordered Joji. "Why?" you ask. "You can't go to work sick!" explains Joji. "Watch me..." you snap and start to walk towards the stairs. 

Joji grabs your hand quickly. "Sorry..." whispers Joji as he pulls you into his apartment. You groan, "I am okay!" you shout. Joji makes you sit on the couch. "You aren't going to work!" snapped Joji. You lay on his couch. "Fine..." you mutter. 

Joji pulls out his phone and dials a phone number. "Who are you calling?" you ask. "Robert, than Lily and also Katt." informed Joji. "Not Katt!" you shout. "Want me to take care of you then?" asked Joji. You sigh, "Fine... You take care of me." you muttered. Joji laughs, "Just don't get me sick."

"Robert said it was okay for you to miss work and to get better. Lily told me to give you some medicine." informed Joji as he gave you a few pills and water. "Thanks..." you cough. Joji backs away, "Remember! Don't get me sick!" Joji shouts. You laugh and fake cough onto him. Joji rolls his eyes, "Whatever.." whispered Joji as he takes your hand. 

"Where are we going?" you ask in pain. "To my bed, the couch isn't comfortable..." explains Joji. you finch. "Now... Don't you start..." muttered Joji. "Fine..." you whisper. 

You lay on his bed, "You only have one blanket?!" you shout. "I don't get cold easily." explains Joji as he takes out a chair and sit around the desk. "But I do!" you cough. "Hold on..." whispered Joji as he walked out of the room. 

He comes back with a few blankets. "Where did you get them from?" you ask. "Your apartment." answered Joji. "Does everyone have a key?!" you shout. "You left your keys back in the living room..." whispered Joji. "Oh... Oops..." you whisper. Joji rolls his eyes and walks back out of the room. 

He comes in with a tray filled with four cups. "Hot Cocoa or Honey tea?" asked Joji as he set the tray on the desk. 
~Hot Cocoa   ~Tea   (You can choose)

Joji passes you the cup and sits down and starts to drink a cup with Cocoa. "How is it?" asked Joji. "It actually is good..." you confess. "Good." laughed Joji. 

You lay back onto the bed, "You know...This is better than going to work..." you confess. "How?!" shouted Joji. "I think I would of had died, if I went to work." you explain. "Wow...So why not let Katt take care of you?" asked Joji. "I need some quiet time right now... My headache wouldn't of had gone away if she was here." you explain. "That's a good reasons..." whispered Joji. 

Joji works on his computer, "What are you doing?" you ask. "Some edits on some videos and music..." explained Joji. "Can I see?" you ask. "You mean hear?" corrected Joji. "Weren't you working on videos?" you ask. "Yeah. but on videos that you shouldn't see...But you can hear my music." suggested Joji. "Give it too me..." you laugh and lay in the bed. You close your eyes and wait for the music to start. 

You lay in bed and the music starts, all you hear are beats, "Are you going to put in lyrics?" you ask. "Later..." whispered Joji. You nod your head. "Why did you choose me and not Calvin?" asked Joji still looking at the computer. "I don't know...." you whisper. "Why are you still here then?" asked Joji still not looking up from his computer. You smile, "Because... You have my heart. Even when I didn't want YOU to have it. Somehow you took it. Yeah, Calvin was also in my heart but.... You TOOK it." you explain. 

Joji looks up from the computer with tears, "Are you serious?" asked Joji as he wiped away some tears. You shake your head yes. Joji puts the computer down and hugs you. You fake cough, "Aren't you going to get mad?" you ask. "I would rather get sick than not kiss you." whispered Joji into you ear and than kisses you.

You pull away, "I will get you sick!" you shout. "I don't care." laughed Joji. Soon he has a huge smile on his face. He is laughing so hard that you don't see his eyes anymore. But you start to grin yourself. You push him away, "I am serious." you mutter. "Than why are you grinning?" challenged Joji. "Because of your funny face." you laugh. "Rude..." whispered Joji as he sits back down on the chair. 

He picks up the computer and starts to edit some more. You look at him and soon see the necklace, "You are wearing it?" you ask. "Of course!" shouted Joji. "why?" you ask. "Because, It is a perfect gift..." smiles Joji. You laugh, "How?!" you shout. "Because you gave it to me." explains Joji. "Not a good reason." you mutter. "Fine, because of all my present that everyone gave me, yours was the best. You saw these necklace and automatic thought about me! Maybe even thought about us." explains Joji. You laugh, "i just thought they were cute." you mutter. "Wow... Than why am I wearing it?" asked Joji as he took it off. 

"Put it back on!" you shout. "Thought so..." laughed Joji. You roll your eyes and lay bed onto the bed and falls asleep. 

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