☆21/'Tea And Crumpets.'☆

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Annie's POV-
We have already been in England for 2 days now and we have been to loads of places like Big Ben and we traveled to Essex aswell.

Today we were going around London to sight see and then tomorrow we are going to see my family.

We all come out of our rooms, Luke was sharing with beau, Jai was sharing with James and skip. I had a room to myself even though i could've shared with Luke since we do live together.

"Morning." Skip greeted as he sat down in the booth that we were going to eat in.
"So what's on the menu, tea and crumpets?"
"Your so stereotypical, we don't just have tea and crumpets for every meal, I'm actually not too keen on tea."
They all looked puzzled except luke because he obviously remembered my first day in LA when he found out that I didn't really like tea.

After breakfast, we left the hotel and then caught a bus to Covent garden. Since beau was vlogging the whole trip, we let him have the only seat left which was conveniently by a window so he could get some good shots of our journey.

As for the rest of us we were stood up, cramped between other people.
"I literally can't move." Jai moaned.
"Wait until you see the tube."

"That man next to me stunk like eggs, I'm not even exaggerating." I held my nose as I got off the bus.

For the next 5 minutes, we all took some photos of the surroundings. When we got into Covent Garden , we stopped and took more photos.

There were street acts, hundreds of cafes and restaurants and the smells were really nice.

"Watch this." Beau whispered to me. He got out his camera and walked over to James who was sitting on a stool. He said something to the camera and pushed James off, James fell on the floor. All of his stuff that he had were all over the floor. I tried not to laugh but I couldn't help it.

We were looking for a place to eat when my phone rang. I told the boys to carry on looking and I walked off into a less crowded place to take the call.

"Hello?" Since it was an unknown number I didn't know what to expect.
"You answered." It was Jack. I started to panic so I rushed down an alley so I could hear the phone call better to see if it was really him.
"Why do you keep doing this?" I yelled while whispering.
"Doing what princess?"
"Don't call me that, block this number and stop stalking me, it's like your around me 24/7."
"Trust me, I'm not even that close to you." I looked around scared.
"I've got to go, by the way, I like your blue skirt, it's makes you look hot." I quickly ended the call and looked around again. He must be here, he knows what I'm wearing.

The only thing I could do was call someone to calm me down, all of the janoskians were off the list, so was mum, I didn't want to worry her.

"Liam? Is this you?"
"Yeah Annie, what's the matter? You sound stressed, I knew you shouldn't have gone to England, but you don't need to worry about college."
"No it's not that, something just happened but I can't tell you about it, I'm just freaked out and I needed someone to talk to."
"Talk away, I've got enough time for you,"

Luke's POV-
We found a little restaurant called 'union jacks' and we stopped off at it. I texted Annie the place and sent her the directions that we walked in but she still wasn't here after 15 minutes.

"You guys order without me, I'm going to find Annie." They agreed as I got up and walked back to where we were.

I looked around and finally saw her in an alley.

She come off the phone and walked over to me.

"Sorry I was so long." Her eyes were puffy and her makeup was smudged. It was like the first night she got here.
"Are you ok?"
"Yeah, my mum called me, made me emotional."
"But why were you talking to Liam?" She looked down and I could see that her recent call was from him.
"Oh yeah, he rang me after about college and then he heard I wasn't ok so he comforted me for a bit." I nodded in understanding.
"So, should we go and eat now?"
"I'm starving."

When we were walking back to the restaurant, all I could think about was how jealous I am of Liam and Annie. They talked all the time, they get on so well and it's like they are secretly dating.

"Those pizzas were so nice." We all agreed. We had all ordered pizzas and lemonades to go with them.
"That's because it is run by Italians." Annie said.
"Look who's being stereotypical now."
"I'm not being stereotypical, it's a fact."

"So what do you want to do now?"
We looked at the time and it was only 3:30.
"We could make a video on the tube." Everyone looked at each other with the 'good idea' face except Annie.
"I don't want to be apart of it, if you get arrested."
"We won't get arrested."
"We will do it on beaus vlog camera."
"Let's go then!" We all got up raring to go, even though Annie was still worried.

"It'll be fine and even if we do get arrested, you can bail us out." I joked.
"Really funny brooks." She replied.

Hey! Hope everyone had a nice Valentine's Day yesterday! Well I needed to do a longer chapter as I probably won't be updated until the 20th or 21st. Sorry for the boring chapter, I can assure you that everything that I write drops hints to what is going to happen in the next chapters, I can also assure you that it is going to be really dramatic and it's going to have tonnes of twists!

I also wanted to make it longer so I could reach my goals before my birthday, my birthday is on the 20th of February so that is 5 days away and before my birthday and I want to reach these goals-

~My Brooklyn Beckham story to reach 40.3k reads
~My Troian and Keegan story to reach 10.9k reads
~My Isaac Waddington story to reach 8.52k reads
~My Luke Brooks story (this one) to reach 2k reads

Do you think you could help me out a bit? It would mean the world if I got these targets:) anyway have a great day also comment how you are doing today and leave a vote.

Roommates - Luke's LA Girl #Wattys2016Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz