[14] Start of Senior Year

Start from the beginning

          She’d know I was driving if I didn’t text back.

~* *~

          I parked in the senior section immediately, hopping out of my shabby pick-up. I ignored the amused stares of kids passing by, tittering along with their friends.

          I had managed to calm down slightly on the drive. I made it a notion to never drive fast because of anger. It was pretty much setting yourself up for death. On the drive, I realized the reason that I was so upset.

          I was needy.

          James was my rock…and in my life, I needed that. With him gone, I couldn’t function properly. Nobody to talk to about anything, or laugh with about stupid things. He understood me like no other could even dream to, and I didn’t have to hide things from him.

          He, obviously, has hid things from me in the past. That’s was apparent, yes, but I still had yet to figure out what he was hiding. If I knew, I’d be able to help him with the issues.

          Not seeing him was slowly driving me insane, and I kept checking over my shoulder just to see if I’d spot his familiar and cheery body.

          Of course, I had Jessica as a friend as well. She was a good friend, but an unreliable one. She was amusing to have around, but got tiring after a while. Sometime or another, she’d need to grow up.

          James had plenty of time to grow up. He needed to, in his case. Though his immaturity managed to keep him sane sometimes, so I didn’t blame him.

          I couldn’t imagine not being alive. To have to live with such dark secrets and obligations must have been awful. My heart gave a twinge, and I silently pleaded for James to return.

          He should’ve been walking through those school doors with me, saying something stupid to calm down my nerves. Instead, I walked by myself, which almost put the walk of shame to disgrace.

~* *~

          “Okay, everyone, please sit. I need to take attendance, and maybe get to know a little about each of you,” Ms. St. Pierre announced loudly. She smiled at us and shooed us towards the long tables with her hands.

          I sat in the back of the room, now facing the complete excitement of learning about the school regulations…Again.

          Imagine my surprise as Johnny sat down next to me, flicking my ear. “Johnny?” I whispered, smiling broadly. “I didn’t know you were still in high school!”

          “Well, you do now,” he made a funny face, involving a very large smile.

His mouth looked like it would split at the grin be was supplying. “And apparently so does your brown haired friend. Crazy girl… I can’t remember her name.”

          “Jess,” I smiled softly. “Her name is Jessica.”

          “Yeah, well, Jessica practically mauled me in the hallway,” he snorted, “You two are like complete opposites. Weird that you guys’re friends.”

          “I agree,” I nodded.

          “You’re a senior, right?” he checked.

          “Well, this is a senior class…” I raised my eyebrows at him, smiling slightly. “So, yes.”

          “I was just making sure!” he defended, throwing his hands up in front of him. He laughed, shaking his head.

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