Too Much Popcorn (Harry)

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This is a special request for TaylorSwift15 you're absolutely beautiful love and a very talented writer!! Anyone who hasn't followed her yet..  do so. Right now.
Anywho, please remember to vote, comment and request!! I love you all!!!

The lads were so excited. They'd had a very long couple of weeks, and tonight they finally had a bit of free time.  They decided to have a night in at the hotel, just chilling in one of the two hotel rooms, and watching a movie.
On their way to the hotel, the boys stopped at the grocery and loaded up on junk food, after all, they had to have a decent stash!

The boys arrived at the hotel, and headed to Liam and Niall's shared room. They laid out all the snacks on the coffee table. There were several large bowls of popcorn, licorice, pepsi, chips, candy bars, and jelly beans.
The boys popped a movie in the DVD player, and got comfortable on the couch.
Harry eagerly grabbed a bowl of popcorn, eating it quickly by the handful. Popcorn was one of his favorite snacks.
"Whoa Haz, slow down." Louis warned, chuckling as Harry stuffed his face full of popcorn, intently watching the television screen, completely engrossed with the movie. "Save some popcorn for the rest of us yeah?" He joked, patting Harry's back.
Harry laughed, shoving another handful of popcorn in his mouth. "There will be plenty for you lot! Besides, I can't eat all that popcorn by myself!! And even if I could... you guys don't like popcorn much anyway! I'm always the only one eating it." He took another heaping handful of popcorn and tossed it in his mouth. "Now shh! Let's watch the movie." He instructed, his mouth full of the salty snack.
Louis rolled his eyes and snacked on some chips.
Harry shoved handful after handful of popcorn down his throat. Halfway through the movie, he had finished two large bowlfuls, and body was punishing him for it.
He felt a rumbling deep in his lower belly, and rubbed his stomach, which was feeling very tight against his jeans.
He groaned, feeling gas pass through his insides. He knew it'd be finding it's way out of his body. As if on cue, he let one rip, while clutching his achingly full tummy.
The boys all turned to face him, "Ugh Harry that reeks!" Niall held his nose.
Harry quietly shrugged his shoulders, embarrassed. "Uh.. sorry." He mumbled, nursing his bloated belly with his hands. He could feel more rumbling inside of him, and he knew he'd be passing gas again soon. Hopefully the lads wouldn't be angry...
Louis noticed Harry's face was a bit pale... and was that sweat on his forehead? "Harry?" He rubbed his back gently, "You alright?"
Harry groaned, awkwardly farting again. "Got a bit of an upset stomach." He whispered.
"Harry stop that! It's disgusting!" Liam shouted from the other couch where he sat with Niall.
Harry whimpered, holding his slightly rounded belly. "Can't help it!" He snapped back.
"Whatever!" Was Liam's careless reply.
Harry's stomach rumbled loudly and Louis pouted his lip. "You shouldn't have eaten so much popcorn Hazza." He whispered, placing a hand on Harry's tummy. He could feel it rumbling beneath his hand. "Your poor belly is so upset."
"M'fine." Harry grumbled, he was embarrassed having Louis fuss over him like he was a child.
He let more air go, his cheeks red.
"HARRY! STOP. THAT." Niall shouted, "We're trying to watch a movie here!"
Harry gulped, "S-sorry..." He really couldn't help it. He felt so bloated, tight, and gassy. Why did he eat so much popcorn?
Louis wrapped his arms around the boy, "I'm sorry you're not feeling good." He cooed, stroking Harry's curls, and shooting Niall and Liam a disappointed stare.
Harry passed more gas, and immediately broke himself away from Louis' hold.
"Gosh Haz. That stinks!" Liam groaned.
Harry sighed, tenderly rubbing his swollen gut. He stood up and turned to walk away.
Louis grabbed his wrist, "Where are you going?" He asked, "You love this movie!"
"I'm going back to our room. I'm tired." Harry knew he wasn't wanted in Liam and Niall's room at the moment. They'd made that clear.
Louis realized what Harry was doing, "I'll come with you." He offered, standing as well.
Harry huffed, "I'm not a baby. I can go by myself."
Louis sighed, he knew Harry really wasn't feeling well. "I know that Haz. But I'm tired, so I want to go to bed too." He lied. He in truth, was actually really worried about his younger friend.
Harry crossed his arms over his chest, he couldn't really do much to stop Louis. After all, the room was just as much Lou's as it was his own. "Alright then."
The two bid Niall and Liam goodnight, and headed to their own room just down the hall.
As soon as they were alone in the hall Louis wrapped an arm around Harry's shoulders. "I know you're feeling pretty icky mate." He could smell the silent gas his friend had let go.
Harry sighed, "I'm fine Lou. Stop worrying." He shoved Louis' arm off of his shoulders.
Louis smiled at him sadly, wishing Harry would accept his help.
They entered the room, and Harry was quick to strip down to his boxers, despite the cold air. It was winter, and even though thy were inside, this hotel room wasn't exactly the epitome of warm. He didn't want to put any pj's on. He was feeling so bloated.
Louis on the other hand slipped into some warm sweats and even a beanie. Yes, it was that cold.
Louis frowned, seeing Haz climb into his bed in only his briefs.
"H? It's freezing in here! Why don't you put on some pajamas?"
Harry shook his head, he didn't like the feeling of having his clothes press tightly against his skin.
"Well aren't ya cold?" Louis inquired.
Harry shook his head, "I'm quite hot actually." That wasn't a complete lie, his stomach was feeling hot. It was burning inside of him. The rest of his body though... was freezing.
Louis noticed he was shivering and sighed, flicking off the lights, and crawling into Harry's bed beside him.
Harry furrowed his eye brows, and embarrassingly enough right at that moment, his stomach decided it'd be a good idea to let more air go. Ignoring what he had just done, he questioned Louis. "What are you doing in my bed?"
He wrapped his arms around Harry's shivering body, trying to keep the younger boy warm. "I'm cold." He fibbed, "So I wanted to lay with you so you can keep me warm." In truth, it was the other way around, he was hoping to keep Harry warm.
Harry rolled his eyes, "Um. I'm not sure you want to be in here with me...I'm feeling a bit... gassy." He spoken quietly.
"I already knew that Hazza." Louis giggled.
"What's so funny?" Harry moaned, his stomach desperately trying to relate more air. It was extremely painful, and his stomach let out a high pitched whine.
"Nothing." Louis replied, massaging Harry's bare stomach. He could feel how tight it was, and he noticed it was a tad bit rounder than usual. "Harry. I'm not that cold." He admitted.
"I'm not that cold." He repeated, as Harry's stomach finally released the air bubble that had been bubbling inside him for a while. "I have my sweats on."
Harry sighed, "Your point is?" He pushed Louis' small hands off his stomach.
"You're not feeling well. It's obvious."
Harry merely grunted in response.
"It hurts me to see you in so much pain." He whispered, putting his hands on Harry's belly again, and rubbing it softly. "Please let me help you."
Harry's stomach let out a loud rumble, and he finally broke down.
"It hurts so much Lou...." he sobbed, turning so he was facing Louis.
Louis pulled him into his chest, Harry was the younger brother he'd never had. (A/N Ernie doesn't count here seeing as there's a huge age gap).
Before he knew it, his chest was soaked with tears. He rubbed Harry's back for a good hour or so, comforting him when his stomach rumbled or as he passed gas. The poor boy's tummy just would not give him a break. Eventually, Harry managed to fall asleep, the young boy's sweaty head nestled tightly in the crook of Louis' neck.
Louis smiled fondly at his friend, happy he was experiencing some relief finally.

Suddenly the door swung open, "Lou! I-"
Louis brought a finger to his lips, "Shhhh Ni." He whispered, to the blond who had managed to somehow get himself a room key. "He's asleep." Louis whispered, nodding toward the sleeping boy cuddled in his arms.
Niall nodded, and scrunched up his nose. "He still gassy? Ugh it reeks. Sucks to be you mate!" He chuckled quietly.
Louis shook his head, "The poor guy is sick Nialler. He can't help it."
Harry squirmed uncomfortably in Louis' arms, and his stomach gurgle audibly.
Realization hit Niall like a ton of bricks. "Aww poor Haz." He cooed, noticing Harry cuddling up closer to Louis, clutching the older boy's sweatshirt tightly in his fists.
Louis nodded.
"Well, you left your phone in our room." Niall explained, placing Louis' phone on the end table next to the bed.
"Thanks Ni. Sleep well."
Niall nodded, "You too. Take good care of our Harry."
Louis smiled softly, "I will."
He held Harry close rubbing his back, and keeping him warm. "Goodnight Haz. I hope you feel better in the morning." Louis whispered, drifting off to sleep. Harry curled up in his protective arms.

There we go! Hope you enjoyed xxx
Please comment, vote and request! My next story will be a Niall/Harry story for DHMORREGO :)
Love you all! Thanks for reading xxx ❤❤❤

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