Leukemia Part 2 (Harry)

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Hello everyone! Couple of brief things before I start. This part was requested, and I don't want to spoil it, but I must for the sake of sensitive readers. This story contains fatality. If your not comfortable please don't read it xxxx
Also, I'm sorry it wasn't up sooner. I fell asleep in the middle of writing it at 3 am last night :/ but I finished it first thing when I woke up! Anywho, love you all! Enjoy
Ps. Don't watch the video, just listen to it as you read.

It had been two months since Harry began his treatments, and so far his body had been taking it pretty harshly. He couldn't walk anymore, he had lost control of his bowels as he was too weak to keep anything in, he had lost a lot of weight but was upset due to the fact that despite having lost weight, the high dosage of chemo had caused him to puff up like a balloon, his features rounded. Overall, he was miserable.

Anne, Robin and Gemma had moved in with him, to help care for him. They didn't want the boys to have to do it -though they knew that they'd be more than willing to take care of him. The boys visited daily. They were very helpful, they cooked, cleaned, and spent time with Harry when they could.

It was three o'clock in the afternoon and Harry lay on the couch, crying, and fiddling with his blankets, he had just woken up, and was feeling terribly sick as well self conscious. "M-mum!" He called out weakly, forgetting that she had gone out for a bit, Gemma had insisted that she and Robin have some alone time. Gemma was sitting in the chair beside him.
"Harry... shh shh. I'm right here. What's wrong?" She cooed, stoking Harry's sweaty hair. He hadn't lost it yet, and they were hopeful he wouldn't. Some chemo patients were lucky enough to keep their hair.
In response, Harry gagged. Gemma immediately reached for the bucket that had a permanent resting place at Harry's side, and brought it to his chin, helping him sit up. "Let it out Haz... it's okay."
Harry belched sickly, "I don't wanna throwup." He slurred, swaying a bit.
Gemma helped him stay steady, "Easy there H. Easy." She held Harry upright, the poor boy too weak to do so himself.
"Gem-" he burped again, feeling acid rising up his throat.
Gemma knew Harry would fight it. He hated being sick and avoided it desperately. "Harry. You know you can't hold it back. That'll make you sicker." She scolded as Harry gulped down the bile.
Harry sighed, he knew his sister was right.
Gemma gently hit Harry's lower back, to make it easier for him to vomit, and as expected the soft hit was enough to get Harry to spew.
Harry was shaking and crying when he finished, hardly able to keep his eyes open. Gemma helped him to lay back down, but smelt something foul, and it wasn't vomit. Harry had passed a bit of gas. Knowing that Harry needed his rectal catheter, and soon, Gemma smiled softly at him. "I think it's time to cath you buddy." She spoke gently.
"Yeah... Thanks." Harry mumbled, embarrassed beyond belief. He felt so stupid and weak. He couldn't do practically anything for himself anymore. "I'm sorry. You're my sister.  Not my caretaker... you shouldn't have to do this."
Gemma scooped him up, surprisingly easily. "Oh hush. That's what brothers and sisters do. Take care of eachother." She said.
"Gem... please put me in my wheelchair." Harry whispered.
"I don't mind carrying you." Gemma insisted.
"B-but I must weigh a ton! I'm sure I've put on weight!" Harry cried out in embarrassment and frustration.
She shook her head, "You're light as a feather. Remember what the doctor said about bloating?"
Harry groaned, "I don't care what the doctor said... I've gained weight! I know it! I'm a sick fatty, who lays around all day!" He rolled his eyes, wishing he could walk away, but being so weak he had to settle for just turning his head.
Gemma sighed, "You need an attitude adjustment." She stated firmly. She'd had enough of Harry's self pity. Yes, the boy was suffering, but he'd been feeling so sorry for himself it was becoming over bearing.
Harry sighed, "If you were DYING from cancer... don't you think you'd be grumpy too? I'd say I'm pretty justified in my  behavior."
"No one is 'justified' in having self pity. It's ridiculous. Besides your not dying. You're going to make it." Gemma said, although she wasn't sure if Harry really would survive, and the thought was rather terrifying.
Harry sighed, feeling emotional suddenly. "I'm sorry sis. I didn't mean to lash out like that..." He said softly.
She smiled softly, how could he stay mad at her sweet little brother? "It's alright haz. It's hard I know." She ruffled Harry's hair, and choked back a silent sob when she finds a large chunk in her hand. She tossed it in the trash discretely as she carried Harry to his bedroom. She'd tell him soon, but not until after catheters had been used. The poor boy had to use two. One was rectal and the other a normal catheter. She knew it'd make the cathing process worse if he showed him the hair before hand.
Gemma carefully lay Harry on the bed, and grabbed the catheters. She gently removed his cozy sweatpants, revealing his swollen legs.
Harry was feeling extra self conscious about his swelling body as of late, and he whimpered. "I'm so fat." He cried.
Gemma shook her head, "No. No. Haz you're just swollen. That is a common side effect of leukemia. Okay? Just swollen. You're not fat. You've lost a lot of weight actually." She said sadly.
Harry just turned his head, looking away as his older sister inserted his first catheter. He cried out in pain. He still hadn't gotten used to the fact that he had no control over his bowels. Gemma helped ease his pain by singing to him. It took a good forty five minutes to finish both the catheter and rectal catheter. Harry sometimes had a hard time easing up his body enough to let the catheters do their job.
"Good job Harry." She smiled as she gently pulled the catheter out. "I'm so proud of you."
He rolled his eyes, "Proud? For what? Allowing you to stick some tube up me because I can't use the bathroom? Yeah that's quite the accomplishment." He scoffed bitterly. 
"Harry that's not-" Gemma began, but Harry stopped her.
"Just shut up okay? I don't want to hear it." He groaned, leaning back into his pillows.
Gemma sighed, and left the sick bowl at her grumpy brother's side before leaving the room.
Gemma walked into the living space, and cried. She hated that her brother was so miserable and she couldn't cheer him up.
She pulled out her phone and dialed Louis. "Lou...." she cried.
"Gemma? What is it? What's wrong?" He asked frantically. "Is he okay?" He asked, referring to Harry.
She sighed, "His mood swings are getting worse and I don't know what to do."
Louis sighed, "He's a stubborn one isn't he?"
"He always has been." Gemma said, cracking a small smile thinking of all his stubborn childhood moments... but snapping back to the harsh reality. "Can you come over?" She whispered through the phone line.
Louis frowned, immediately knowing something wasn't right. Gemma was typically pretty strong on her own. Before Louis can answer, Gemma heard a loud retch coming from Harry's bedroom. "Look Lou. I gotta go. But please come and bring the boys."
"We will be there soon." Louis replied quickly, hanging up the phone and calling the other lads.

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