☆16/'Do you want to meet up tonight?'☆

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Annie's POV-
"So, I see your sober today?" I turned around and saw Prof Daniels standing there, looking as fit as ever. You could say that I have a teacher crush, which I do have but he is only 2 years apart.

"Very funny." I replied sarcastically.
"I actually need to speak to you, do you still want to be tutored?" A couple weeks back I requested a tutor for English as I was failing before I moved.

"Yeah, I was wondering when I would get one."
"Well, Emma took the last student tutor so, do you mind if I tutor you?" Well I wasn't going to say no.

"Yeah that'd be fine." I smiled.
"Do you want to meet up tonight? We can sort out our schedule."
"Course. I'll meet you at the cafe by the block of flats, do you know which one I'm on about?"
"Yes, the one with red blinds?" I nodded.
"I'll meet you there at 4:00."
"See you later Annie." He said as we walked off in different directions. Emma is going to be so jealous.

I went home and did some work, and when I mean work I mean, I started to work but then I went on tumblr and YouTube for like an hour.

I also watched an episode of American Horror Story while I cleaned up the house and washed up.

I brushed my hair and applied some pink lipstick before I left the apartment to meet Prof Daniels.

On the way, I called my parents to let them know how I was doing.

"Annie, darling how are you?"
"I'm fine, sorry I haven't called, I've been busy."
"Me and your dad have been worried sick, you need to start calling."

"I will, how's dad? How's caleb?"
"Your dad and your brother are great, caleb got into the school football team. Your dad still goes to Nanas every night to help out."
"So it's just like the same since I left then." I laughed.
"Have you heard off him?"
"Yeah, I've blocked his number."
"If anything bad happens remember, call the police, that's the mistake we made last time."
"I will mum, I've got to go now, bye love you and I'll speak soon."
"Bye honey, love you too."

Luke's POV-
I was on my shift at the cafe when Annie walked in.
"Hey!" I said.
"Luke?!? I forgot you worked here." She smiled.
"So, what do you want to drink?"
"Nothing yet, I'll wait until, oh here he is." I looked and through the door was Professor Daniels.

"So what would you like to order?" I asked them. They were sat at a table on their laptops. Seeing Annie with Liam made me feel jealous, I don't know why because he is her teacher.

"Can we have two lattes please?" Annie said. I wrote it down on the pad as I walked off.

As I was making the drinks, I saw Liam and Annie laughing which also made me feel really jealous.

"My shifts over, do you want to walk home together?" I asked Annie. She looked over at Liam.
"No, it's fine. Me and Liam need to carry on working out our schedule. I'll see you at home." I said bye and put my apron behind the counter.
"Has anyone come forward for the job yet?" I asked Lucy. I still had no one to work with since mark quit.
"Nope, I've had nothing."
"Oh ok, see you tomorrow."

It was about 7:00 when Annie came back.
"Sorry, I didn't think I would come back this late."
"What were you meeting him there for?" I sounded like and over protective boyfriend.
"He is tutoring me every Wednesday after school." I nodded my head in understanding.
"I'm just going to get changed." She put her bag down and walked into her room.

Her phone dinged and I couldn't resist to go into her bag and look.
It was Liam saying that he had a nice night. Gee, it was only a tutoring lesson, his acting like they went on a date.

Maybe I am falling for Annie more than I think.

Sorry for a short chapter:( please vote and comment! This chapter is dedicated to -galaxymgc for being super nice and kind to me when we talk <3

Roommates - Luke's LA Girl #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now