Hiding It Part 2 (Niall and Harry)

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Hello my beautiful readers! I'm back :) I think I finally figured out part of why I've been so ill lately... aside from a sinus infection. As far as my stomach goes I think I have an intolerance for simple carbohydrates. Hopefully cutting back on those will help.
Anyways, a part two of this story was requested by ilangel1 :) hope you like it!
Also ignore the weird circle thing on the picture. I messed it up haha
Anywho, please vote and comment!! It's much appreciated! Enjoy

Niall opened his eyes to find he was alone backstage. He groaned, rubbing his poorly tummy and sat up slowly. He could hear a thumping beat, and knew the lads were still performing. Being as sick as he was, he started crying quietly, missing his friends and wanting comfort.
Lou walked in and pouted her lip, "Niall? You alright?" She asked.
Niall sniffled and quickly wiped his eyes. " 'Course I'm alright." He muttered.
Lou sighed and sat down beside the sick boy, "Are you really okay?"
He shook his head slowly, giving up on hiding it. It was obvious that Lou, and everyone else for that matter, knew he was ill.
"Aw. What hurts?" Lou asked, rubbing Niall's back as he lay on the couch with his face buried in the throw pillows.
"Me stomach, me head, me body.... everything." Niall whispered, holding his stomach tightly.
Lou contained rubbing his back, "Want some medicine?" She asked sweetly.
Niall nodded, "Yes please." He moaned.
Lou stood and hurried to find some medicine, not wanting to leave Niall alone for too long. He was shivering and pale and she was worried.
Lou returned about five minutes later and her heart ached at what she saw. Niall was sitting up on the couch, staring ashamedly down at a pool of vomit on the floor, he looked up at her and hiccuped, quickly cupping a hand over his mouth and swallowing he didn't want to be sick again.
"Oh Ni." She cooed, rushing to his side as he forced the contents of his stomach to stay down. "You need to let it out. You'll feel better."
"N-no." He gulped, "No." He was so humiliated. Why he loved Lou, and he knew she cared about his well being, he didn't want her comfort. He felt weak and vulnerable. "C-can I be a-alone?" Niall whispered.
Lou smiled at him sadly, and rubbed his shoulder. "Sure Niall. Just holler if you need anything."
Niall nodded and Lou walked away.
He willed away his nausea, squeezing his eyes shut. He must've fallen asleep because the next thing he knows he's being lifted off the couch by a pair of strong arms.
"H-Harry?" Niall whispered, blinking his big blue eyes open.
Harry looked down at the blonde lad in his arms, "Yeah. It's me. Go back to sleep, I've got you."
Niall nodded and snuggled into Harry's chest.
Harry held Niall tightly and headed for the bus where the lads were waiting.
He carefully lay Niall on his bunk, and gently removed his shoes. The movement jostled Niall's stomach and he let out a sickly wet burp. Harry jumped startled at the noise. Niall had been asleep, but was awoken by his own burp. He groaned, feeling nauseous.
"Do you need a bucket?" Harry asked frantically.
Niall nodded, his complexion a pale green.
"Louis!!" Harry hollered, rubbing Niall's stomach and feeling guilty for faking sick, when Niall was clearly miserable. "Bucket!"
Louis ran for the bunks, a bucket in his hands, but he was a second too late. Just as he walked in, Niall spilled his stomach down his white shirt and into his lap.
Louis didn't hesitate to rush toward the lad, and hold the bucket beneath his chin as he finished heaving.
Realizing what he had done, Niall began to cry. He started wiping his shirt with his hands. "I-I'm so sorry." He whispered, humiliated. "I'll clean up."
Harry frowned. "Niall. It's alright. Let me help you okay? I'll get you all freshened up alright?"
Niall shook his head, "No. You're tired. You need rest. You tried to take the day off and I ruined it... just rest. I'm okay."
Niall's words broke Harry's heart. He felt so guilty, and couldn't help but feel worse as Louis shot him a disappointed look.
"Here, I can help you Ni." Louis cut in, and Niall seemed more open to accepting his help, which pained Harry even further.
"Louis..." Harry whispered, "Please let me take care of him."
"And why would I do that?" Louis hissed.
"Because..." Harry sighed, "I want to. He took such good care of me when I wasn't even ill... and I want to do the same for him. He deserves it." Harry replied, just loud enough for Louis to hear.
Louis saw the desperation in Harry's eyes and nodded understandingly. He knew Harry truly wanted to help his friend.
"Niall, I had my chance to rest and you took care of me... even though I was selfish and didn't deserve it," he paused briefly, "Now, it's your turn to rest and let me take care of you... and unlike me... you deserve help."
"Harry you don-" Niall began.
Harry placed a hand on my shoulder. "I know what you're going to say Niall. And yes, I do have to help you. And I don't mind.... I want to help. I want you to feel better. Now please, just let me help you."
Niall looked Harry in the eye, and softened. He could tell Harry was heartbroken and full of guilt. "Okay... thank you Haz." He accepted the curly haired lad's offer gratefully. He really had wanted help.
Harry helped Niall stand, wrapped an arm around his shoulder and helped the boy hobble to the small restroom.
The two lads walked into the bathroom. Harry flicked on the light, and shut the toilet seat. "Here sit down." He spoke quietly, guiding Niall to the toilet seat and slowly helping him sit down.
Niall sat, staring blankly at the wall feeling horribly sick. He was freezing, nauseated and tired. All the Irish lad wanted to do was curl up in bed and sleep.
Harry gently removed Niall's soiled clothes, leaving him sitting in his boxers, shivering.
"You cold Ni?" He asked.
Niall nodded, teeth chattering.
"I'm sorry buddy. I'll get you into bed real soon."
Niall nodded again, staring at the wall, dazed.
Harry got a washcloth and wet it in the sink with warm water and soap. He gently pressed it to Niall's bare chest, scrubbing lightly.
Niall immediately flinched, and drew in a sharp breath, looking to be in pain.
"Did I hurt you?" Harry asked worriedly.
Niall shook his head. "N-no. It's just c-c-cold-d..." he whimpered. 
"Aw Nialler. I'm almost finished okay? Then I'll help you put on some warm sweats."
"O-okay..." Niall replied quietly, mentally preparing himself for what Harry was about to do.
Harry smiled at his friend sadly, and pressed the washcloth to his chest again. He cleaned his stomach, chest, and shoulders.
"There. All done. You did great." Harry soothed.
Niall smiled weakly, "Thanks Haz."
"Of course." Harry replied, grabbing Niall's sweatshirt. "Can you lift your arms please?" Harry asked softly.
Niall said nothing, but lifted his arms into the air tiredly, yawning as he did so.
"Someone's tired." Harry chuckled and Niall nodded as his friend pulled the sweatshirt over his head and arms.
"Alright, I'm going to need you to stand now..." Harry instructed.
"Okay." Niall replied. He tried to stand but swayed a bit, nearly falling. Harry caught him quickly and held him steady. "Easy mate. You alright?"
Niall bit his lip, "Think so. Just dizzy."
Harry frowned and held Niall steady, while slowly helping him into his cozy sweatpants.
Eventually Niall was dressed in his sweats. Harry lifted him up gently, and held him close to his chest, keeping him warm. "Let's get you to bed Ni. How does that sound?"
Niall buried his head into the crook of Harry's neck, "Good." He mumbled.
Harry carried Niall to his bunk and laid him down, being extra careful not to upset his tummy this time. He tucked him into the blankets tight and cozy. He ruffled Niall's hair softly. "Goodnight Nialler. Feel better."
Niall merely hummed in response.
Harry started walking away when a voice stopped him.
"Thanks Harry." An Irish accent mumbled. Harry's heart was full of warmth and love for the boy.
"You're welcome. Sleep well."
Harry walked into the living space where the boys were waiting for him, frowns on their faces. They hadn't had the chance to address his behavior yet.
"Harry we are dissapointed in you." Liam stated.
Louis nodded on agreement. "I know you feel bad but that doesn't change the severity of your mistake. I can't believe you would do that to us.. to Niall. Poor, sick Niall."
Harry hung his head ashamed. "I know. I'm sorry. I was just so exhausted and wanted a break.... and I know that's no excuse-"
"You're right it's not." Liam snapped.
Harry sighed, "I'm a horrible friend."
"No you're not." A quiet voice said.
Harry flipped around, "Niall? I thought you were sleeping! You need rest."
Niall burped nauseously into his hand, trying to hide the fact he was obviously still very ill. "I couldn't let these two knuckle heads hound you out... after all you took care of me. I forgive you Harry... and these two should too." He narrowed his eyes at Liam and Louis.
The two boys smiled, seeing that Harry really had made it up to Niall. "We forgive you Haz."
"Just don't do that again!" Louis chirped.
Niall giggled, but his giggles soon turned to sickly hiccups.
Harry didn't hesitate to scoop the lad up and rush him to the bathroom.
He softly placed Niall in front of the toilet and rubbed his sweaty back as he heaved into the porcelain bowl.
Eventually the heaves subsided and Niall let out a shaky breath.
"Done?" Harry asked.
Niall nodded, "Think so." He leaned back into Harry's chest.
Harry held him close for a while, before carrying the now sleeping boy back to bed.
"Feel better bud." He whispered, before heading to his own bed. He was so glad Niall forgave him, and Harry could guarantee he'd never fake ill again.
The next morning Harry awoke with a churning stomach. Great. "Louissss!!" Harry called out.
Louis laughed upon seeing Harry with his hands wrapped protectively around his belly. "You feeling sick?"
Harry nodded, "and it's not funny!"
Louis chuckled, "Yeah... it kind of is!"
Liam walked past and saw Harry looking miserable, and smirked. "The lad finally got what he deserved aye?"
Louis cackled with laughter, "Indeed he did."
Harry sighed, this would be a long day.... but he knew that despite their teasing, the boys were concerned. He knew they'd take good care of him, and he was grateful.

There we go! Another one down! Several to go, but I'm getting there! Thanks for reading!! Please vote and comment!! It means the absolute world!!
Friendly reminder, requests are still closed. I'm hoping to open them soon again though. Xx
Love you all!!!! ❤❤❤❤❤

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