A Dairy Problem (Louis)

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Hello angels!! Thanks for your patience! Feeling mostly better today! This is a request for Ambervance16925 :) hope you enjoy it love! Also I received some more plot ideas from OfficSonicTrash
Also, I realize that I have already written a lactose intolerance story, but many cases are different and lactose intolerance has similar but different reactions in everyone.
Anyways, here's the story!

Harry lay on the couch, aimlessly watching television, wishing he had something to do. He was so bored. He had had nothing to do for the past few days, and was Really starting to get sick of just sitting around.
Suddenly his phone rang, eagerly he grabbed it and glanced at the caller id. It was his great uncle Todd. What would he be calling him for?
Hardy hit the accept call button. "Hello?" 
"Hey there Harry! How's my favorite nephew?" Todd's voice rattled through the phone.
"I'm fine." Harry replied, still very much confused, "Yourself?"
"I'm quite alright. Listen I can't thank you enough for what you've done for me..."
Harry smiled to himself. Todd never failed to bring up how Harry saved his business.
Harry's great uncle Todd was the owner of a small dairy company. He had really been struggling to keep his business alive. He didn't have much money to begin with, and when he starting losing money he started losing business. In 2014, he nearly lost it all. Harry heard what was going on and was more than happy to donate a large sum of money to his uncle, who now felt incredibly indebted to him.
"It was no problem at all." Harry chuckled, "I'm just glad to see the business doing so well."
"Well it's all thanks to you!" Todd thanked him again. "Now... the reason I called you. I have finally reached my goal for earnings and am going to be able to open a bigger factory!"
Harry grinned, proud of his uncle. "Well that's amazing Uncle Todd! I am so proud of you!" Harry exclaimed.
"Well it's all thanks to you lad! You really helped me out. You've got a big heart."
Harry blushed, "It was the least I could do."
"Well now that I'm able I'd really like to thank you. I'm sending a delivery of some samples of all my products. So why don't you have some friends over and enjoy them."
"Oh no. I couldn't I-"
"The delivery is already on the way. It's set to arrive on Friday. There will be icecream, cheeses, every flavor of milk, creamsicles, there's even nacho cheese!"
Harry chuckled at his uncles excitement. "Thank you so much! You really didn't have to."
"Nonsense! Besides I wanted to." Todd insisted, "Well I've got to be going. It was nice to talk to you Harry."
"You too. Thanks again. Take care."
Harry hung up the phone, and decided to ring the boys and see if they wanted to come over and join him on Friday. They could eat the snacks, watch movies, and they could even spend the night.
Harry called Liam and Niall first, and they happily agreed to join. Next, he called Louis.
"Harry mate! What's up?" Louis answered his phone cheerily.
"Hey Lou! I was just wondering if you're available Friday night for a lad's night?"
Louis smiled, excited to see the boys. "Friday? I'd love to! What's the occasion?"
"Remember my Uncle Todd?" Harry asked.
"Yeah, was he the one you helped with the dairy factory?"
"Yeah. Well he finally has enough money to enlarge his company." Harry explained.
"Well that's great..." Louis chuckled a bit, "But why are we celebrating that?"
"Well to thank me, he's sending a truckload of his products to sample and eat, and of course I can't eat all that myself! So I thought, why not invite you all and have a movie night?"
"Well that'll be great. I'm looking forward to it!" Louis replied.
"Great! Well I'll see you then!" Harry put his phone down, and happily went to bed. He couldn't wait for Friday.
Louis hung up the phone and sighed. He was excited for the movie night, but he wasn't so excited about what it would entail. He had been lactose intolerant for as long as he could remember. He'd never bothered to tell the boys, as he'd never seen a need to... that along with the fact he was extremely embarrassed of it.
As Louis climbed into bed, he pondered his options. He could skip out on the lads night, but of course he didn't want to do that, so he ruled that out. He could just not eat any of the food, but that would raise suspicion and worry... so that was out too. He could just tell the boys, but he just couldn't bring himself to do that. It was too embarrassing. That only left one other option. He was going to eat along with the boys... and just hope he didn't suffer too badly from the consequences. He was sure he'd be alright though. A little dairy every once in a while couldn't do too much harm could it?
Friday came quickly, and Harry eagerly awaited his friends' arrival. The food had arrived about an hour ago, and he had just finished laying it all out. Minus the icecream of course, that was in the freezer.
Soon enough the boys came barging through the door, shouting and laughing.
"Hey boys! I'm in the kitchen!" Harry called.
The boys walked into the kitchen and their eyes widened at all the food that lay before them.
"Your uncle really went all out huh?" Liam acknowledged.
"Yeah... he was very generous." Harry replied.
"Well I'm not complaining!" Niall exclaimed, dishing himself up some nachos, piled with cheese.
"There's loads of icecream and treats in the freezer too." Harry said, as he and Liam followed Niall's example and filled their plates as well.
Louis hung back a bit, feeling nervous.
Harry noticed Louis' discomfort and approached him. "You alright Lou?" Harry asked quietly, slinging an arm around his best mate's shoulder.
Louis nodded. "I'm great!" He lied, "Why do you ask?"
"You were just standing all alone and not getting any food..." Harry explained.
Louis forced a smile, "Oh well I was just waiting my turn."
Harry frowned, "There's no line! There's only four of us and food everywhere!"
Louis gulped, he knew he was going to be regretting it tonight, but he headed to the freezer, grabbing an ice cream bar.
Harry grinned, "Now the party can really begin!" He joked, "C'mon let's go watch some movies!"
The boys followed Harry to the living room and turned on a movie.
Three movies, six hours, and countless dairy snacks later, the boys were starting to get sleepy.
"I think it's time we head to bed lads." Harry announced with a yawn, receiving three nods of agreeement.
Each boy took a guest room, seeing as Harry had a few.
Louis snuggled into the covers, hoping to fall asleep quickly. His stomach was starting to ache a bit, no doubt from the two bowls of icecream and plate of cheese-smothered nachos. He knew he shouldn't have eaten that much dairy.... well he shouldn't have had any at all actually.... but he had forgotten how good it tasted. He just couldn't help himself. It was too delicious.
Louis managed to fall asleep, only to be awoken by a churning in his tummy around 3 am. He whimpered, now regretting his stupid decision.
His stomach flipped and he cupped a hand over his mouth, hoping he could make it to the toilet in time, but of course, luck wasn't on his side, and he ended up vomiting all over himself and the bed before he was able to move.
A tear rolled down his cheek, this was so embarrassing. He was feeling to ill to even try and clean himself up. He started to cry quietly, and grabbed his phone, dialing Harry. Despite being just a few doors down from the lad, he knew any movement would cause him to spill his stomach again, and he did not want that.

Harry awoke to the quiet ringing of his phone, luckily he was a fairly light sleeper. He frowned when he saw Louis' name light up his screen. What could he be calling for? Especially when he was only a couple doors down the hall.
"Hello?" He mumbled tiredly.
"H-Harry..." Louis sniffled through the phone, "Could you come here? I um... I need help."
Harry hopped out of bed, "I'll be right there. Hang tight."
Harry walked into the spare room, and his heart fell at the sight.
Louis was sat in the middle of the king sized bed, his shirt drenched with vomit. Not to mention, the satin sheets and fluffy white comforter was also stained with the green-brown substance.
"Oh. Louis." Harry walked to him and rubbed his back softly. "What happened? Are sick?"
Louis sighed, he decided he'd better tell Harry what happened. He didn't want to go through this again in the future. "I'm uh. I'm lactose intolerant." He whispered, his cheeks flaming with embarrassment.
"Aw why didn't you say so?" Harry asked.
Before Louis could answer, he burped sickeningly, and expelled more of his stomach's contents. Harry patted his back soothingly and whispered comforting words in the small boy's ear until he finished.
"Sorry." Louis breathed heavily, Harry holding him upright due to his weakened state.
"Don't be. I'm sorry I offered you all those lactose-filled snacks."
Louis shrugged, "It's my own fault for giving in and eating them."
Harry pouted his lip. "Come on Lou, let's get you cleaned up. You feeling up to walking?"
Louis shook his head, ashamed. "I think it'd make me sick again." He admitted quietly, burying his face in his hands.
Harry pried his hands away.  "Louis. It's alright. I'm happy to help you. Now c'mere."
Harry lifted Louis bridal style and carried him as gently as he could to try and keep Louis' stomach under control.
On the way to the bathroom, Harry stumbled a bit over a loose shoe on the floor, the movement jostling Louis' poorly tummy. He burped and his hands both flew to his mouth, his face turning green.
"Crap." Harry muttered, picking up his pace a bit. "Hold on Lou!"
They reached the bathroom in record time and Harry quickly, but gently, placed Louis in front of the toilet.
Louis let out a disgustingly loud retch, before throwing up whatever was left in his stomach, while Harry held him, rubbing his bloated tummy beneath his soiled shirt. When Louis finally finished being sick, Harry helped him out of his dirty clothes and into the bathtub.
He gently washed his body, and sweaty hair. Louis tried to help, but was too weak and ended up making things worse by spilling shampoo into the water.
"S-sorry." He stuttered, holding his nauseated belly, "I was just trying to help."
Harry shook his head, "I know. It's alright okay?" He noticed Louis' protective grip on his tummy, "Still feeling sick?"
Louis nodded and hiccuped miserably.
"Are you going to throw up?"
Louis shrugged, and immediately after, he started dry heaving over the side of the tub. Harry held the waste bin to his chin, but nothing ever came up.
Eventually the dry heaving subsided, and Harry hurried to finish getting him clean.
Harry wrapped him in a big blue towel and gently carried him to his own master bedroom. He laid Louis down on his bed.
"Harry?" Louis cried, "I thought I was going back to bed now..."
"Well if you want to sleep in vomit covered sheets be my guest..." Harry said sarcastically, "But I also thought you might feel less lonely. It's hard being sick."
Louis smiled and nodded a bit.
Harry helped him into a pair of his sweatpants and a sweatshirt as well. Little Louis appeared to be drowning in Harry's clothes, being much smaller than him.
The two climbed in bed and Harry held his best friend closely, rubbing his tummy.
"Thanks Haz." Louis mumbled, half asleep.
"Any thing for you Lou."

Hope you like it! Sorry I feel like they all end the same but oh well. :/
I promise requests for this book as well as my disorder book, will be open again soon!! You're amazing ❤❤

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