☆31/'So What Are You Two Now?'☆

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Luke's POV-
I walked through the kitchen door to get something to eat.

Today I had work but I was in a better mood since me and Annie had made up. Last night, all I thought of was Annie. If we had gone any longer not talking, I wouldn't know what to do.

"Morning." I said as I opened the fridge, I grabbed a pouch of orange juice and turned around to see Annie and Hanna sat on of couch watching Gossip Girl.

"Hanna what are you doing here?" I asked. I looked at the time.
"Hello to you too." Hanna smirked.
"Sorry." I ran my hand through my hair.
"You said we could hang out today, but Annie told me you had work."
I cursed under my breath as I walked over to Annie and Hanna. How could I forget about this? I need to start planning my stuff out.

"You don't know how sorry I am Hanna, I totally forgot." I saw Annie roll her eyes out the corner of my eye.
"You don't have to keep saying sorry." She put her hand on mine.
"We will hang out when i get back." Hanna started to get ready to leave.
"Hanna you can stay here until Luke gets back if you want." Annie stood up.
"Really Annie?" I looked up at her.
"Yeah, we could start getting to know each other. It would be pointless for Hanna to travel back to come back again."
"Ok thanks, I'll see you later babe." Hanna kissed my cheek.
"Can I use the bathroom?" Annie nodded.

"I owe you big time for this Annie."
"Your right, you do."
"Well I'll see you later."
"Bye, have a really good time at work, don't come back smelling like coffee." Annie shouted sarcastically.

I walked to the elevator and checked my snapchats, Hanna had put one on from ages ago of her smiling with the caption 'off to see my face boy'. Annie also put one of her without any makeup on with the caption 'bare faced'. She looked so beautiful without any makeup on, she was a 'bare faced beauty'.

Annie's POV-
It was so awkward after Luke left. I just waited for Hanna to come back out from the toilet. I was texting Liam when she came out.
"Aw Liam I love you so much." Hanna mimicked.
"How do you know about Liam?" I asked curiously.
"Luke told me." I nodded in understanding. I wondered what else he was telling Hanna about my 'immature' relationship.

"So what hobbies do you have?"
"I like art, so I paint most of the time. I also like fashion and writing blogs on fashion." She replied. I could sort have guessed about her hobbies.

Hanna always looked stunning and everytime I saw her, she had on the nicest outfits which made my outfit look messy. All the times that I have seen her, her makeup looked so professional and her hair was placed perfectly. She was perfect.

After a while, we got to know each a lot more and she was a really nice person. She made me feel really insecure about myself as she had literally everything. She grew up in a big home, her parents brought her a car and they pay for it, she has her own house and more importantly, she had Luke.

"How did you meet Luke?" Hanna asked as she finished painting her nails.
"I found him while I was looking for a flat, which explains why I'm living here." I laughed.
"Talking about you living with Luke, hasn't that ever been a problem? You two living together? Like romantically?"
"No, we aren't interested in each other like that. We are really good friends but I think we both know we wouldn't go there, he is like a brother to me."
"I'm surprised, Luke is amazing and let's not forget his looks." We both giggled, I felt so uncomfortable.

"So, what are you two now?" I questioned. I needed to know how they felt about it each because it was eating me alive knowing that Luke could have a girlfriend.
"Well we're dating so I guess we are boyfriend and girlfriend." She smiled.
"I'm happy for you both, Luke is a great guy and you are a great girl for him." Hanna leaned in towards me.
"Well, if you ever get jealous, I know that jai is single." She whispered before Luke walked through the door.
"What have I missed?" Luke exclaimed.

Well what haven't you missed I thought to myself.

Roommates - Luke's LA Girl #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now