He's Gone (Leukemia Part 3)

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So I grew really attached to this request and decided to write a chapter about the aftermath. I'm writing in a different format than I normally do, so hopefully you like it xxxx please vote and comment if you do!!

***warning Louis' part may be triggering!!******

(Zayn POV)

Harry smiles and his eyes slowly close

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Harry smiles and his eyes slowly close. I can't believe this. He's gone. On of my best mates, is gone. I slide down onto the floor beside the bed and break down, sobbing.
"It's all my fault!!" I scream, yanking at my hair. "I made him angry and it pushed him too far!!"
Liam sits beside me, "It's not your fault. We all knew this day was coming."
I shake my head, pushing him away. "It is my fault. Now leave me alone."
I stand up and run from the room, unsure of where to go next. I run to my car, and climb in, banging my head against the steering wheel.
I should've been there for him! I've been gone all this time, then I come back... only to kill him. He was one of my best mates... and now he's dead. All because of me. I scream in frustration, before starting up my car and speeding away.
As I'm driving, I think of Harry. His smile, his laugh, his terrible jokes... and start to cry. I pull over, my vision blurring from the tears, and just sit in my car, sobbing.
"Harry..." I whisper, "I don't know if you're out there..." I'm not a Christian, so it's a stretch, but I have a glimmer of hope he may hear me, "but if you are I want to say I'm sorry. I'm sorry for leaving the band... for being selfish. I'm sorry I wasn't there for you. I'm sorry I didn't visit.... I'm sorry I yelled..." I rest my head in my hands, my shoulders shaking with my sobs. "I'm sorry I cut your life short. It's all my fault and I'm sorry." I cry.
I eventually make the long drive back to my mum's. I blast my music, cranking it up loud as I drive, trying to ignore my feelings so I can focus on the road.

"Hey sweetums!" My mum exclaims as I walk into the home I'd bought her.
"How's Harry?" She asks.
I shake my head, not wanting to talk and run to my room, locking myself in.
I climb under the comforting sheets, and let the endless tears drench my face and pillow.
I have no will to get up. I want to stay there forever, and sleep, because if I'm asleep, there's no pain, just numbness.

(Niall POV)

(Niall POV)

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