Sick on Set (Harry)

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This is a request for givememynamesrsly! Hope it's what you imagined! Haha I don't know much about filming a movie😂 anywho, enjoy!

I awoke to a dull pain in my stomach and groaned, hoping it didn't get worse. I had a long day of filming today, and the last thing I needed was a stomachache. I rolled over onto my side to inform y/n I was getting ready to head off to the set, only to realize her side of the bed was empty. Confused, I threw my legs over the edge of the bed, deciding I should probably go find her. My body however, had other plans. The moment my feet touched the ground, my stomach started turning somersaults inside of me. Sensing what was about to happen, I postponed my plan to find y/n, and made a beeline for the master bathroom. Gagging, I knelt in front of the toilet, bracing myself for what was about to happen. I burped sickeningly, and dry heaved a couple of times but nothing came up. After a good five minutes of hiccupping and dry heaving, I realized nothing was going to happen. Although, the nauseous feeling in my belly, was clearly here to stay. I sighed and gently rubbed my tummy, before forcing myself up and off the bathroom floor. I had to go see what y/n was up to.
Cautiously I made my way down the steps, I could've sworn my stomach was putting on an acrobatic show for the rest of my insides, it just wouldn't stop flipping. As I reached the bottom of the stairs, I was greeted with the overwhelming smell of pancakes, eggs, and sausage. I gulped, placing a hand over my churning belly, and walked into the kitchen to find a large spread of fruit, eggs, juice, sausages, and banana pancakes laid out across the countertop. Y/n was standing over the stove, cooking the last of the pancakes. She had to have been up for at least an hour to prepare all this, and seeing as it was currently six am, she must've gotten up at the crack of dawn. Trying my hardest to ignore the pain in my stomach, I made my way over to her. I wrapped my arms around her waist, and pressed a gentle kiss to the back of her neck. "What's all this sweetheart?" I asked, resting my chin on her shoulder.
She leaned her head on mine, "It's breakfast. I know you have a big day of filming today, and figured you could use the extra protein."
My stomach gurgled at the thought of eating anything, but y/n had woken up extra early to put all this together just for me. I plastered on a smile, "Oh you didn't have to do all this for me. It looks delicious. Thank you so much babe!"
"Well it was the least I could do. I know how stressed this movie has been making you, you've hardly had time to eat a proper meal. Now hurry and change, and I'll get a plate ready for you."
I swallowed. "Okay, I'll be right back. Thanks baby."
She kissed my cheek and I headed off to get ready.
I was ready pretty quick, seeing as how they took care of my hair, makeup, and wardrobe on the set. I simply slipped into some sweats and a beanie, before heading back downstairs, fearing what the day would bring.
I walked into the kitchen, breathing through my mouth, trying to avoid the nauseating smell. Y/n handed me a plate full of food, and grabbed another for herself before leading me to the table, where we sat down to eat.
"Looks great!" I exclaimed, with as much enthusiasm as I could muster. Discretely rubbing my stomach underneath the table.
She smiled, "Thanks!" She replied, taking a bite of her eggs.
I looked down at my plate hesitantly, mentally preparing my self to consume its contents.
"Something wrong?" She inquired.
I immediately shook my head, "Oh no! Of course not love. Just admiring this work of culinary art." I fibbed as I stifled a burp. Luckily, y/n didn't catch it.
"I wouldn't go as far as to call it a work of culinary art..." she giggled, "But it is pretty good if I do say so myself." She continued with a smirk.
I chuckled a bit, and took a small bite of my banana pancakes, my belly immediately gurgling in protest. How in the world was I going to finish two pancakes, five strawberries, a helping of scrambled eggs and two sausage links? I wanted so badly to just tell y/n how I was feeling, and spend the day in bed cuddling, but I knew I couldn't. We were shooting several scenes today, and it was absolutely mandatory that I be there, and on top of that, I didn't want all of y/n's work to go to waste. I could tell she had tried really hard to make this a special breakfast for me.
"Tastes amazing!" I said, forcing another bite of pancake into my mouth, my belly churning miserably.
Forkful after forkful I forced the food down my throat, silently praying that I'd somehow miracously manage to keep it down. By the time I had finished, I felt so full I could burst. I rubbed my bloated tummy and ever so slowly rose from my chair, so as not to jostle my whirling insides.
"You okay Haz?" Y/n shot me a look.
"Yeah, great. Just a bit full." I lied. I was more than a bit full, I was absolutely sick to my stomach. As if on cue, my belly gurgled audibly.
Y/n looked down at my stomach then met my eyes, "You can usually finish that much food easily. You feeling okay?"
I swallowed down a burp that was trying to make its way up my throat and frantically tried to come up with a good excuse. "I just haven't had a real breakfast in a while," I laughed a bit, "I guess I'm not used to this much food so early in the morning."
She nodded, seeming to accept my answer, and took the plate from my hands, I shook my head and took it back. "Hey, I have about twenty minutes until my driver gets here, let me do the dishes. You go back to bed."
"No no, I can help, I-"
I cut her off with a peck on the lips, "You will do no such thing. Get some more sleep babe."
"Okay thanks Harry," she complied, knowing I was not going to take no for an answer. "Have a good day!"
"You too sweetheart. Love you."
She gave me a quick hug, "You too." She replied before heading back up to bed.
Once she was gone I let out the burp I had been holding back, in hopes it would make my sore tummy feel a bit better. Instead, it left me feeling more nauseated. I groaned and grabbed myself a couple of stomach relaxers. I gulped them down dry, knowing water would just upset my belly more.
As I cleared the table, I could feel -and hear- my breakfast sloshing around inside of me. I knew this was going to be one rollercoaster of a day...
The drive to the set was absolutely dreadful. I rested my head against the window, trying to catch a few z's, hoping some sleep would soothe my tummy a bit, but my slumber was rudely interrupted by a loud hiccup. I groaned praying it was a one time thing, and that I didn't have the hiccups. I of course had no such luck, as my whole body jerked when I let out another painful hiccup. I glared down at my stomach, all I had wanted was a bit of sleep, but it couldn't even grant me that. I hiccuped again and sighed. Hopefully these darn hiccups would go away before filming, or I'd be dealing with a pretty angry crew.
We were about a block away from the set, when I realized I was no longer hiccuping. I silently thanked the heavens above and hopped out of the car.
Immediately upon arriving, I was whisked away by impatient crew members. I tried to keep my balance as they shoved me down the hall to hair and makup, I was feeling a bit dizzy, and it took all I had to not fall over. We entered the dressing room, and I was pushed onto a hard chair, facing large mirror.
"Okay Mr. Styles, you know the drill. I need you to sit perfectly still, no moving." The stylist instructed.
I weakly nodded, the pain in my stomach worsening. I inwardly groaned, the stomach relaxers had clearly done nothing to relax my stomach. I sat as still as possible trying to ignore the swirling of my tummy.
I managed to sit mostly still for a good fifteen minutes before I felt my stomach lurch. I felt my breakfast rising in my throat, and knew I couldn't keep it down much longer.
I quickly stood from the chair. "And just what do you think you're doing?" The stylist asked angrily.
I took a shaky breath, "Just need the toilet. Be back in a jif!" I replied trying to sound casual.
She huffed, "Hurry back." She replied annoyed.
I nodded and rushed to the bathroom.
"Celebrities." I heard her mumble under her breath.
I rolled my eyes, as I burst through the bathroom door, and practically threw myself at the toilet.
I gagged and shook, trying not to be sick. I don't know why I even tried not to, I knew my breakfast would be making a reappearance whether I liked it or not. I retched, and vomit projectiled from my lips and into the toilet. A couple of stray tears fell from my eyes landing in the toilet along with my puke. I wished y/n was here, I hated getting sick alone. It was scary, lonely, and painful.
When I finally finished, I wiped my mouth with the rough toilet paper, and shakily stood, bracing myself against the wall. I noticed I was swaying a bit as I made my way toward the sink, and I shook my head, trying to clear my vision. It surprisingly seemed to work, as I was able to steady my footing. I quickly rinsed my mouth at the sink, and noticed a bowl of complementary mints sitting beside the faucet. I gratefully popped one in my mouth and headed back out to get my hair and make up finished.
"Took you long enough." The stylist grumbled, impatiently picking at her manicured nails.
"Sorry." I murmured quietly, seating myself back on the hard chair once again.
I sat there for a few more minutes with my eyes squeezed shut, desperately willing away the nausea.
"There we go, all finished!" The stylist chirped, obviously happy to be finished with me.
"Thank you." I whispered, slowly rising from my chair, feeling dizzy yet again.
"Now Mr. Styles, you know there is a tight schedule to follow, and you've already put us five minutes behind. Please hurry it along." The stylist scolded, ushering me to wardrobe.
The rest of the morning went by in a dizzy blur. Before I knew it I was on set, working on the second scene of the day. The first scene had gone well, without any incidents, and I was extremely grateful. However, I wasn't sure this scene would go quite as well as the first. My stomach's contents were churning inside me, and I didn't know how much longer I'd be able to keep them down. I placed a hand on my middle, trying to soothe it.
"And action!" The director, Mr. Nolan called.
I groaned, and listened to my costars speak, preparing to say my lines. Soon enough it was my cue.
I opened my mouth to speak, but felt a bubbling sensation in my tummy. I instinctively brought a fist to my mouth, and burped into it.
"CUT! CUT! CUT!!!" Mr. Nolan shouted. I grimaced at the noise. "What was that?!"
"Sorry." I whispered, cheeks flushed with embarrassment.
"You should be! That was absolutely disgusting and very unprofessional Mr. Styles!" He scolded.
I nodded, not knowing what else to say.
He pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration, "Again. From the beginning!"
My costars all shot me nasty looks as we took our places ready for take two, but before they could even start the camera, I felt bile rising in my throat. Without thinking, I bolted off the set and toward the bathroom.
I knelt in front of the toilet yet again and cried as I heaved up whatever else was left in my stomach. When I finally finished getting sick, I reached forward and flushed the toilet before leaning back against the wall.
I was sobbing and hiccuping hysterically, sick and embarrassed. How was I going to continue filming?
I was finally able to compose myself and headed to the sink to rinse my mouth. When I turned on the tap I glanced around to look for some mints, but sighed in defeat as I realized this particular bathroom had none. I smacked my lips, trying to rid my mouth of the bitter, yet also sour, taste. I just wished y/n was here.

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