☆45/'I Need To Go Back To England.'☆

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Luke's POV-
"Thanks." I replied to Annie as she hung my keys up on our key holder.
"I thought it was a good film." She stated.
"Yeah, I liked it." I answered as I threw myself on the sofa.
"Tired?" Annie questioned as she sat on the bottom of the sofa.
"It was very busy today." I closed my eyes hoping I would go to sleep.

We sat in silence for a bit. Listening to the clock make noises every second.

"Was he there?" She said quietly, not looking at me." I nodded as she looked up at me.
"Did you speak?"
"We spoke a lot actually." I silently admitted.
"About?" Annie seemed lost. I know she didn't want me to speak to him, I know she was already angry.
"Many things."

I had to tell her. He will say something soon and then Annie will be annoyed that I lied. Jack knows that I know about everything. I had one thing to do to help Annie and I failed.

"Like what? Coffee? His life?"
"We talked about him." She nodded her head in understanding.
"And you."
"Me? Why would you talk about me?"
"I'm sorry Annie."
"Why are you sorry? You haven't done anything wrong, he is the murderer." She rubbed my leg.
"He knows."
"Knows what?"
"He knows that I know about what happened between you and him."
"You told him?"

She looked at me in disappointment.

"I promise you, I didn't mean to, it just slipped out, he just got me so angry, how he could do that to you and act normal with me, he killed your dad Annie, what was I meant to do? Your my girlfriend, of course I'm going to protect you."
"Protecting me, isn't doing the complete opposite of what I said." She got up quickly and gripped her hair.
"I wasn't thinking Annie, we can't let him have a new happy life, I can't stand him."
"But now we're not safe, he will be out to get us!" She screamed.
"I moved here to get away from him, I told him I wouldn't tell anyone, I don't want you to be at risk, but now you are. He won't stop until he knows we won't say anything, he came here so nobody knew who he was, he could destroy your career."
"We weren't safe before, he is in the same town as us Annie."

She come up to me closer because I was standing by the kitchen counter.

"He can kill us at anytime, now that he knows that I told you about him, he will make our lives a living hell."
"He doesn't even know that you told me the full story, he just knows that I know that he murdered your dad and that he nearly raped you. He doesn't know anything else, he doesn't even know we're dating."
"That gives him more of a reason to come after us, he won't back off until he knows what I've told you."
"I hate this Annie, we're fighting over nothing."
"We wouldn't be fighting if i didn't tell you in the first place." She sat down on the couch and put her head in her hands.
"He is ruining our lives Luke, I should've never have told you."
"No, it was my fault. I shouldn't have let him know, I knew about his past. I'm so sorry Annie."

She got up and went into her bedroom.

Why do I always mess things up??

A couple of hours later, Annie came out of her room and made herself dinner since I had already had mine.

It was 11:00 and I was getting ready for bed when Annie came in to pick up her phone which was ringing.

"Hello." She said.
"Why what's wrong?" She spoke into the phone.
"I'll be on the next flight."
"Okay, okay bye."

"Annie, what's up?"
"It's mum, she's been in an accident." She starts to breath heavily as her eyes started to water.
"I need to go back to England, now."
"I can book some flights now."
"No, Luke. Stay here, you can't leave everything."
"You can't either, it's Christmas soon, you need to be with your family."
"There's 20 days till Christmas, Annie I'm booking the tickets now. Go and pack a bag, throw some stuff in for me aswell. I can't let you travel alone, we will be back by Christmas."
She nodded as she rushed out the room in tears.

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