Leukemia (Harry)

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Hello everybody! This is a request for TaylorSwift15 :) as I've said before, she's amazing and you should all check out her fantastic stories!! Please, as always everyone, please please vote, comment, and leave requests!!
Enjoy ❤❤❤

Hello everybody! This is a request for TaylorSwift15 :) as I've said before, she's amazing and you should all check out her fantastic stories!! Please, as always everyone, please please vote, comment, and leave requests!! Enjoy ❤❤❤

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Harry sighed, walking off set. The boys had only had a short interview that night, but it completely wiped him out.
"Tired Haz?" Liam chuckled.
Harry nodded, "More like exhausted." He panted.
"You okay? You sound out of breath." Louis noted.
Harry nodded, breathing heavily. "I'm fine. Just... really tired..."
"You've been 'really tired' a lot lately H." Niall said.
Harry shrugged, "We've been busy. You can't blame me."
"We've been no where near as busy as we normally are Harry... are you feeling sick or something?" Liam asked.
"No..." Harry lied, he had been feeling quite achy and feverish the past few days, but he was sure he was fine. He sniffed, feeling his nose running a bit.
The boys stared at him with wide eyes.
"What?" Harry asked.
"Your nose..." Louis said, as it started dripping again, "It's bleeding." 
"What? It is?" Harry asked, bringing a large hand to his nose.
The boys all nod, "Did you hurt it or something earlier?"
Harry shook his head, "Maybe it's the dry air...? It's been bleeding a lot lately."
Liam frowned, remembering his aunt who had passed away from leukemia cancer. Harry was showing several of the symptoms, fatigue, bleeding nose, weightloss... Liam tried to push the thoughts away. That couldn't possibly be what was wrong with Harry. He was Harry Styles. He couldn't get cancer.
"You up for some dinner before you go to bed?" Niall asked.
Harry shook his head, pressing the tissues Louis had given him to his nose. "I'm not very hungry. Haven't had much of an appetite lately." He said softly.
Liam frowned, another symptom. But it couldn't be cancer... could it? Maybe he should go to the doctor... just in case. Better to be safe than sorry. And if it is cancer... it'd be better they find out sooner than later.
"Harry we are calling the doctor." Liam announced.
Harry chuckled, "Li. I'm perfectly fine... just a bit tired maybe?"
"Harry you still sound out of breath, it's not normal. Now, I'm calling the doctor and that's final."
Harry sighed, "Whatever. But I'm fine Li. Wake me when we get to the clinic  will you please?"
Liam nodded. " 'course Haz. Get some rest, you really do look tired."
"I really am tired." Harry said.
Liam frowned as Harry drowsily stumbled off to his bunk.
"Guys, I'm worried about Hazza." Louis said, once they were sure he was asleep.
"Me too..." Niall sighed. The two boys chatted back and forth for a bit, wondering what could be wrong with Harry.
"Liam, why are you so quiet? What's up mate?" Louis asked.
Liam sighed, rubbing his hand over his face. "I'm just worried. I think Harry may have something more serious than he's giving off."
"What do you mean?" Niall asked.
Liam was silent for a moment, not knowing how his band mates would react to his suspicion.
"Li...?" Niall questioned.
Liam looked at his hands awkwardly, "I kind of wonder if Harry has cancer."
Louis and Niall look at each other for a moment, before they burst out laughing. "Right Li. Good one!" Niall snickered.
"No." Liam said, slightly offended by the boys' reaction. "I'm serious lads."
Niall and Louis stared at each other, suddenly feeling quite worried.
"You're serious?" Louis asked.
Liam nodded slowly. "My aunt... she had leukemia. She showed all the same symptoms that Harry is experiencing. She um... she passed away." He said softly. "I don't want the same thing to happen to our Haz. I mean... I'm probably just worrying too much... but you never know. You can never be too careful." Liam rambled.
Niall rubbed his back, "It's okay Li. I'm so sorry about your aunt. I'm sure Harry is fine. Don't worry yourself too much."
"Yeah," Louis chimed in, "And we are visiting the doctor so we can be sure."
Liam nodded, and rested his head in his hands, he just hoped Harry would be alright.
"Well." The doctor said, walking back into the examination room. "I'm afraid it's not good news."
Harry anxiously twiddled his fingers, and Louis gently rested his hand over Harry's to keep his restless fingers still.
"What's wrong doc?" Niall asked cautiously.
"It's stage 4 Leukemia. We think we will be able to treat it with intense chemo therapy. I'd say he has a 50/50 chance at surviving." The doctor said professionally, but it was obvious it hurt his heart to see such young lads dealing with such an awful disease.
Liam broke down right then and there, he sobbed into Niall's shoulder, terrified at the idea of losing another loved one to cancer.
"So.. um when will treatments start?" Harry asked, he showed no emotion, and at the moment he felt none. He was numb. He'd be feeling it all later though, he just hadn't accepted the news yet.
"Tomorrow morning." The doctor announced.
Harry nodded, terrified. "What will it be like? The chemo?" He asked.
"Well, basically what will happen is once a week, you will be hooked up to an IV machine, that pumps the chemotherapy medication into your body for a few hours. It will kill your immune system, but if it goes as we plan, it will also kill the cancer. The effects will be the hard part. Chemo has many, difficult side effects. You will be very ill; nausea, headaches, fevers, everything of the sort. You will lose your hair. You will most likely lose control over your body, which is often the hardest part for people to accept. You will also probably feel very bloated or round. That is an effect of the chemo unfortunately, but despite appearing fuller or rounder, you will most likely be losing a lot of weight, with the constant vomiting and weakened appetite. You will overall just be very weak and lack energy. As time goes on, you'll probably need a wheelchair, and maybe even an oxygen tube."
Harry signed, standing up silently without thanking the doctor, and the boys got into the bus.
"Well..." Louis said, as they all stepped onto the bus. "That was unexpected." He wrapped an arm around the youngest boy. "But nothing we can't handle."
Harry pulled away from Louis. "You don't know we can handle this!" He snapped. "You don't know anything! You don't know if I'll live, if I'll die... you know nothing! Absolutely nothing!" He pushed Louis' chest roughly, and hurried off to the privacy of the bathroom.
He locked himself in and tried to block out the sounds of the boys pounding on the door.
"LEAVE ME ALONE!!" He screamed. 
The boys sighed and backed away, giving their friend a bit of space.
Harry buried his face in his hands, sobbing. "It's not fair..." he whispered, "Not fair." He repeated over and over again, sending himself into hysterics. Before he knew it, he was hyperventilating, tears streaming down his cheeks. He gasped for air, clutching at his throat. He was about to reach for the door, desperate for help when he suddenly felt his stomach lurch. He quickly threw himself over the toilet, and let out a sickly burp, tears streamed down his cheeks as a round of sick followed the belch.
He was still struggling to catch his breath, and was becoming light headed as he was lacking the oxygen he needed. He took a sharp breath in, which was a bad idea, as he started choking. The vomit had gone down his air pipe. He choked and sputtered desperately, hoping the boys would come to his aid, despite his embarrassment.
The boys heard an awful retching noise, and decided they no longer cared about giving Harry his privacy, and Louis found a small pin and soon enough they unlocked the door. Their hearts shattered at the sight before them. Harry was hunched over the toilet, his face drenched with sweat and tears, as he was choking on his own vomit.
Louis immediately knelt beside him, and firmly pat his back, trying to help with the choking.
Eventually Harry calmed down and finished throwing up, before tiredly falling back into Louis' warm embrace.
"L-l-Louis?" He whispered, looking up at his friend, who was sitting on the floor, cradling him like a small child.
"Hmm?" Louis hummed.
"I'm scared." Harry spoke quietly. 
"What are you scared of?" Liam asked, sitting down on the floor beside the two boys.
"I'm scared to die." Harry whispered
"Aw Hazza." Niall too joined their little huddle on the floor. "You're not going to die. I promise. We won't let you die."
Louis nodded in agreement. "Never."
The rest of the night is spent cuddling, and talking as Harry mentally prepares himself for the next day. The day he'd be starting his chemotherapy.

The doctor poked the needle into Harry's skin and he winced as he hooked up the port.
"It's alright Harry. We're right here." Louis spoke gently. He and the boys stood around the hospital bed, comforting their distraught friend.
"Okay."  The doctor spoke after making sure the port was all hooked up properly. "You will be doing chemo here at the hospital every other week." The doctor explained, "The other weeks you will use this port." He brought out a smaller more flexible port.
After explaining the side effects for a second time, the doctor finally left the boys alone.
Harry could feel the cold liquid running through his veins and didn't like it one bit. It was the liquid that would kill his immune system.

"How do you feel H?" Liam asked several hours later after they had removed the port.
"Nauseous." Harry replied, squeezing his eyes tightly shut.
He gagged a bit, and Louis holds the sick bowl the hospital had provided, beneath his chin.
Harry hiccuped nauseatingly, and heaved up his toast, the only thing he'd eaten all day.
"You poor thing." Louis cooed, rubbing Harry's back. "It's alright."
Harry sighed when he finished, and leaned back into the pillows. This was only the beginning and he knew it'd be a long road ahead. But he had the boys by his side, and Anne and Gemma were coming soon, so what more could he ask for?

The boys talked and joked around for a while, until Harry's tired eyes started to droop.
Louis climbed up on the hospital bed with him and cuddled him close."Go to sleep Haz. You're tired. I can tell. We will be here when you wake up okay?"
Harry nodded sleepily, his hands wrapped protectively around his icky tummy, and fell asleep in the warmth of his best friend's embrace.
He knew with the boys by his side he'd be okay.... well as okay as he could be in his situation.

Hey so this one is going to have a part 2 coming up!! I hope you enjoyed, please vote and comment and request!!! It means the world!! Love you all!! ❤❤❤❤

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