A is for Asphyxiation

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***Author's Note: So, just to clarify with people, I have NOT abandoned Irresistible Danger. However, as a way to celebrate Negan Smut Week on tumblr, I decided to do an ABCs of Negan celebration, where I write a smutty prompt based on each letter of the alphabet. I know these will take more than one week to complete, but I'm hoping I can get them all done within two weeks. Once I have those finished, I can refocus on Irresistible Danger. I just wanted to clarify because I don't want people flooding me with questions about when I'm going to update ID, because I honestly don't know. I'm immersed in these ABC prompts, and having a grand ol' time with them :D

So for those of you who have tumblr, feel free to follow me on there if you want. My screen name is flames-bring-a-ton-of-ash

Since I know that not everyone has tumblr, or enjoys using it, I will be posting my ABC prompts here for you as well!

These prompts are NOT based off the "you" character from Irresistible Danger. They are random "you" characters, and some of these are in canon Negan, some more off canon, and some will be AU. They will also range from really fluffy smut to really kinky, dirty smut. So head the warnings.

Enjoy! :)

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A is for Asphyxiation

Arching your back against the mattress with a moan, you shuddered as Negan's thick cock slid deep inside you. Your thighs clenched around his hips when he started to withdraw, trying to keep him locked inside. Thankfully, he didn't pull away for long, slamming back into you with a grunt, causing you to cry out in pleasure. The long drag of his cock against your sensitive inner walls was torture of the best kind.

Looking up at him, you moaned at the vision of him on top of you. His primal gaze was locked onto your own, sweat running down his chest to drip onto your breasts and stomach. You were pretty sure you could come just from the view alone, but you held back, wanting this to last as long as possible.

A surprised shiver ran down your spine when you felt Negan's rough fingers slide across your collarbone and lay across the front of your throat. His hips stilled, cock deep inside you but not providing the delicious friction that you craved. Looking up into his bright hazel eyes, you saw the unspoken question in his gaze, felt his fingers press slightly into your skin...and you nodded.

At your assent, the fingers that had been gently lying across your throat now wrapped around the delicate flesh, not yet squeezing, but still holding firm. Any possible worry about agreeing to this was banished when he gruffly asked, "You trust me, doll?"

You were touched that he would ask, but also knew that consent was an important factor for Negan, and that he wouldn't do anything you didn't agree to. The thought that you were about to trust him with this...with something so important and vital as the oxygen you breathed, caused a spark of heat to rush down your spine.

Nodding again, this time more adamantly, you whispered, "I trust you."

The left side of his lips curled upwards into a smirk, before his expression became serious, and he ordered, "Tap my wrist twice, if you want to stop."

Again touched by a glimpse into the rarely-seen, caring side of Negan, you smiled reassuringly and replied, "Yes, sir."

At this, you saw the softness leave his eyes, replaced by the bright flames of lust that had been there before. His hips snapped sharply against your own, grinding deep, and you cried out at the unexpected thrust. You drew in another breath, meaning to let it out in a moan, but his hand finally tightened around your throat, cutting the sound off before it had a chance to pass your lips.

Your body's first instinct was to tense up, but you forced yourself to relax, letting him take control of the situation...and of you. He gave a few punishing thrusts before loosening his fingers enough to allow you to draw another breath, then tightened his grip again. He repeated this way for what could've been a few minutes or an hour, you weren't sure. Time was no longer measured in minutes or seconds, but in the number of thrusts between each precious breath that he allowed. You were so turned on by the fact that he decided when you could breath and when you couldn't. The idea that he owned not just your body, but your very life, in that moment, caused a shudder of both fear and arousal to pass through your body.

When he started to pick up the pace, and his thrusts became quick and sharp, you knew that he was getting close to his release. However, if there was one thing that Negan was chivalrous about, it was orgasms. He always made sure that the lady came first.

Reaching down with his free hand, he started circling your clit with rough fingertips, at the same time that he again tightened his hand and cut off your oxygen. His voice drifted down as if from a long distance, the words coiling around you seductively, as he commanded, "You don't get another fucking breath until you come on my cock."

His hand on your clit had already rocketed you up close to the precipice of an orgasm, and his words pushed you even further towards that cliff. Spots danced in your vision as he continued to drive his cock into you, and your hands instinctually came up to wrap tightly around his wrist, giving a feeble jerk to try and dislodge his hand. You knew that if you tapped his wrist twice, he would immediately stop...but that wasn't what you wanted. The fear and sense of powerlessness as your body started to jerk and struggle against his, your lungs trying in vain to inhale fresh air, caused your arousal to reach epic proportions. You knew that when you finally fell over the edge, that it would be earth-shattering.

Right when you were at the point where your vision was completely blurred, and you really thought you might pass out, Negan gave an extra deep thrust at the same time that he delivered a well-placed slap to your clit. The combination of sensations drove you instantly up and over, the orgasm hitting you like a freight train at full speed. Your vision went white, and you would've been screaming, if his hand wasn't still wrapped iron-tight around your throat.

He waited until you were right at the height of your orgasm...and then released his grip. Oxygen flooded your lungs in a rush, and the combined sensations of your orgasm coupled with the sweet taste of fresh air, pushed your pleasure to a whole new level. The world around you faded, and every part of your body felt as if it might spontaneously combust. In fact, you were pretty sure that you blacked out for a minute, everything going dark except for the rolling waves of contractions that caused your entire body to jerk and shake.

Slowly drifting down from the high, you were finally able to refocus on your surroundings. Your thighs were twitching uncontrollably, and your throat felt raw and sore. Most likely there would be some interesting marks there for the next few days, but it had been totally worth it. That had officially been the most intense orgasm of your entire life.

Looking up at Negan, you found him staring down at you with an arrogant smirk on his face. Any other time you would've been annoyed at him looking so pleased with himself, but this time it was well and truly deserved. He ran a hand up your side, causing another convulsive shudder to pass through your body. His smirk got even larger at the response, and he traced his fingers over the front of your neck while possessively stating, "You better invest in some fucking scarves, doll. Because this," - he pressed lightly into the bruised skin of your throat- "is going to bear my mark from now on. I'll make fucking sure of it." 

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