☆50/'This Has Killed Us.'☆

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Annie's POV-
I rubbed my eyes and tip toed down the stairs. I pulled down my pink vest top and pulled up my pink lace shorts.

I walked into the kitchen and got a glass out the cupboard. As I opened the fridge, I saw that the milk was already out on the counter.
"Sorry I should've put that away." I jumped. I turned around and saw Luke sat on the sofa with a glass of milk.
"It's fine, why are you up anyway?" I asked as I poured the milk into my glass and went and sat by Luke on the sofa.

He moved his quilt and then put it on the floor.
"I couldn't sleep, you?"
"No, Luke stop. I know what you're  going to say so I'm going to say it first."
"I'm sorry for overreacting and being mad at you, I was just angry that you told him even though I asked you not to."
"I shouldn't have told him Annie, I'm really sorry, you know how sorry I am."
"I know, I just want to forget about everything. Forget I ever told you."
"I can't forget, this has killed us, he has killed us."

Silence filled the room. I listened to the sound of Lukes heavy breathing as I couldn't find the air to breath.

"Mum got a text." I slipped out.
"What?" I sighed.
"Mum, when we were at the hospital, told me about a text she got from 'Caleb'." I said as I put air quotation marks around Caleb.
"What did it say? Who was it from?" I told him to be quiet referencing that Caleb was upstairs.
"It just said something about me and Liam, it was a unknown number so it definitely wasn't from Caleb, I think it was Jack but you never know. I never told mum about Liam and now she knows that he was my teacher, she isn't very happy." 
"Why didn't you tell me before?"
"Because I was mad at you for telling Jack that I told you about him." I raised my voice.
"Sorry, I'm just fed up of everything, mum's in hospital and we have a psycho trying to ruin our lives."
"It will all be fine." Luke whispered as he put his arm around me, pulling me into a hug.

"So are we good?" He whispered into my head. I nodded.
"It's killed me not speaking to you everyday, seeing your gorgeous face when I wake up every morning, kissing the hell out of you." I laughed.
"I've missed you, even though I've been around you everyday, I'm glad things are back to normal."
"We just have to now pretend that we are roommates until we get back to LA."

It was getting late. I took mine and Luke's glasses up to the sink and put the milk away.

I walked up to the stairs and paused.
"Are you coming?" I smiled as I saw his smile.
"I was wondering when you were going to ask me." He grinned as he grabbed his phone and tiptoed over to me. I put my finger in front of his mouth telling him to shut up.

I silently creaked open my door and closed it after Luke has entered. We both got in the small single bed and cuddled up to each other.

Feeling close to Luke again felt amazing, knowing that he is the only person I can be close to without making me feel unsafe makes it more special.

"Goodnight brooks." I kissed him and then rolled over.
"Goodnight Annabelle." He pulled me closer and put his leg over my body.

I finally felt safe.

Hey! I'm sorry for the lack of updates but I have prewritten a lot so you will now get frequent updates!!! Also please comment any questions you want me to answer!


Roommates - Luke's LA Girl #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now