Back to LA

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(Please excuse the bad language but Joji, Ian and Max say more bad words and you are here... So... Excuse the bad language again.)

You walk into the hallway to see Ian and Max stepping off the elevator. Joji curled into a ball near Ian and Max. Anisa is leaning against Joji's door frame. "You have to be kidding me?!" you shout.

"Did you just try to get near Joji!?" asked Ian. "You are suppose to be with Ian and me!" ordered Max. You push Anisa. "Answer Ian's question!" you order. "You don't deserve him!" shouts Anisa as she pushes you to the floor.

You land on your butt. Joji gets up and helps you. "Are you fine?" asked Joji. "You know... I am really starting to hate her..." you muttered in pain. Joji helps you stand up. "Come on Anisa... Just say this was a prank and that we can all leave..." laughed Ian in a fake way.

"Not my fault, Joji is cuter than you..." mutters Anisa. Ian looks at the floor. You roll your eyes, "Fuck you!" you shout and push her to the floor.

You are on her and start to pull her hair, "Look here cunt!" you shout. Max starts to laugh, "She is part of the cancer crew!" shouted Max as he slapped the wall all funny. You roll your eyes, "Ian is trying hard.. Stop being a hoe and get over yourself!" you shout.

"No!" shouts Anisa in pain. You slam her head into the floor. "Stupid cunt... Just leave to La and stop hurting Ian! Because he is not ugly! He is handsome!" you shout. "Joji is hotter..." groans Anisa in pain.

Before you could do anything else Ian and Joji work together and get you off Anisa. "Okay, crazy girl. Let Joji and Ian fix this." smiles Max as he steps over Anisa and grabs you into a hug.
You look at her while Max is holding onto you.

"Let's say this was a prank and go on with life." suggested Anisa. "Go on with life?! Go on with life?! not when she is here!" you shout. "Calm down..." whispered Max. You roll your eyes.

"Look... Ian you are a great guy... But now a day.. It's about the looks." smiles Anisa as she gets up. "Ian... You can beat her up right now! I will take the blame for it!" you shout. Max laughs, "I won't hold her back." adds Max.

Joji looks at Ian. "Ian... Just do the right thing..." whispered Joji. "Which is letting me be with Joji!" shouts Anisa as she gets close to Joji. "Watch me bite you!" you shout. "Okay... Fine... Sorry!" shouted Anisa. "She said sorry!" shouted Joji.

"Why do you want to help? It obviously isn't going to work!" shouted Ian. "Ian...Don't give up..." whispered Joji.

Ian looks at you. "I can't..." whispered Ian. You push pass Joji and grab Ian's hand. "So... Do you want Ian?!" shouted Anisa. You ignore her and take Ian down the stairs.

"Where are we going..." you hear Ian starting to cry. "The bookstore..." you answer. "Why?" asked Ian. You take out your keys. "The bookstore always calms me down... And we both need to calm down..." you explain. "Good enough..." whispers Ian.

You get to the bookstore and unlock the door. "You want something to eat or drink?" you ask. "There's food?" asked Ian. "In the backroom..." you explain.

You and Ian sit down on the chair in the dark. "Should she leave?" asked Ian. You look up from your coffee cup. "I honestly don't know... Ian if you love her... You should try." you explain. "But she isn't trying... She is always going after another guy..." groaned Ian.

You nod your head. Soon Joji and Anisa come in. "Ian... Get her out of here!" ordered Joji. "Come on! I won't go after you!" shouted Anisa. "She is crazy! just get her out of New York!" ordered Joji.

Anisa walks towards you, "You don't want me out... Do you?" asked Anisa in an innocent way. You look into her eyes, "I totally want you, out of here." you say in a mean way. Anisa's eyes widen.

Ian gets up, "Here.."Ian puts something in Anisa hand. "What is this?" she looks at it and her eyes with teary. "It's a ticket back to LA..." whispers Ian. "Come on... You won't Ian..." said Anisa with tears.

You look at Joji. "If you want... I can also give you numbers to rehab centers." smirks Joji. Ian and you cover your mouths from laughing. Anisa stomps her foot. "I am out!" shouts Anisa.

You hug Joji and Ian. "You guys... Scare me sometimes..." you laugh. "How?!" laughs Ian. "I don't have an ugly face like Ian." winks Joji. Ian punches Joji. "You know you love me!" shouted Joji in pain.

You roll your eyes, "I just never want you two to fight over something stupid..." you smile. "We promise." smiles Ian. "We will only fight over Max." winks Joji. "She is mine!" shouted Ian. "Max is mine!" shouted Joji.

You laugh. "Let's go." you smile.

I am sorry I haven't updated this book in a while. I will try to upload two more chapters today... Let's see how that goes...

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