Feverish and Tummy Troubles Louis' Turn (Part 2)

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Hello my loves! I hope you are all doing fantastic! This is a very special request. I was going to be updating in my disorder book today, but circumstances have changed. I have hurt a very dear friend, and want to make it up to her. This was her request, and I am writing it early. It is the least I can do for being such a horrible friend. You know who you are, and I'm sorry love! Hopefully the story lives up to your expectations.

Please comment and vote loves! It is much appreciated! Now without any further adue and blabbering, here's the story!

Enjoy xxxx

After a couple of days, Harry awoke feeling much better. It was such a relief, he had been so miserable. He couldn't wait to get out for the day, as he had been cooped up on the bus or in a hotel for the last few days. Poor Harry had no idea what kind of a day he was actually in for. He yawned and stretched before heading out the hotel kitchen. The boys had another day off, and he was so excited to shop, see a movie, get some food, anything outside.

"Morning lads!" Harry chirped, walking into the kitchen, where he found Liam and Niall sitting at the small table.

"Hey Haz!" Niall greeted, "Feelin' any better today?"

Harry nodded happily. "Much better. Can't wait to get out and enjoy some fresh air."

"Speaking of which," Liam interrupted, "What would you like to do today?"

Harry smiled a big toothy grin, "Anything that allows me to get out of this bloody hotel!"

"How about we go shopping and get some lunch this afternoon?" Liam suggested.

"Sounds perfect!" Harry replied, pouring himself a bowl of cereal. "Where's Lou by the way?"

Niall shrugged. "He must be sleeping in. I haven't seen him."

"I haven't either." Liam chimed in, taking a bite of his bagel.

"Hm." Harry shrugged it off, "He'll probably be up soon."

Two hours later, the lad still hadn't gotten out of bed, and Niall was getting anxious. He wanted to mess around with his pal. Harry and Liam weren't as fun to joke with as Louis. "Can I wake him up now Li??" Niall asked for the fifth time that morning. He'd been begging to wake Louis since ten o'clock that morning, and Liam kept insisting that if Louis was still asleep, he probably needed the rest.

Liam glanced at his watch, 12:07. "Fine, I suppose you can wake him."

Niall grinned, and hurried off to Louis' small part of the hotel suite. He walked into the little room, and was shocked to find that Louis was actually awake. He was sitting up in bed, rubbing his tummy. His shirt had ridden up a bit, revealing a sliver of bloated skin.

"What do you want Niall?" He growled.

"Well... someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed." Niall muttered under his breath.

"What was that?" Louis snapped.

"Nothing." Niall mumbled.

"Hmph." Louis hummed in response. "Now I believe I asked you a question.. which you so rudely ignored."

Niall sighed, "I wanted to let you know it's 12 o'clock-"

Louis spoke before Niall could finish his sentence, "I have a phone you idiot. I can see the time."

Niall rolled his eyes, "Right. Well... it's time to get up. Harry's feeling much better today and we're all going to go out. We've all been waiting for you."

Louis shrugged half-heartedly, "Well you can keep waiting all you want then, because I'm not coming."

Niall looked at him, surprised. "What? Why not?"

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