Must've Been the Meatballs (Louis)

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Hello angels! This is a request for pastelslouis :) hope it's what you had in mind love! Thanks for reading everyone :) please remember to vote and comment xxx
**warning: this story contains several detailed scenes of diarrhea and gas**

Louis happily walked into Harry's flat, not bothering to knock. He had a key and the two boys were the best of friends. "Harry!!" He called, running up the stairs. "I'm here!" They were going to be having a movie night, and Louis was thrilled. They were going to watch Grease.
No answer. That's strange.
Louis shrugged and walked into the kitchen, where he found a note on the table.
I had to run to the store quickly. Make yourself at home.... I don't have to tell you that. I know you will ;)
Be back soon.
Louis sighed, and wondered how long Harry had been gone. He really didn't want to hang out alone for much longer.
His stomach rumbled hungrily, and he decided to find himself a snack, knowing Harry wouldn't mind. He was rummaging through the kitchen, frustrated that all he could find were healthy snacks such as kale chips and fruit leather. He settled on a granola bar, and was about to eat it, when his gaze landed on the stove. Harry had a pan of sauce-covered meatballs sitting on the front burner, just waiting to be eaten.
He dropped the granola bar and dashed toward the stove. He licked his lips eagerly at the sight of the sweet and sour meatballs, one of his favorite foods.
Louis sighed, realizing the burner was off and the pan was pretty cold. Harry must've cooked them before he left and forgot to put them away. He grabbed a plate and dished himself up a large serving. Deciding the food was too cold for his liking, Louis put his heaping plate of meatballs in the microwave, hitting the 'reheat' button.
Louis tapped his toes, anxiously awaiting the beep. He couldn't wait to dig into Harry's famous meatballs!
The microwave chimed, and Louis stood on his tiptoes to reach his food. He grabbed the hot plate and set it on the table in front of him, taking a seat, and digging in.
Upon taking his first bite, Louis realized that the meat tasted a little funny... the sauce was delicious though, so he shrugged it off, and in minutes he had devoured his large pile of meatballs.
He burped, satisfied, and headed to the living room. He flicked on the TV, and found a game of footie to watch until Harry arrived. Louis sat on the couch, watching the game, and running his bloated stomach. He'd probably eaten too much. Oh well. It was delicious, and so far his stomach didn't even hurt.
"Hey Lou! Sorry it took so long I got mobbed by fans!" Harry called, walking into the house, and making his way to the living room.
Louis chuckled, but stopped himself, as his stomach started feeling a bit of discomfort. "It's fine. Why'd you have to go to the store anyway?"
"Needed some more vinegar for the meatballs I'm making. I only had half of what the recipe calls for. I also grabbed some icecream, thought I could splurge a bit for our movie night." He grinned.
"More vinegar? I thought the meatballs tasted just fine." Louis replied casually.
Harry's eyes widened, "You didn't eat them... did you Lou?"
"Yeah I ate some. Maybe half. They tasted great! Well the sauce did... the meat was a bit funny, but still good." He rambled.
Harry face palmed, "I can't believe you did that Louis!"
Louis looks hurt, "Sorry. I didn't know it'd make you so mad!" He shouted.
Harry shook his head and sat beside Louis, "I'm not mad Lou. I'm just worried."
Louis frowned. "Worried about what?"
Louis chuckled, "And why would you be worried about me Haz? I'm obviously just fine." Aside from my growing belly ache. He thought. The pressure of his bloated belly was getting more intense, and his jeans were pressing painfully against his stomach.
"I didn't cook those meatballs Lou." Harry sighed. "How many did you eat?"
Louis looked at his feet sheepishly, "About half the pan."
Harry's eyes grew wide. "That many?! Oh Louis. Let's just hope you don't get food poisoning."
Louis shrugged, "I have a strong stomach. I should be fine."
"I hope... I'm gonna go finish cooking them. Want to join me?"
Louis shook his head, his stomach was getting worse by the minute. He could feel gas building up in his lower stomach, and he wasn't sure how to feel about that.
"Alright, well I'll be back in a few minutes and we can start the movie. Want any icecream?"
Louis stomach gurgled at the thought, "No thanks." He replied quietly, rubbing his swollen gut.
"Alright." Harry nodded understandingly. Hoping Louis didn't end up feeling too ill. He headed off to the kitchen.
As soon as Harry was gone, Louis unbuttoned his tight skinny jeans, and applied pressure to his rumbling stomach.
He passed gas a couple of times, but it didn't seem to help. He groaned, and farted again. His stomach on fire. Despite his constant releasing of air, his bloating wasn't going down. Instead it was getting worse. His clothes felt tight, and it was very uncomfortable, so he stripped to his boxers.
His poor tummy was red and very swollen.
Soon, Harry walked in. "Lou?" He asked confused, "What happened to your clothes."
Louis' cheeks turned a bright pink. "Ehm, well..."
Harry sat down beside him, saw his rounded tummy, and immediately realized what's going on. "Your little belly is upset isn't it Lou?"
Louis stomach let out a loud, watery rumble and he nodded.
"Oh Louis." Harry rubbed his stomach, and with the tiniest amount of pressure, Louis broke wind.
"Stop!" He cried, "Please..."
"Louis. It's okay... you need to let it out."
Louis shook his head fervently, "No." He was so embarrassed. He was smelly, bloated, and disgusting.
Suddenly, he felt a cramp in his stomach, and he could tell he needed the toilet. Now.
He jolted up, and ran for the bathroom, locking the door behind him.
Harry followed, and knocked on the door softly. "Lou? You alright?"
Louis whimpered in response.
He farted continuously, but nothing was coming, and it hurt.
"Louis. Don't be embarrassed. Please me in. I don't want you suffering alone with no comfort." Harry spoke softly, hearing the painful noises through the door. Poor guy. He thought.
"Harry... please. Just let me be." His voice was forced and strained. "You... don't need to see this." He was breathing heavily.
"Louis. I want to help you." He heard Louis' bowels finally start to release, and he knew it had to burn his soft, fragile skin.
Louis' stomach was cramping intensely, and his bum was on fire, as the meatballs made their way out. He sobbed in pain, and opened the door for Harry. He no longer cared what the boy thought. He was in pain and needed comfort.
Harry practically ran to Louis' side and sat on the edge of the bathtub beside him, rubbing his sweaty back.
"Oh Lou... you poor thing. Are you okay?"
Tears streamed down Louis' rosy cheeks and he sat there shaking. His arms wrapped tightly around his bloated tummy. "N-no..." He rasped, pushing a bit.
"Aw. It must've been the meatballs. I'm so sorry Louis." Harry pouted his lip at the pathetic boy.
Louis shrugged weakly, as his bowels emptied again. "S'not your f-fault." His lips were quivering as he was in immense discomfort.
Harry sat with him for a good twenty minutes, nothing but gas coming. "I don't think anything else is gonna come for a while." Louis finally stated.
"Oh Louis. Your tummy is still extremely swollen. It must hurt." Harry rubbed Louis' bare stomach as he cried.
"It does...." he admitted.
"C'mon let's get you to the couch." Harry helped a shaky Louis stand, and turned the other way at Louis' request as he cleaned up his lower area.
Once Louis had his boxers back on, Harry wrapped an arm around his shoulder and helped him walk back to the living room.
He gently laid the weak boy on the couch, and sat down beside him, allowing the feather haired lad to rest his head in his lap.
He started the movie and rubbed Louis' tummy. He could literally feel it rumbling beneath his large hand.
"You poor little boy." He cooed, hurting for his small friend. His little body definitely wasn't handling the undercooked meatballs well at all.
"Haz?" Louis whispered, his face scrunched up in pain.
Harry stroked Louis' hair soothingly. "Hm? What is it?"
A tear rolled down Louis' cheek as more gas built up in his belly. His face scrunched up as he pushed out a small fart, which hardly offered any relief. "I-it hurts. Do you have any anti-diarrheal pills?"
Harry frowned, "Lou. I can't give you an anti-diarrheal in your condition."
"Why?" Louis whined.
"I just don't think it's a good idea. It'll stop the diarrhea for a while, and help with pain. But Lou, it won't stop the bloating. Your stomach needs to let everything out. Raw meatballs can't just sit in your belly. That's not healthy." Harry explained.
"But Harry... it's not coming out anyway. I just had that small bout earlier... other than that it's just been gas." Louis whined. "And it hurts..."
Harry thought for a moment, "Well let's try some laxatives then."
"No!!!" Louis buried his face in Harry's stomach. "Please no. I just want an anti-diarrheal." He didn't want to experience the effects of a laxative, no, not with his best friend around.
"Harry I'm 24 years old. I can make my own decisions. I'm going to get myself a bloody anti-diarrheal and you can't stop me." He stated firmly, struggling a bit to stand up, as his belly was in such severe pain.
Harry sighed, "Fine. Have your anti-diarrheal, but just please, let me get it for you." He didn't want to cause Louis any more pain.
"Okay. Thank you Hazza." Louis whimpered, letting more gas pass. "Sorry."
Harry smiled sadly at the sick boy, "Don't be sorry. You can't help it. Now I'll be right back."
Harry walked into the kitchen and dug through the medicine cabinet until he found what he was looking for. Laxatives. He hesitated for a moment, but eventually grabbed the pill bottle. He poured a couple into his hand. He felt beyond guilty, knowing what he was about to do, but he knew that it'd help Louis a heck of a lot more than some anti-diarrheal pills would. Harry shook his head, as if trying to shake away the guilt, and filled a glass of water.
"Lou," Harry walked into the living room, and his heart fell at the sight of his older friend. He was in his boxers, curled up in the fetal position, shaking violently with goosebumps covering his skin, and farting every now and then, curling up tighter into himself each time air escaped. "I brought your medicine."
Louis slightly lifted his head to look at Harry. "M-my anti-diarrheals?"
Harry gulped, "Yeah." He lied.
Louis reached out a quivering hand to grab the pills. Harry gently handed them over, as well as a small glass of water.
Louis shook with cold, and spilt a bit of water on his bare chest as he swallowed his pills.
Harry quickly grabbed a soft towel and dried his tatooed chest, and took the glass, setting it on the coffee table, noticing Louis' goosebumps. "Are you cold?"
Louis nodded, and Harry grabbed a thick blanket, cacooning it around Louis' small frame. "Better?"
Louis nodded softly, "C-could we c-cuddle please?" He asked quietly, still shivering a bit.
Harry nodded sadly. He held Louis', keeping him warm, and being cautious to kindly ignore his gas. He knew he was embarrassed enough as it was.
As time passed, he became more gassy, and Harry knew it was from the laxatives. After about an hour the pills fully kicked in.
Harry felt Louis squirm in his arms, "You okay Lou?"
Louis frowned and shook his head. He didn't say a word, but used all his strength to stand up and rush for the bathroom.
Guilt panged at Harry's heart as he followed Louis to the toilet.
Louis barely had time to remove his boxers before his bowels poured their contents into the toilet.
Louis cried hysterically as Harry held his fragile body upright, one hand supporting his belly, the other his back.
"It's alright Lou. It's alright. Just let it out." Harry cooed, ignoring the foul smell, knowing a reaction would hurt Louis more.
Hot tears fell from Louis glazed eyes as his lower belly was aching and his poor skin was burning from the fiery substance. "M-make it stop...." Louis pleaded as his stomach continued releasing its contents into the porcelain bowl.
Harry sighed, "I wish I could." He wiped the drops of sweat from Louis' forehead.
Eventually, his cramping bowels slowed. He sighed in relief when the release finally came to a stop.
"You done Lou?" Harry asked.
Louis nodded tiredly, nearly collapsing as he tried to stand. Harry held his shoulders and helped him stand slowly. Louis was completely knackered. As Lou took care of himself, Harry realized how sore he looked. "You need a bath Lou." Harry said quietly. "Think your stomach is ready to give you a break now?"
Louis placed a hand over his much less bloated tummy and nodded.
"Okay I'll help you then." Harry gently removed Louis' boxers and helped him climb into the tub. He started the warm water, and went off to get a towel.
He came back to find Louis half sitting half laying in the water, his head resting on the edge of the tub with his eyes partially closed.
"Aw. I'm so sorry you're not feeling well Lou."
Louis shrugged his small shoulders and hummed in response, to weak and tired to do much else. Harry gently scrubbed his body with some sweet scented body wash. He was about to help Louis wash his, area, when Louis' eyes flew open.
He struggled on his slippery feet. Harry steadied him, "Lou what's going on?"
Louis shook his head and sprang from the tub, planting himself on the toilet again. His stomach releasing itself yet again. "The anti-diarrheal didn't work." Louis frowned, dejectedly.
Harry's heart fell. "Louis, listen I need to tell you something. I didn't give you an anti-diarrheal. The pills I gave to you were laxatives."
Too tired to protest Louis just mumbled a small, "Figures."
After finishing his stool, Louis carefully lowered himself back into the tub, with Harry's help.
Harry was halfway through washing the boy when he heard as faint purring sound. Louis had fallen asleep and snoring softly. He chuckled and finished washing the boy, before wrapping him in a big fluffy towel, and helping his limp body into the to some sweats. Worried about Louis' health and what would happen if he sent him home, Harry tucked Louis' into his own bed, before climbing in beside him. He rubbed Louis' sore belly, "Goodnight Lou. Feel better." He whispered whispered to the sleeping lad. "I'm here if you need anything."
Louis smiled in his sleep, clearly not 100 percent better, but out of pain as he slept.

There it is! Hope you liked it! My next update will be in my disorder book :)
Remember requests are temporarily closed, but I'll open them again soon. Please vote and comment!! Xxx

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