☆39/'It's Not Your Fault.'☆

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Luke's POV-
"You know each other?" She nodded her head slowly. Her face was wet from all the tears she had cried before. I hated seeing her like this.

"At the beginning, he was a family friend, my real dad was best friends with his dad."
"Real dad?"
"Yeah, my step dad, Harry, is the dad who lives with my mum. I call him dad." I nodded my head in understanding.

"Well Jack and Caleb, my brother, got close and I got close with him aswell. After a couple of months, he was over everyday, he was part of the family." She wiped a single tear away.
"On my mums birthday, he asked me out."
"We only went on a few dates before he asked me to be his girlfriend. He was perfect. We were perfect." A smile creeped on her lips but then I went away quickly.

"He was always so nice to me, he would surprise me with gifts and he would take me away for spontaneous weekends."

She looked so happy when she talked about the relationship side of things.

"One weekend, he took me to Brighton, it's a seaside town in England. We spent the whole day at the beach and we were both burnt to a crisp after it." She began to giggle.
"That was the last weekend I was happy. Don't get me wrong, I was kind of happy the other weeks but Jack had changed on that weekend."

This was the point where her tone of voice changed. She began to cry again and I saw how much she has inside her which was been building up since we met.

"I'm so sorry." She croaked out as she wiped her tears.
"Shhhh." I comforted as I let her rest on my shoulder. Even though our position was very uncomfortable because we were sat up, we stayed there for a couple of minutes.

"He began coming over less, he distanced himself from me and my family. We hardly text and when we did, he always said he was going out so he couldn't talk for long. It was like he didn't love me anymore. I loved him so much. He was my first love."

"All I kept doing was blaming myself. I would tell myself that it was my fault he didn't love me anymore. I told myself it's because I'm not pretty and I'm not skinny like the other girls. He still makes me feel this way today, when I see him or even hear his name, I feel instantly insecure and my heart races." I realised that Jack was a lot more to her than an ex.

She started speaking again.
"It was our one year anniversary and I had arranged to surprise him at his house. My real dad drove me to his house. We wasn't sure if he was at his house, so my dad waited outside incase we had to go back home."

"The front door was open, I entered the house and began shouting his name. I heard him upstairs. I ran up the stairs and saw him." She paused.

"With my best friend."

"I'm so sorry Annie."
"Stop saying sorry, it's not your fault."

"We're no longer friends, I haven't heard from her since that day."

"Anyway back to Jack. I began to sob as I ran out the house. My dad asked me what was wrong and I told him about Jack. My dad got really angry and I had never seen him like that before. I can still remember his words in my head now, 'nobody hurts my little girl'."

"He got out the car immediately after he spoke and rushed into the house. I shouted after him but he wouldn't come back. I got out the car and followed him into the house. My dad and Jack had always had some tension between them ever since Jack changed. Dad didn't like that he abandoned our family like that, dad could count on Jack but when he left us, Dad was mad at him because dad treated him like a son. Dad was the one who would let him stay the night or lend him money. Dad was hurt by what Jack did, he felt betrayed and ever since he turned his back on our family, dad tried to keep out of our relationship."

"I heard shouting in jacks room, when I got there, dad had him pinned up the wall. Jenny, my ex best friend, was no where to be seen. I was yelling at dad to let go of him. Jack punched my dad in the stomach and then my dad punched him in the face. Blood was pouring from jacks face. Dad started to smash things while yelling abuse at Jack. That's when things changed for the worse."

"Jack rushed over to his set of draws by his bed and pulled out a gun. I always knew he had a gun in there. His house got robbed a while back, so he got a gun incase it happened again."

"I stood there, screaming at him. I asked him not to shoot my dad, I begged him to put the gun down. But he didn't. He held it up and pointed at my dad. My dad was in a rage that when he saw the gun, he carried on hitting things and throwing things. Dad then started to say that Jack didn't have the courage to shoot him. Dad then said about everything he had done for him and about how he was a waste of space and how he deserved to die for what he did to me. Dad has always been protective over me, I was his little girl and I will always be his little girl. Dad then said that he was a low life sxumbag who was a poor excuse for a man."
I kissed the top of Annie's head as tears started to run down my face. Annie had had a hard life growing up and she tries to hide it.

"That's when he pulled the trigger. My dad was on the floor. Dead. He was dead. Why did he have to die?" Annie shouted while crying.
"It's okay, it's okay." I pulled her into a hug and rubbed her shoulder.
"It's okay to cry, let it all out." I whispered as I repeatedly kissed the top of her head.

Soon after, Annie lifted her head up and carried on the story.

"The police didn't have enough evidence to charge him. He denied everything and then I thought everything had ended. But I was wrong."

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