Niall Migraine :(

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Request for @onedirectionsickfics :) hope I kinda captured what you had in mind 😂 I tried!

"Niall! Niall!" I heard my wife y/n shriek, "Niall wake up!"
"Hmm? What?" I asked confused as I rubbed sleep from my eyes.
"We're here!" She exclaimed.
I yawned and blinked a couple of times, taking in my surroundings. I was in a taxi. "Where are we love?" I asked confused.
"My parents house silly!" She exclaimed, "Geez you were only asleep twenty minutes, but you're so out of it!"
Her parents house... that's right! It instantly came flooding back to me. Y/n's parents were moving into a new home and had asked us for some help. I chuckled, "Sorry, must be jetlag." I replied, suddenly noticing how my head was beginning to ache.
She nodded understandingly, knowing how flights always seemed to exhaust me.
I pulled a large wad of cash out of my pocket and handed it to the taxi driver.
Ignoring my growing headache I plastered on a big smile, I knew how much y/n had been looking forward to seeing her parents. She rarely gets to see them seeing as we live in London and they live over in the states. In fact I'd only met her parents three times. When we had first started dating, when we got engaged, and at our wedding. I honestly still wasn't totally comfortable around them, which was another reason I needed to be on my best behavior. This had to be perfect.
"Stay there love." I said pressing a soft kiss to y/n's cheek. She nodded in reply as I climbed out of the car.
I squinted a bit at the bright sunlight and rubbed my temples as I headed toward the trunk of the car. I grabbed our bags, my duffel hanging over my shoulder, and y/n's two suitcases in my hands.
I gently placed one of y/n's suitcases on the sidewalk, so I could help her out of the cab.
I reached for her hand and helped her out, pulling her into a quick hug.
"Thanks babe!" She squealed, excitement bursting in her voice. I internally winced at the loud noise but I just had to grin and bear it. She reached down to grab the suitcase I had temporarily set on the ground, but I grabbed her wrist gently.
"I got it princess," I said grabbing the suitcase for her, "now come on! Don't want to leave your parents waiting do we?"
She grinned and grabbed my arm, practically yanking me toward the front door. I couldn't help but chuckle at her giddiness. It was adorable.
She knocked on the door expectantly, and anxiously awaited the moment when she could finally embrace the people who raised her, happiness visibly radiating from her body.
I on the other hand, while absolutely thrilled that my princess was being reunited with her family, was nervous. I still wasn't feeling too comfortable with her family, and I wanted to make a good impression so badly. I was also nervous as my headache was growing worse by the minute. It felt like the start of a migraine. Surely it couldn't be a migraine though could it? It had to be a combination of jetlag and nerves. That's what it is. I assured myself. Jetlag and nerves. I'll be fine within the hour.
I was quickly distracted from my thoughts as the door swung open revealing y/n's smiling parents. I hung back a bit, enjoying the beauty of the moment, while also discretely trying to nurse my aching head.
"Y/n!!!" Y/m/n (your mom's name) gushed, pulling her into a tight bear hug, "I've missed you so much!!"
Y/d/n (your dad's name) was next, "Oh sweetie pie! How are you? Oh it's just so good to see you!" He held her close and kissed the top of her head.
She giggled a bit, "I missed you both so much!" She exclaimed pulling them both in for a group hug.
"Hey Niall! Don't be shy! Get on in here!" Y/d/n called to me, motioning with his hand for me to join the group hug.
I smiled and rather awkwardly squeezed myself into their embrace.
"How are you love?" Y/m/n asked me as we all separated a bit.
"I'm doing just great! Married life is absolutely amazing!" I grinned, grabbing y/n's hand in my own, "Don't know what I'd do without 'er. She makes me so happy.... and how are you?"
Y/m/n smiled, "I am just dandy! Especially now that y'all are here to see us! Which by the way, thank you so much for coming to help us out! We really appreciate it!"
"I'm happy to help," I replied a bit quieter than I had meant to.
Y/n shot me a nervous glance, but I just gave her a big toothy grin to assure her that I was just fine, when in reality I wasn't so sure....
"Well what do y'all think of the new place?" Y/d/n asked leading us into the large, but empty house.
"It's great Dad! It'll make a great place for you and mom!" Y/n exclaimed.
I nodded my sore head in agreement, "S'a beautiful home!"
"Thank you!" Y/d/n replied, clapping his large hand to my back. I took a sharp breath in at the feeling, for some reason it felt more painful than it probably should have. Luckily no one seemed to notice, as y/d/n lead us through the house, animatedly explaining where everything was and how he planned to arrange the furniture. I tried to pay attention, but all I could focus on was how good it would feel to lay down and get some sleep. My muscles were beginning to ache a bit, and my head was killing me.
"And this is where we'll have you two sleep tonight," Y/m/n said, guiding us into what I presumed was to be the guest room, but currently it was just an empty room a makeshift bed of plenty of blankets and pillows layed on the hard floor, "I know it won't be the most comfortable, but I can assure you we tried our best. The moving trucks with all of our boxes and furniture won't be arriving until early tomorrow morning. I hope-"
I raised my hand to stop her, "It's perfect. Thank you so much Mrs. Y/l/n (your last name)." I replied graciously. I could see she had really tried her best to make it as comfortable she could, and it wasn't her fault the moving trucks hadn't arrived yet. However, I was a bit nervous about the effect the hard ground would have on my already aching head and muscles.
"Oh don't call me that! You're my son! Please call me mom!" Y/m/n replied.
I smiled in response not really knowing what to say, "Okay... mom." I replied quietly, and rather awkwardly. Way to go Niall. I internally cursed myself, that was stupid.
Y/m/n smiled warmly at me, and I could tell it meant a lot for her to hear me call her that. "Well," she continued after a short silence, "I ordered a couple pizzas for dinner, so I was thinking we could eat and turn in early, so we can be up and ready when the moving trucks come tomorrow. It's gonna be a long day."
"Sounds great, thanks mom! Let's eat!" Y/n replied, taking my cold sweaty hand in hers. She looked at me quizzically, and I gave her yet another broad smile.
"You okay?" She whispered in my ear, "Your hand is awfully clammy."
"M'fine. Promise. Got a bit of nerves." I lied. I didn't want to lie to my sweet y/n, but I didn't want to ruin this for her, she'd been waiting to see her family for months. I also didn't want to seem weak in front of her parents, this week was supposed to be perfect.
"Aw sweetheart." She whispered just loud enough for me to hear, "Don't be nervous. My parents love you." She rubbed my back soothingly.
I nodded "Thanks baby." I replied as we entered the kitchen, "I love you."
She sent me a sweet smile, "You too." She gently kissed my forehead, and together we helped lay the disposable utinsels on the floor, seeing as the table and chairs were also to arrive in the morning.
I felt my stomach churn a little as y/d/n opened up the pizza box. I didn't want to eat anything, all I wanted to do was sleep.
I sat down on the cool tile, and hesitantly grabbed a piece of pepperoni pizza, knowing that if I didn't eat, y/n would know I wasn't feeling well.
After literally forcing two pieces of pizza down my throat, I was finally able to head up to bed with y/n. I thanked her parents and wished them goodnight before heading up to the guestroom.
I changed into a pair of blue basketball shorts, and waited for y/n to finish preparing for bed then flipped off the lights, that were burning my eyes and hurting my head. I slid under the blankets, immediately cuddling up to y/n, nuzzling my head into her neck. She looked down at me in concern, "You feeling alright?"
I nodded, which was a bad idea, as it sent a dreadful pain through my skull. It took all I had not to whimper in pain. "M'alright." I mumbled, "Jus' tired from the traveling I t'ink."
Y/n kissed the top of my head and ran her fingers soothingly through my hair. "Okay, well you just go to sleep then love."
"Okay." I whispered."I love you princess. So much."
"I love you too." Y/n replied, "Also thank you so much for being so willing to help my parents out. I know lifting boxes and furniture isn't the funnest or easiest thing to do, but it really means the world to them that we were willing to help out."
"S'no problem. Happy to help." I replied sleepily, biting my lip as a dull pain settled in my stomach. I couldn't wait for sleep to overcome me.
Y/n clearly realized my drowsy state and whispered a soft "sweet dreams." As I drifted off into a painful sleep, worrying about what the next day might bring.
When I awoke, the first thing I realized was I had somehow found my way out of y/n's arms, the second thing I realized was how dark it was outside, I checked my phone, 3:02 am. The third thing I realized was my pain. My head was reeling, my body was hurting, and my stomach was churning. I placed a hand on my tummy, rubbing small circles on it, and I placed my other hand on my head massaging it. Everything just hurt so much. This couldn't be happening. There was so much to do in the morning!
Suddenly I felt my stomach lurch, I sighed, knowing what was coming, and quietly -but quickly- got up and scurried down the hall to the bathroom. It was a few doors down, so hopefully y/n, or worse her parents, wouldn't hear me in there.
I collapsed onto my knees in front of the toilet, and let out a painful burp, breathing heavily and dreading the inevitable. I gagged a bit, and soon enough everything I'd eaten over the last 24 hours came barreling out of my mouth and into the toilet. I desperately wished y/n was here to rub my sweaty back, and hold my shaking body, but she couldn't know about this. She was here to be with her parents, not take care of me. I also knew if I told her how I was feeling, she'd tell her parents, and that'd be absolutely humiliating.
Soon enough, I had nothing left to vomit, and was just dry heaving. Each time I heaved, it felt as though I was banging my throbbing head against a brick wall. A few tears trickled down my flushed cheeks, as I heaved a final time. I shakily grabbed a small piece of toilet paper, and wiped my mouth before flushing my disgusting mess down the toilet.
I rested my head on the cool toilet, breathing deeply and trying to regain some strength.
After about five minutes, I decided to head back to bed. I stood up slowly, holding on to the toilet for support, as I was feeling a bit dizzy. My vision was a blurry, but nothing too serious. I made my way to the sink and rinsed my mouth with some cold water, before stumbling back to bed.
I opened the door slowly, trying not to wake y/n, but I had no such luck.
"Hey, where'd you go babe?" She mumbled, half asleep.
"Just to the toilet." I replied casually, as I gently lay myself down on the floor.
"Mm okay." She muttered, immediately falling asleep.
I on the other hand, had a much harder time finding sleep. The floor felt hard, pressing against my sore body. I wanted nothing more right now, than to be at home in my cozy bed... I tossed and turned, desperately trying to find a position that didn't hurt, but had no success. I eventually ended up painfully curling up in the fetal position, blankets wrapped tightly around me. I glanced at my phone again, and squinted to read the numbers. Despite being on low brightness, the light still burned. 3:34 am. I had to be up in two and a half hours. I put my phone down and squeezed my eyes shut, finally falling into a restless sleep.
I awoke to the blaring sound of my alarm, and groaned shoving my face into my pillow. The sound and the light seeping through the window, was not a good combination on my head, which had grown worse.
Y/n giggled at the sight of me all curled up, with my face buried in the pillows, "Time to get up Mr. Sleepypants! Got a big day today!" She chirped, ruffling my matted hair, and reaching over the top of me to turn off the alarm.
I sighed, knowing how hard today was going to be, seeing as how I now had a dreadful migraine.
"I'm up! I'm up!" I surrendered laughing a bit, but wincing at the pain my own voice caused to my head.
I sat up slowly blinking furiously and rubbing my eyes, trying to to clear up my blurry vision, but had no avail.
Y/n looked at me strangely, "You good?" She questioned. Here we go again.
"Yup! Just tired." I replied.
"I know," she said sweetly, "It's early, huh? But the sooner we start, the sooner we'll finish!"
I nodded, and forced myself up off the floor, head spinning.
After a small breakfast of muffins and juice, which I knew would be making a reappearance, we got to work. The moving trucks had just arrived, and were ready to be unloaded.
"Let's get the big stuff done first! Then we can get to the boxes after." Y/d/n said as we headed out to the long driveway. I could feel the contents of my stomach sloshing around as I walked, and I was swaying a bit from dizziness. Hopefully it wasn't too noticeable, I was trying so hard to hide it.
Y/n and y/m/n grabbed a couple of chairs, while y/d/n and I grabbed the huge couch. I grunted a bit as we lifted the heavy piece of furniture, and focused my dizzy mind on putting one foot in front of the other as we made our way inside. This was going to be a long day.
I was sweating buckets, and seeing spots by the time we had carried all of the couches and similarly large items.
It was about noon, and I still had to make it through the rest of the day. We weren't even halfway done yet.
"Y/d/n and I are going to pick up some take out." Y/m/n announced, as we took a drink break. "Why don't you two stay here and relax a bit while we're gone? You look exhausted Niall!" I blushed, did I really look that bad?
"Sounds great mom," y/n replied.
"Great! We'll bring you back some food!"
"K thanks mom!" Y/n exclaimed.
"Yeh t'ank you." I echoed.
After her parents were gone, y/n and I headed down to the basement, where it was nice and cool, and plopped down together on the newly installed couch.
"You're not looking too good Ni," y/n stated worriedly.
"M'fine. Honest. Just a bit out of shape I guess." I joked.
She giggled a bit and nodded, resting her head on my shoulder, "Thank you so much for doing this. It means a lot to my parents."
"No trouble at all. Anything for me princess and 'er family." I said, gulping down the bile that was making its way up my throat. I knew I couldn't keep it down much longer. "Hey I'm gonna go get some water. Want any?" I stammered, proud of my quick excuse.
"Sure, thanks baby." She replied kissing my cheek.
I hastily stood up and hurried down the hall until I found the stairs. I had decided to use the upstairs toilet, so she wouldn't hear me.
I clumsily stumbled up the stairs, probably looking like a drunk. I had almost reached the restroom when suddenly I started seeing double, which caused me to lose my footing, I tripped a bit before falling face first on the ground. The impact from the fall caused my belly to lurch, and before I had a chance to do anything I let out a disgusting sounding retch, followed by a spew of vomit, splattering all over the new carpet. I whimpered a bit after seeing my breakfast reappear on the floor, and knew I couldn't hide this from y/n any longer. I weakly stood, but my knees buckled beneath me and I was immediately on the floor again, laying in my own vomit. This was so humiliating.
"Y/n!" I called out, "Y/n!"
I heard footsteps running up the stairs and up the hall.
"I don't feel well..." I confessed as she approached me.
A look of sympathy washed over her face as she saw me laying, looking pretty pathetic, on the ground. "Oh sweetheart, why didn't you tell me sooner?"
My cheeks turned beet red as I accidentally let out a queasy burp before speaking, "You were just so excited about this trip.... a-and you parents n-needed help... and I was e-embarrassed. I've only met your parents a few times and I didn't want to seem w-weak.." I hiccuped, tears falling down my face.
"Oh babe... it's okay. Your health comes first. Now let's get you cleaned up and onto the couch." She cooed, helping me stand on my quaking legs. I had to lean into her for support. She wrapped her arms around me and slowly guided me to the bathroom.
"P-please don't tell your parents. I-I can still help..."
"Sweetheart, I have to tell them." She replied sweetly, removing my soiled shirt, and cleaning my body with a warm washcloth "And there is no way you are helping. Not in your condition." She tossed the washcloth and my clothes in the hamper, and helped me into some cozy pajamas before bringing me to the basement.
She laid me down across the couch, with a fluffy pillow under my head and a soft blanket over my shaking body. She then grabbed a bucket and placed it on the floor beside me, before flicking off the lights.
I reached my arms out to her, "Cuddle with me?"
She nodded, "Of course babe." She replied, sliding herself between me and the back of the couch. "Now tell me what hurts? Is it just your tummy?"
"No," I whimpered tears streaming down my cheeks, it hurt so bad. "I have a killer migraine and everything just hurts."
"Oh baby," she whispered, "I'm so sorry. Please don't cry. It's okay. You'll be okay." She massaged my head with one hand and rubbed my belly with the other.
I sighed in relief leaning into her touch. How did I get so lucky to have her?
Soon, y/n's parents arrived. "I'll be right back." She whispered.
I nodded weakly. This was so humiliating.
A couple minutes later, y/n returned with her mom. "Oh you poor thing." Y/m/n whispered at the sight of me, "Here take these." She handed me some pills and a glass of water. I took it with shaky hands and gulped down the pills.
"Thank you." I rasped.
"No problem at all sweetpea. Now you get some rest."
"But what about the moving?" I asked weakly, trying to stand up, "I came here to help."
Y/n and y/m/n gently pushed me back down, "It's okay. Our new neighbors offered to help. All that matters right now is getting you healthy again." Y/m/n said.
"I'm so sorry." I whispered.
"Don't be love. Now you get some sleep okay?"
I nodded, and they exited the room. I wanted y/n to stay and cuddle me, but I knew she had work to do, so I allowed myself to drift into a peaceful sleep. Grateful to have such a caring wife and family.
Well that's it! Sorry it's kinda long... hope you enjoyed! Please please give me requests! Much love ❤❤

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