Last Day

481 18 11

You walk into the lobby hand in hand with Joji. Sean walks up to you.

But before he can say anything you stop him. "I am sorry for what happened this morning... I overreacted." You smile and follow Joji on the bus.

Ian comes from behind, "You just left Sean with an open mouth." He laughs. You giggle a little, "He will live."

You walk out of the bus and wait for Mark, Sean and Felix. "Aren't you going to walk with Joji?" Asked Mark.

You shake your head no. "You guys are my neighbors. So I will walk with you guys." You smile. The three guys walk with you to the stands.

You sit and right across from you is Joji, Max and Ian. You wave hi to them but they only give you evil grins.

You drop your pen and get on your knees to get it. You stand up fast and Jack almost hits you with a book.

"Hey! What are you doing!" You shout. Soon a paper ball hits Jack in the face. You hold back your laugh.

"Protecting you from paper balls..." whispered Jack and he puts the book down.  You grab the book and give Jack a funny look.

"Since when does Jacksepticeye read books?" You laugh as you show him the book. You hear Mark laugh from behind you and Felix laugh from behind Jack.

"She has a point!" You hear Mark. "Of course she does!" Laughs Felix. You roll your eyes. Jack takes the book from you.

"That doesn't matter...." He whispers and sits back down at his chair. You do the same and sit at your chair.

Soon people line up around you. You smile and say hello as each of them come up.

Soon you hear the women on the audio, "Please make your way to the lunch room. Please make your way to the lunch room so our YouTube rstresado can get some rest."

You wave goodbye to some of the teens and watch them go to the lunch room.

You sink into your chair and close your eyes. Soon three soft things hit you. You open your eyes to see a paper ball come your way.

"Shit!" You shout and roll to the floor. The side of your face hits the floor. You groan in pain.

You open your eyes again to see Mark and Jack rushing towards you.

"You okay?!" Shouts Jack. Mark picks your up slowly and takes you back to your chair.

"Thanks..." you manage to say while holding your forehead. Jack rolls his eyes.

"So happy nothing bad really happened..." whispers Jack. You smile a little.

Joji, Ian and Max rush to you next. "Are you okay?!" Asked Joji quickly as he got to your side.

"I am so sorry... didn't mean for you to drop to the floor." Said Max quickly. You quickly roll your eyes and regret it when it hurts your forehead.

"You should get some meds." Suggested Ian. You shake your head quickly but regret that also as you try to regain your senses.

"Stop it! Just tell us exactly what you want." Orders Joji. You look at him straight in the eyes. "A sandwich and water." You answer.

Joji quickly turns around but Jack stops him. "You stay with (Y/N). The rest of us can go get good." Ian, Max, Mark and Felix follow Jack to get some food while Joji sits next to you.

You lay your head on Joji's shoulder. "It will be okay...." whispers Joji. You close your eyes and the pain soon slowly goes away.

You open your eyes again to see Joji shoving a sandwich into your eyes. "Gonna eat?" Asked Joji with a laugh.

You shove the sandwich away with a smile. "Yes!" You take the sandwich and water bottle from Joji.

You enjoy the taste of the sandwich and drink the water slowly.

Quickly people pour back into the room. "Gosh... How long was I out?" You ask laughing. Joji kisses you on the cheek and whispers into your ear, "55 minutes to be honest." He walks away.

You smile to yourself as people line up around you.

You sign some more notebooks and answer questions while trying to come up with topics.

You look over at Joji to see him being a dildo with Ian and Max. You smile and whisper, "Of course.."

Soon enough the audio comes back on. "Please head towards the exit. Please head towards the exit. And examine the technology of the future!"

People run out quickly into another room. Jack and Joji arrive at either side of you. Jack to your right while Joji to your left.

You smile at both. "Feel better?" Asked Jack. You smile, "Of course!"

You stand up, "Next thing is partying.... you might not be in the mood." Joji informs. Jack snaps his fingers, "He is right. You aren't stable enough."

You look at your feet, "I don't want to lie but... I wont make it through a party..." you agree.

Joji puts a hand on Jack's shoulder. "Mind taking her home?" Asked Joji. Jack smiles, "Asked long as she doesn't fall again and die." Joji and Jack both laugh. While you contemplate the odds of you dying.

Jack takes your hand and pulls you away from Joji. "You will be okay!" Shouted Joji.

He turns around and follows Ian and Max to the party room. You sigh and follow Jack to the bus.

Right away you are in your hotel room. "Need anything?" Asked Jack. You smile, "Thank you but no thanks."

"Than I will head back and party!" Shouts Jack as he heads outside of the hotel room.

You sink into your pillows. "This is boring..." you whisper.

You close your eyes but open then when you hear the door. "Need to always be with you." You see Joji and smile.

"I need my attention." You agree with Joji. Joji laughs as he hands you a bottled water.

"Excuse me..." says Joji as he helps you move so he can lay right beside you.

You lay on his chest. "You know... meeting you with always the right thing."

You smile, "Almost getting a concussion with worth it." You and Joji laugh together as you watch the moon that's outside the window.

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