☆64/'She's In Good Hands.'☆

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Luke's POV-
"No, no, no." I cried as I picked up the letter and read it again. This couldn't be happening. I kept reading it and reading it, trying to accept that someone had took Annie and it was my fault for not being with her.

I picked up my phone to ring the police but then I paused. I couldn't ring them. Ringing them would mean I had to tell them everything about the past year and half once they had found her. If they find her.

Ran back out the apartment with note in my hand. I shut the door and took the stairs instead.

I rushed out the automatic doors and looked around. Annie could be any where by now. I don't know when she was took. She could be out the country and I wouldn't know.

I got my car keys out my pocket and got into the car which luckily was still there.

I drove around for a bit hoping I would see her on the street or see any signs of her.

Emma. Emma was round all the time. I reversed the car and drove to Emma's.

As soon as I got to Emma's, I got out the car and sprinted to her front door.
"Please, please open." I muffled while tears rolled down my cheek.

The door opened to a happy Emma but as soon as she saw me her face dropped.

"Luke, what's the matter?"
"I just need to know if you know what Annie did after you left her."
"Left her? Luke, what are you talking about?"
"You spent the last couple of days with her."
"No?" She questioned. Annie lied. She was alone all the time, I was away.
"It's Christmas Eve Luke, you're worrying me."
"Have you heard off her any time this week? Has she told you about anything?"
"No-" and before she could finish, I ran back to the car.
"Luke!" I heard her scream as I continued to drive down the street.

I swerved down every road possible hoping that I would see her. I got out at every shop trying to see if she was in there.

I checked the time and then sat in the car. It was quarter to twelve. If she was out now, I would've found her.

I scrolled for twitter to see if anyone had seen her.

I contemplated calling mom or any one of the group. But I decided against it.

Asking anyone to help me would mean I would have to tell them everything eventually.

And then I thought. I pulled my phone out of the side door in the car and searched my blocked accounts on twitter. I found the account that posted the photos and I hated what I saw next.

It was a photo of Annie in an abandoned building. She had rope round her hands, ankles and stomach and she was tied to a chair. Her mouth had black tape around it and she had multiple cuts and bruises all over her body.

She looked so weak and she was a completely different person.

The caption of the photo told me all I needed to find her.

"17 Merdiane Road. Don't worry Luke, she's in good hands."

Roommates - Luke's LA Girl #Wattys2016जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें