Migraine (Zayn)

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This is a request for OfficUnderTaleTrash :) hope you like it love! Also thanks everyone for over 1k reads!! You're all the best! Please keep voting, commenting, and requesting! It means a lot 😘
Well, enjoy!

"Only one hotel room?!" Louis shouted angrily. Zayn winced hearing the loud voice, he was beginning to have a headache and Louis' shouting was only making it worse.
"I'm sorry sir. There's been a mixup. We have no other rooms available." The woman at the front desk replied quietly.
"Do you even know who we are?!" Louis yelled. Zayn held his head, massaging his temples.
"Please drop it Lou." He whispered, mostly to himself, seeing as he, Liam and Niall were sitting in a lobby chairs, while Louis and Harry were getting room keys.
"No, sorry..  um..." The middle aged woman was starting to get a bit flustered.
"Well! I'll tell you who we are-" Louis voice only continued to get louder, and Zayn squeezed his eyes shut, trying to ignore the noise.
Harry, being the gentleman he is, noticed the woman's distress. He placed a hand on Louis shoulder, giving him a look. "What he meant to say, was one room is wonderful and thank you for your service." He smiled kindly, and Louis let out an exasperated breath.
The woman blushed, "Thank you. We hope you enjoy your stay."
While Louis and Harry spoke to the receptionist, Liam noticed Zayn seemed to be a bit... off. He eyes were closed tightly, and he was breathing heavily through his nose.
Liam patted his shoulder, "You alright Zee?"
"M'good." Zayn replied quietly. Hoping Liam would just stop talking. Even his quiet voice was enough to worsen the pain in his head.
Before Liam could answer, Louis and Harry were heading back towards them. "There's only one room! We have to share!" Louis grumbled. He was not in the best mood... none of them were. They had been on the road for months, and it was obvious the exhaustion was finally getting to them. When Louis was too tired he became the devil himself, screaming and arguing. Never taking no for an answer. While Harry, became moody. He'd be happy one moment, sad the next, and angry soon after. Niall, was just happy old Niall. He didnt seem to be affected too much by stress. Perhaps he just ate a bit more, but that was the extent of it. Now, when Liam was suffering from exhaustion, he found comfort in helping the boys. He found that taking care of his bandmates, eased his stress. Zayn however, suffered the most out of the boys when it came to stress and exhaustion. He'd literally worry and fret so much he'd make himself physically sick.
"Only one room?" Liam complained, "For the five of us?"
"Yes." Louis huffed, "There's two queen sized beds, and a couch. Which, I call dibs on the couch! I'm not sleeping with any of you! I need space."
Harry rolled his eyes, "Alright then Lou. I'll share with Niall."
"And I'll share with Zayn." Liam added.
As they headed for their room, Liam couldn't help but notice the pained expression on Zayn's face, and how he was rubbing circles on the sides of his head. He wrapped and arm around his shoulders, "You sure you're feeling okay?"
Zayn nodded a bit, careful not to move his head too much.
Liam frowned, it was obvious the boy was feeling poorly.
The boys walked into the small hotel room, threw their things on the floor, and plopped down on their beds.
"I call the shower first!" Niall exclaimed, grabbing a towel, and taking off his shirt. "I don't want a cold shower like last time!" He glared at the boys, who grinned sheepishly. Niall had been the last to shower the previous night on the bus, and had no warm water left.
Louis was quick to protest, "No way! I need to shower first! I've got to get to sleep!"
Liam glanced over at Zayn who was covering his ears, trying to drown out the banter of his bandmates, while curled up in a ball shivering.
"Cold Zee?" He rubbed his shoulder.
"A bit." Zayn replied quietly.
Liam frowned, "Guys, maybe we should let Zayn shower first." He interrupted the argument, which Harry had joined by this point.
"Why?" They asked in unison.
"He's cold." Liam replied, "And he doesn't look too well."
"He's fine. Probably tired. But we all are." Louis snapped, "That doesn't give him priority Li."
"Lou!" Harry slapped his arm, "I think you're right Liam. He doesn't look well."
Niall nodded in agreement.
Louis rolled his eyes, "Let him have it then." He lazily waved his hand and settled into the couch.
Liam turned back towards Zayn, "Hear that? You're first." He scratched his neck when he received no answer, he bad fallen asleep. Liam didn't want to wake the poor lad, but at the same time he really needed a shower. He shook his shoulder gently, "Zayn... wake up please." He spoke quietly. Still no success.
Louis groaned from his seat on the couch, "You're never gonna wake him being so polite and quiet!" He jumped up and stomped over to the two boys.
He gripped Zayn's shoulder firmly and shook it, he was nowhere near as gentle as Liam had been. "ZAYN!" He shouted into the Bradford boy's ear.  "WAKE UP! GET YOUR LAZY BUTT OFF THAT BED AND INTO THE SHOWER! WE'RE ALL WAITING!"
The boys glared at Louis as Zayn's hands flew to his head, squeezing it tightly in pain. "Sorry, what was that?" He asked.
Liam was quick to answer before Louis had the chance to open his big mouth. "Zayn, we decided to let you shower first mate. You look pretty cold, and besides that, you need sleep."
"Oh... thanks." Zayn whispered, he didn't want to speak louder, as it'd cause more pain to his head.
He slowly stood, and made his way to the bathroom, feeling rather dizzy.
"Sorry." Zayn muttered, clenching his teeth. He wished Louis would be a bit quieter. He knew he wasn't trying to be mean, and that if he explained he wasn't feeling well that Louis would have more sympathy, but he didn't want to tell the lads. They had enough to worry about.
He shuffled his feet a bit faster, and clumsily got out of his clothes and into the shower.
He sighed in relief as the warm water drummed against his cold skin. About halfway through his shower however, his vision started to blur. He was seeing spots, and had to brace himself against the side of the shower to maintain his balance. He took several deep breaths, before easing himself away from the tile of the wall. As he did so, he saw bright flashing stars, and lost his balance.
Zayn fell to the shower floor with a thud, and couldn't find the strength to stand, so he just lay there under the cascading water.
"Ugh what's taking him so long?!" Louis whined, Zayn had been in the shower for over 20 minutes. Usually he only took about 7.
Liam furrowed his brow, "I don't know.... I'm going to check on him." He said worriedly. Just as he rose to his feet, he heard a thud. "Crap." He muttered under his breath.
Liam knocked softly on the bathroom door, "Zayn? You alright in there?! I'm coming in!" Luckily the door was unlocked.
"Li, please I just tripped on the bar of soap. I'm alright." Zayn choked out from behind the curtain.
"Are you up now? Can you stand up?" Liam asked concerned.
Zayn tried pathetically to stand, and failed miserably. The fall only made everything worse, he already had a killer headache, a bit of a queasy stomach, and now he had fallen, hurting his entire body. "I can stand. Just give me a second. I fell funny." He lied.
Liam didn't believe him for a second, but decided to allow the boy his privacy. He stood patiently waiting on the other side of the shower curtain.
Eventually, Zayn emerged from the shower, with a fluffy towel around his waist, surprised to find Liam was still there waiting for him.
"You okay?" Liam asked.
Zayn rolled his eyes, starting to get annoyed. "I told you I'm fine Li." He mumbled, squinting his eyes trying to see clearly. Liam shook his head, Zayn clearly wasn't okay, but it was late, maybe he'd feel better in the morning.
Zayn awoke around two in the morning, to a throbbing head and a queasy stomach. He groaned and rolled over, trying to fall asleep again. It was no use. He turned to his other side, and still couldn't find comfort. He kept tossing and turning in pain, the blankets slowly inching off of Liam who was surprisingly enough, still fast asleep beside him. Before he knew it, Zayn was wrapped up tightly in the sheets like a caterpillar in a cocoon. He didn't realize he was stuck until he tried to move his legs. Upon realizing he couldn't get out of the blankets, he starting squirming around furiously, somehow managing to get his head buried in the sheets as well. That's when he started panicking. "Liam!" He whispered frantically, "Liam!!" He whisper shouted, his voice muffled through the blankets. He was feeling very claustrophobic, and was struggling to breathe. He didn't even know how he managed to get so tangled in the blankets. He was unable to speak at this point, and was in a full on panic attack.
Liam awoke, feeling cold with no blankets covering him. Confused, he glanced over to Zayn's side of the bed. His eyes widened in surprise when he saw Zayn, looking like a worm wrapped up so tightly in the blankets and wriggling around frantically.
"Are okay? Zayn what happened?"
When the only answer he received was a wheezing sound, he got worried. He anxiously flipped Zayn's body over, trying to find an opening in the sheets. He could hear Zayn's breathing quickening. "Calm down Zayn." He coaxed, "Deep breaths. I'm gonna get you out of there. Don't worry."
Eventually Liam was able to untangle Zayn, and immediately the boy cuddled up to his chest sobbing.
Liam rubbed his back. "Shhhh shhh Zee. You're alright. Shhh."
Liam felt a wet spot forming on his chest. "Hey hey, don't cry. You're alright. You're just fine."
Zayn tried to calm down, the crying was only making his head hurt more, but his hurting head was making making him cry more. It was a vicious little cycle.
"My head hurts Li.... and m'stomach..." he mumbled, half asleep.
Liam sighed, and cradled him in his arms, "I'm sorry. Go to sleep. I've got you."
Zayn hummed in response, drifting into a restless sleep.
The next morning Zayn was feeling worse. He knew he'd be tasting the previous night's dinner a second time, and he was sure it'd taste a lot worse.
"Feeling better?" Liam asked, yawning and opening his eyes.
"Much." Zayn lied and forced a smile.
Liam shook his head, "You're obviously not." He said noticing Zayn's pale complexion and watery eyes. "But I'm not going to pester you about it, because I'm pretty sure management won't cut you slack anyway."
"Thanks." Zayn whispered, digging through his suitcase, looking for something decent, but comfy, to wear.
Once the boys were all ready, they ate a quick breakfast of eggs and sausage in the hotel dining room, before heading off for an interview.
Zayn spent the whole ride to the interview with his head buried in his arms, trying to avoid the light, and trying to keep his stomach's contents, in his stomach.
Liam sat beside him, rubbing his back. "I'm sorry you're not feeling well." He whispered.
Zayn merely nodded his head a slight bit in acknowledgement. Swallowing the bitter bile in his throat.
"Hi everyone!" The interviewer exclaimed smiling at the audience, "Today we have a 5 special guests.... please welcome the British/Irish boyband, One Direction!!" At her words the boys walked on stage, and the crowd went crazy.
Zayn squinted under the lights, and winced at the loud noise. If this was hurting his head as bad as it was now, he couldn't imagine how terrible the concert would be.
Zayn waved at the audience with a fake smile and sat down on the couch beside the boys.
Zayn zoned out for about half of the interview, unable to focus on anything besides the dancing fuzzy dots, slightly blocking his vision.
Suddenly he felt Louis' elbow jab into his side. He shot the boy a questioning look.
Louis raised his eyebrows in response, nodding toward the interviewer. Zayn knew what that meant. He'd been asked a question.
He shook his dizzy head and looked toward the interviewer. "Could you repeat the question?" He asked quietly.
She rolled her eyes, "Think you're above these 'petty' interviews do you? Can't even give me half of your attention."
The boys all sat there in shock, usually interviewers weren't this rude.
Zayn wasn't going to deal with that crap today. "No. I think you're one of those 'petty' people who are only famous because of people like us!" The usually soft spoken boy shouted. He was angry, very angry, and his illness was making it worse.
"Excuse me?" The interviewer spat back.
Zayn stood, swaying a bit, but managing to hold himself upright. "You heard me." He growled, stepping closer to the interviewer. Wincing at the volume of his own voice. His head was pulsating like a mother.
Liam placed a hand on his shoulder and gently pulled him back, just as a commercial break began.
"What was that all about mate?" He asked, sitting beside him on a small sofa.
"She was being a jerk." Zayn whispered, with a gulp. His stomach was bubbling and he knew what was coming.... he just didn't want it to happen.
"But Zayn, you never act like that." Liam sighed, "You're feeling worse aren't you?"
Zayn knew Liam wouldn't drop it until he answered truthfully, so he nodded a bit. "I have a killer migraine." He whimpered.
Liam hugged him, but as he did so, Zayn's stomach lurched. He jumped out of Liam's hold, and hovered over the nearest trash can.
Liam was quick to follow, and stood behind the lad, rubbing his sweaty back. "You gonna be sick Zee?"
Zayn burped nauseously, "I think so...." He replied, breathing heavily over the can.
Soon enough, everything he'd eaten in the last twenty four hours ended up in the garbage can.
Eventually he was just dry heaving, and sobbing.
"Zayn, you gotta stop crying. It'll make your head worse." Liam warned.
Zayn nodded, and unable to support his own weight any longer, slumped over the trash can.
Liam was quick to pull him up, and lead him back to the tour bus. There was no way they were finishing that interview. Not with how badly the interviewer had treated them, and how poorly Zayn was feeling.
"Sorry." The bradford boy croaked, his throat raw.
"It's alright Zayn." Liam rubbed his back and comforted the boy.
That night, Zayn still wasn't feeling any better, but management wasn't hearing it.
"You ready?" Liam asked as they atood backstage, preparing to perform. 
Zayn nodded slightly, and soon enough the boys found themselves onstage.
The lads had made it through about four and a half songs, when Zayn started feeling dizzy. He tried to grab any of the boys' attention, but failed. They were all so caught up in the show.
He nervously grabbed onto a stage prop, swaying back and forth as he tried to stay balanced. His vision and train of thought grew progressively worse, and the next thing he knew, he was lying on the floor.
Immediately upon hearing a thud, the boys noticed Zayn lying on the floor, slowly drifting into unconsciousness.
Liam scooped him up and ran him off stage, screaming for a medic.
"It appears to be exhaustion." The head of their medical crew announced, "I'm prescribing three days of rest. For all of you." He spoke sternly, as Zayn slowly came to.
"Hear that? You earned us three days off!" Liam cheered, patting Zayn's thigh.
Zayn, not fully with it yet, just smiled up at him.
"And we're going to get you better." Liam coninued, rubbing Zayn's gurgling stomach.
Zayn nodded, "Thanks Li." He whispered tiredly.

Sorry that sucked. It's 2:30 am and I keep falling asleep lol 😂 any who, hope you enjoyed! My next request will be Harry fic for TaylorSwift15 :)
Love you all! Thanks for reading!! Please vote, comment and request!!! Kisses to you all 😘

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